Authors Community

Authors Community Self Publishing Collection (Grouped by subject)

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  • The realities of life : Live each day wi... Volume 1 (by )
  • Sunne's Gift : How Sunne Overcame Bullyi... Volume 1 (by )
  • سبحات من عوالم كوفيد 19 الخفية : سبحات م... (by )
  • Basic Home Security (by )
  • حوارات مع د.محمد فتحي عبد العال الجزء ال... (by )
  • Tatsie, : The Thick-skinned Bushman (by )
  • حوارات الدكتور محمد فتحي عبد العال عبر ا... (by )
  • The African Child's Dream : There's a st... (by )
  • حكايات من بحار المعرفة لزينب عبد الباقي ... (by )
  • الكتابات المشتركة للدكتور محمد فتحي عبد ... (by )
  • Tornado Safety : South Africa (by )
  • Ban ve Ann arasında karışık tarih Türkçe... (by )
  • كتاب من أعلام الأزهر الشريف للأستاذة تغر... (by )
  • Diksonyer Kreol Morisyen (Mobile) Volume 1 (2012) (by )
  • The Egg Breakers : Counter-Terrorism in ... (by )
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  • Creative Power of the Flower of Life (by )
  • رمضانيات 2024الجزء الثاني لمحمد فتحي عبد... (by )
  • Ten Thousand Year Old Boats Found on Bri... (by )
  • Whispers from the Sands : Excavations an... (by )
  • 中國小說《安達盧西亞的秋天》 : 中國小說《安達盧西亞的秋天》 (by )
  • تانزاكو السعادة في عيون الصحافة والاعلام... (by )
  • D Ziel erreechen an den Eventer an Event... (by )
  • Pages d'histoire morale en Egypte, un li... (by )
  • The Soul Bearer (by )
  • Ramadanin tarinagalleria suomalainen kir... (by )
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  • An Alternate History of Social Housing (by )
  • اقتباسات من مؤلفات الدكتور محمد فتحي عبد... (by )
  • Rapid Prototyping Technology Application... (by )
  • Ades Web Magazine: Thailand Volume 4 (by )
  • Ades Web Magazine: Hong Kong Volume 3 (by )
  • Theory and Practice in Construction Proj... (by )
  • Tiny House from Bamboo-Ricehusk-Mud : A ... (by )
  • Towards an Old Architecture (by )
  • El Carmen, Espacio, Tiempo y Memoria : H... (by )
  • Ades Web Magazine: New York City Volume 1 (by )
  • Ades Web Magazine: Guangzhou Volume 18 (by )
  • Australia : Cultural Reflections (by )
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  • El Periodismo Idea Volume 1 (by )
  • La Transformación (by )
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  • Babylon’s Destruction (by )
  • Catalogue of the Library of Robert Hoe o... Volume Part 1, A to K (by )
  • The True Meaning of Yoga (by )
  • The New Video Game Idea Book (by )
  • Tartuffe (by )
  • Animal Coloring Pages : Coloring Book fo... (by )
  • Coptic Manuscripts Brought from the Fayy... (by )
  • Royal English Book Bindings (by )
  • Мои сны : Рассказы (by )
  • Mandala Coloring Pages : Coloring Book f... Volume 1 (by )
  • Hayalet Evler: Turk-Yahudi Mimarisinden ... Volume 1 (by )
  • World’s Largest Tattoo Collection (by )
  • نساء القصور على مر العصور للدكتور محمد ف... (by )
  • نساء من التاريخ كتاب مشترك للدكتور محمد... (by )
  • Outer-Art (by )
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  • Explosive Blasts from the Past (by )
  • Moving Cluster Parallax : Astrometry Bo... Volume 001 (by )
  • Солнечная система (by )
  • Einstein, Arthur Eddington dan Astronomy (by )
  • Supermassive Blackholes Volume Sample (by )
  • 162173 Ryugu : An Apollo Asteroid (by )
  • Science History of the Universe (by )
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  • Satya ke Prayog athava Atamkatha (by )
  • هذه فاطمة صلوات الله وسلامه عليها : وهي ... (by )
  • سعيد بن جبير : شيخ التابعين وإمام القر... (by )
  • Short Biography Ofkrantiguru Pandit Shya... (by )
  • Journey to America : For Love. For Succe... (by )
  • Autobiography of an Indian Software Tech... (by )
  • Mharashtratil Patramaharshi : Charitra a... (by )
  • Gnani Purush - Part 4 (In Gujarati) (by )
  • Новое под солнцем (by )
  • كتاب سجل انشطة الدكتور محمد فتحي عبد الع... (by )
  • قبس من نور الامام الحسين عليه السلام (by )
  • Man with No Name (by )
  • Kamehameha III : Kauikeaouli (by )
  • Beginning, Middle & Zen : Tales from Can... (by )
  • Curly Line with Flowers (by )
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  • 大佛頂首楞嚴神咒 (by )
  • 兒童繪本—治不好的青春痘 (by )
  • 兒童繪本—失戀了怎麼辦? (by )
  • 淨空法師說法集 (by )
  • 《六祖大師法寶壇經宗寶本》精華短句 (by )
  • 妙法蓮華經—觀世音菩薩普門品 (by )
  • 憨山大師的一生 (by )
  • 因果實例—外遇、出軌、當第三者的因果報應 (by )
  • 因果濟世集第二集 (by )
  • 因果濟世集(精神疾病篇) (by )
  • 兒童繪本—都是放屁打嗝惹的禍 (by )
  • 因果濟世集第五集 (by )
  • 阿伯的話—修行二、三事 (by )
  • Dorje Shugden: The Protector Of Our Time Volume 1 (by )
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  • Survival Scenarios and Suggestions Volume 1 (by )
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Children's Literature

