25 Most Recent Publications (Author Community)

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Umeed : Hope: Hope

By: Warda Arif; Warda Arif

We live in such a world where a bad and hard-hearted person is called good , a person with good character, polite and gentle is called wicked.

I have written this novel especially for those people who leave the Creator and place their hopes on His creation. This is for those who consider lying, slander, slander and heartache to be petty sins when these sins have ruined the lives of many people in today’s world. Lost in the colors of the world, our hearts become the hearts of Allah, hearts that are oblivious to the remembrance of Allah and forget that the life of this world is about to perish. Very few people in...

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Netochka Nezvanova

By: Fyodor Dostoyevsky; Maruthoor Purushothaman, Translator

The plot unfolds in three distinct sections, corresponding to upheavals in the heroine's life. Chapters 1–3 are predominantly concerned with Netochka's recollections of her childhood with her mother and stepfather in St. Petersburg, up until the time of their deaths. She begins with the background story of her stepfather, Efimov, a talented but self-obsessed violinist, whom she describes as "the strangest and most extraordinary person I have ever known" and a man whos...

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Palestro Guerre d'Algerie : Reflexions sur des souvenirs d'enfance...

By: Dmoh Bacha

Encore jeune, je constatai beaucoup de contradictions dans mon milieu social. Je me posai des questions qui restaient sans réponses. J’étais témoin de beaucoup d’intrigues et je voulais comprendre les raisons de leur présence et l’utilité de leur usage. Dans leurs mièvres tentatives d’explication sur ce sujet difficile, les adultes avançaient des arguments pêle-mêle où s’entremêlaient l’occulte, la réalité et le sacré. Leur approche noyait le raisonnement logique que rec...

A ce stade, afin de légitimer un tel comportement, le narrateur de ces vieilles histoires jugeait utile de nous expli- quer la cause de cette cachôterie. Il marquait une pause, sortait une boîte de chique, en prenait une pincée qu’il plaçait avec minutie entre la joue et la gencive. Ce rituel méthodique pa- raissait lui procurer plaisir, il poussait un ahan bien audible avant de déclarer : ─ Vous voyez les enfants, le vin, ce n’est ni le bon Dieu, ni le Coran ni le Prop...

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Mastering Dungeons & Dragons: A Comprehensive Guide

By: Mrs. Joses Peter

Embark on a journey to master the iconic tabletop role-playing game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide! Mastering Dungeons & Dragons: A Comprehensive Guide is your ultimate companion for navigating the thrilling world of D&D, whether you're a beginner rolling your first die or a seasoned adventurer seeking to refine your skills. Packed with practical advice, clear examples, and creative inspiration, this guide will empower you to unleash your imaginati...

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Pamiętnik arabskiej księżniczki

By: Emily Ruete; Magda Bitner, Translator

Ta książka to dowód, że najciekawsze historie pisze życie. Emily Ruete urodziła się w 1844 roku jako księżniczka Zanzibaru i Omanu. Dzieciństwo spędziła na bajkowym dworze sułtana. Za miłością swojego życia wyjechała do Europy. W 1886 roku wydała swoje wspomnienia. To pierwsza znana autobiografia arabskiej kobiety i fascynująca podróż do nieistniejącego już świata arabskiego Wybrzeża Suahili.

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The Lovecraft Mythos : Public Domain short stories by HP Lovecraft...

By: Stijn Cedric Dejongh, Editor; Howard Philips Lovecraft

Dive into the eldritch depths of H.P. Lovecraft's universe with "The Lovecraft Mythos", an edited collection of his most chilling and influential works, now optimized for modern digital devices. Explore the haunting tales of cosmic terror and ancient deities that have defined horror literature, all in a format designed for seamless reading and immersive storytelling.

H.P. Lovecraft’s “Cthulhu Mythos” is a cornerstone of modern horror literature, weaving a complex tapestry of cosmic terror that has captivated readers for generations. Central to the Mythos is the pantheon of ancient, powerful deities known as the Great Old Ones, with Cthulhu being the most iconic among them. These entities are depicted as vast, malevolent forces that exist beyond the comprehension of humanity, often lying dormant but capable of causing untold dest...

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El Corazón del Cielo : Descubriendo el Amor Infinito de Dios: Desc...

By: Frank Moses Caraveo

*El Corazón del Cielo* invita a los lectores a descubrir el amor infinito de Dios, un amor que no conoce fronteras ni condiciones. A lo largo de este libro, se profundiza en la naturaleza de ese amor, mostrándonos cómo se manifiesta en la creación, en la historia de la salvación y en nuestras vidas diarias. Con un estilo accesible y reflexivo, el autor ofrece una visión fresca y conmovedora de la gracia divina, mostrando cómo el amor de Dios puede sanar, restaurar y tran...

En un mundo donde el amor humano a menudo vacila y cambia, el amor de Dios sigue siendo una fuerza constante e inmutable. Él ama con una firmeza que nunca flaquea, proporcionando una base segura en la que siempre podemos confiar. Su amor perdura a través de cada circunstancia, ofreciendo apoyo y compasión inquebrantables. Este amor divino nos invita a una relación que satisface nuestros anhelos más profundos y nos brinda verdadera satisfacción. Dios extiende su amor a no...

