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Famous Quotations

By Mckay, Dave

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Book Id: WPLBN0004102371
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 2.70 MB
Reproduction Date: 2014/05/10

Title: Famous Quotations  
Author: Mckay, Dave
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Fine Arts, Inspirational
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Print Shop
Member Page: Leo Browne


APA MLA Chicago

Mckay, B. D. (n.d.). Famous Quotations. Retrieved from

This book has been written in Easy English, which is a program designed by author Dave Mckay to help teach English as a second language.

Over the years many people have said many wonderful things... some of them funny, some very wise, and some just aimed at making us think. But there are not enough books to hold all that has been said. So when a person is able to say a great truth in just a few words, others have often remembered it and saved it for people to read or hear over and over. They have become famous quotations. In this book are hundreds of famous quotations. It is a book that you must read slowly, and it is worth reading it many times, until you yourself are able to remember some of the sayings word for word, to be used later in your life. You may want to share some of the most interesting truths with other people. You may also find some that will change your life, becoming important patterns for how you choose to live and how you choose to look at the world around you.

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotes. - Winston Churchill (1874-1965), former British Prime Minister

Table of Contents
1. Quotes About Quotes 2. Some of the Best 3. Care for the Earth 4. Truth 5. Sincerity 6. Integrity 7. Good vs Evil 8. Fear 9. Courage 10. Don’t Give Up! 11. Helping Others 12. Kindness 13. Love 14. To Make You Laugh 15. Bad Habits 16. Actions 17. Hard Work 18. Business 19. Money 20. Jesus Christ 21. Nature and God 22. Religion 23. Dreams and Hopes 24. How to be Successful 25. Planning Ahead 26. Time 27. The Young and the Old 28. Family Life 29. Friends 30. Working Together 31. Politics 32. War and Peace 33. Happiness 34. Being Bitter or Forgiving? 35. Arguments 36. Patience 37. Teaching and Learning 38. Reading and Writing 39. Talking 40. Who to Believe 41. Confidence 42. Positive Thinking 43. A Reason to Live 44. Life and Death 45. Health 46. Discipline 47. Worry 48. Leaders and Followers 49. Wise Choices 50. Little Things 51. Being Different 52. Beauty 53. Entertainment and Sports 54. The Law and Lawyers 55. Freedom 56. Animals 57. Music and Art 58. Travel 59. Change 60. Computers and Other Inventions 61. Humility 62. Leftovers Dictionary


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