  • The Stone Box : An Introduction to Open ... (by )
  • Little Yellow Duck and the Crocodile (by )
  • Tony on the Moon's Short Story's - A Day... Volume Level 5 Book 2 (by )
  • Eight Elephants & A Dreaming Dragon (by )
  • E Hele Kaua I Kahakai (by )
  • Steeling is the Challenge (by )
  • The Open Source Count to 20 Book : For C... (by )
  • How to Raise Children in Islam? (by )
  • The Adventures of Octonana and Sir Henry... (by )
  • Tony on the Moon's Children’s Picture Bo... Volume Level 1 Book 2 (by )
  • He Palapala Mua Na Na Kamalii (A First B... (by )
  • Bobo The Robo : The Blue Flying Saucer (by )
  • Guy Birthday's Gift (by )
  • La Magio de Oz (by )
  • Fabula de Thoma Feliculo (by )
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  • The Born-Again Phenomenon : A Cover-Up f... (by )
  • 5000 Praises to our God : I Will Praise ... (by )
  • Romans : Malayalam Volume 1 (by )
  • Holy Bible: Young's Literal Translation ... (by )
  • Spiritual Common Sense : Volume First Ed... (by )
  • The Interlocking System of Arrogance (by )
  • Progressions in the Spiritual Life of th... (by )
  • King James Bible, Pure Cambridge Edition (by )
  • Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ,... (by )
  • First Semester of Biblical Studies : Dis... (by )
  • A Method for Prayer-1710 edition : Book Volume Introduction (by )
  • Shining The Light : The Life and Ministr... (by )
  • Meditations on the Parables and Miracles... (by )
  • The Acts of the Apostles : Malayalam Volume 1 (by )
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Classical Antiquity

  • الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون ... (by )
  • The Rosetta Stone, In Hieroglyphics and ... (by )
  • The Iliad (by )
  • The Ulysseans (by )
  • الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون ... (by )
  • Addendum to Evolution (by )
  • The Myth of Ulysses and Secondary Beauty (by )
  • Le Antiche Lapidi Romane Della Provincia... (by )
  • الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون ... (by )
  • الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون ... (by )
  • Hypotheses on Ulysses (by )
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Contemporary Reviews

  • PositiveSolutions.TV - communication for... Volume SPECIAL PREVIEW EDITION (by )
  • En la Ciudad del Positivismo Perdido : L... (by )
  • Cuando en Orihuela hablaban Valenciano (by )
  • 時評警示錄 : 時評警示錄 (by )
  • 2014中国网络金融改革风云录 -夜伤鹰 (by )
  • Lucha Contra la Violencia en Mexico : Al... (by )
  • Decadence (English Version) (by )
  • 'Regles d´Esquivar Vocables' Nacionalism... (by )
  • El Escuadrón Suicida de la Criminología ... (by )
  • PositiveSolutions.TV - communication for... Volume SPEZIELLE VORSCHAU AUSGABE (by )
  • Análisis e Implicancias del Diseño Const... (by )
  • Elements for a Better Life : Because Lif... Volume 1 (by )
  • 時評警示錄 : 時評警示錄 (by )
  • Rasgo antisocial y afecto positivo y neg... (by )
  • Iran For Dummies : Iran, Before The Bull... (by )
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  • Affiliate Marketing- : Build your own bu... (by )
  • Un toque de Laurel : Las ceremonias alre... (by )
  • Cinayət-prosessual qanunvericiliyin mənb... (by )
  • Ka Mo'Olelo O Keahiakahoe (by )
  • Free Economics Notes (by )
  • The Circle of Life (by )
  • Kabbalah for the Student (by )
  • The Kumulipo (by )
  • No Ke Anila (by )
  • Feather Work (by )
  • Interest Payable : Under Income Tax Act,... (by )
  • EU Translation Guide (by )
  • Check out the 2012 Happiest Recipes (by )
  • Aloha Counts : Census 2000 Special Tabul... 
  • He Kuhikuhi O Ke Kanaka Hawaii (A Guide ... (by )
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  • Calle Subterránea Miguel Hidalgo : Cróni... (by )
  • Drifting Instability in Two Phase Heat T... (by )
  • La Ciencia Dura (by )
  • Fourier, Mechanical Engineering, August,... (by )
  • Extending the Range of Electric Vehicles... (by )
  • Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Mobili... (by )
  • Space Technology & Space Exploration Tec... (by )
  • Introduction to SolidWorks (by )
  • Use of vectors in financial graphs : By ... (by )
  • Handbook pf Hydraulic Engineering Proble... (by )
  • Environmental Scenario in Indian Mining ... (by )
  • Trumpism and Digital HR (by )
  • Protection Engineering Basics and Schmes... Volume 1 (by )
  • Αντιστηρίξεις-Υποστυλώσεις σε επιχειρήσε... (by )
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Erotic Fiction

  • Time to Think : Eight Short Stories (by )
  • 9 Years Photographing the Nude : Photogr... (by )
  • Rough Justice (by )
  • Jarek (by )
  • Aula de Sofia (by )
  • Fidel (by )
  • Dome of Death (by )
  • You're mine, always! (by )
  • Dancing Bare : The memoirs of a callow c... (by )
  • The Diary of Nathan P. Finkelberg (by )
  • 8 ascende dreamlines (by )
  • A Moonlight Walk to Paradise (by )
  • Frankie Fey (by )
  • Hagamos el Amor y no la Guerra (by )
  • Diet, Sex, and Yoga (by )
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  • Magic Island : Rider In The Storm, Volum... (by )
  • The Jewel of Vishnu : Chronicles of Kuma... Volume 1 (by )
  • Evanghelia Neagră (by )
  • Dullahan : Os cavaleiros sem cabeça (by )
  • Doubt : Among Us Trilogy, Volume 1 (by )
  • Soul of the Mago Volume 1 (by )
  • And Gulliver Returns Book V : My Visit t... (by )
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms (by )
  • Chronicles of the Unremembered Age (by )
  • Posesión : Una lucha contra el peor enem... (by )
  • Wake of the Levantic (by )
  • Сны (by )
  • Children of Light (by )
  • Dancing with Fate : Song of the Muses (by )
  • Making It Home (by )
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  • He Mo'Olelo No 'Aukelenuia'Iku (by )
  • Să moară virușii! De râs (by )
  • Cine Râde la Urmă e Mai încet la Minte :... (by )
  • Fie pâinea cât de rea, tot ţi-o fură cin... (by )
  • Viaţa e tristă la noi, în schimb salariu... (by )
  • Tales of the Menehune (by )
  • Există o lume mai bună, dar este foarte ... (by )
  • Ca românu’ nu-i nici unu’: unde-s mulţi,... (by )
  • Fifth International Anthology on Paradox... (by )
  • Hawaiian Mythology (by )
  • Cine râde la urmă e mai încet la minte :... (by )
  • Noile aventuri ale Virusului Corona (Int... (by )
  • The Incunabula Papers : Ong's Hat and ot... (by )
  • Paradoxism's Manifestos and Internationa... (by )
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