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Zion Revelations : Volume I - The Revival, Volume I: Volume I - Th...

By: Jonathan Javier Guantos

Zion Revelations - Volume I - The Revival is the first volume in a four volume series that is particularly designed to communicate various roles, growth levels, responsibilities, and truths within the book. While these ideas and principles are not new, the iteration of constant forces is necessary to adapt towards a fundamental unit of moral ethic that translates into a righteous society through free agency. Time continues to move on by the seconds of the hours within th...

Diamentios, the Arctic Guardian of the Icicle Temple, home to Firage Mountains and the Incabats, now stands before the Heroes, in which they demand an explanation for his recent activities. He is mostly composed of a blue diamond structure. His steel armor prevents him from any major deflections of attacks. His arms and legs are composed of pure diamond, which can easily reflect most attacks and slice through almost any synthetic object. The head is composed of a crys...

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The Heart of Heaven : Unveiling God's Unending Love: Unveiling God...

By: Frank Moses Caraveo

*The Heart of Heaven* is a profound exploration of God's infinite and unconditional love, inviting readers on a transformative journey to understand the true nature of divine compassion. This book delves into the core of God’s heart, revealing how His unwavering love has been present throughout history and continues to impact our lives today. Through thoughtful reflections, engaging stories, and rich biblical insights, each chapter unveils a new dimension of God’s l...

In a world where human love often wavers and changes, God's love remains a constant and unchanging force. He loves with a steadfastness that never falters, providing a secure foundation on which we can always rely. His love endures through every circumstance, offering unwavering support and compassion. This divine love invites us into a relationship that satisfies our deepest longings and brings true fulfillment. God extends His love to us, embracing us with open arms an...

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El Camino a la Redención : El Viaje de Jesús a Través del Evangeli...

By: Frank Moses Caraveo

Embárcate en un viaje transformador a través del Evangelio de Marcos con *El Camino a la Redención: El Viaje de Jesús a Través del Evangelio de Marcos*. Esta cautivadora exploración se adentra en el corazón de la vida y el ministerio de Jesús, revelando la poderosa historia de redención que se despliega en cada encuentro, milagro y enseñanza. Desde el llamado de Juan el Bautista hasta la triunfante resurrección, este libro ilumina los momentos profundos que definen ...

En el Evangelio de Marcos, la curación del paralítico en Cafarnaúm es una poderosa demostración de la autoridad de Jesús sobre la enfermedad. El evento comienza con Jesús enseñando en una casa llena de gente, su reputación como sanador y maestro atrae a personas de todas partes. Entre los que están ansiosos por presenciar su poder están los amigos de un paralítico, hombres cuya fe en la capacidad de Jesús para sanar los obliga a tomar medidas extraordinarias. Cuando no e...

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The Road to Redemption : Jesus' Journey through the Gospel of Mark...

By: Frank Moses Caraveo

Embark on a transformative journey through the Gospel of Mark with *The Road to Redemption: Jesus' Journey through the Gospel of Mark*. This captivating exploration delves into the heart of Jesus' life and ministry, revealing the powerful story of redemption that unfolds in every encounter, miracle, and teaching. From the call of John, the Baptist to the triumphant resurrection, this book illuminates the profound moments that define Jesus' mission. Walk with the disci...

As news of Jesus spread, so did His influence. The people of Galilee began to recognize that something extraordinary was happening in their midst. Jesus was not just another teacher or prophet; He was someone who spoke with the authority of God and whose actions validated His words. His fame grew, and with it, the anticipation of what He would do next, keeping the audience captivated and intrigued by His every move, eagerly awaiting His next miraculous act.

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অতীত চিত্রে চট্টগ্রাম

By: Sheikh Shawkat Kamal

শত বছরের পুরাতন চট্টগ্রামের বিভিন্ন দৃশ্যপট ও বিষয়ভিত্তিক ছবি এবং মানচিত্র হল এই বইয়ের মূল বিষয়বস্তু । বিভিন্ন উৎস হতে এ ধরনের আঁকা ছবি ও মানচিত্র এই বইটিতে সংযোজিত করে চট্টগ্রামের অতীত ইতিহাসকে নতুন আঙ্গিকে উপস্থাপনের চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে ।

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Transcanal Endoscopic Mastoid Approach : A new access for the mast...

By: Sheikh Shawkat Kamal

This book systematically depicts various aspects of newly emergent transcanal endoscopic access to the mastoid antrum. Its core focus is describing the surgical details using this endoscopic approach with illustrations based on multicentre experiences. Perhaps it is the first attempt of this sort in the medical literature and is expected to serve as a supportive platform for ear surgeons interested in this field.

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Pratikraman (In Telugu)

By: Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their sincere pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing the many unintentional mistakes made through mind, speech, and conduct become disconcerting. Naturally one begins to wonder, “How to forgive and forget in unhealthy relationships?”, “How to forgive yourself - both for mistakes of the past and for ongoing mistakes in the present?” One of the most powerfu...

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Lean Six Sigma in Action: : Mastering Change Management for Proces...

By: Nik Faizal

Are you ready to transform your organization? Lean Six Sigma in Action is your ultimate guide to combining Lean’s waste-reduction principles, Six Sigma’s precision, and Change Management’s human-centric approach. This ebook offers practical frameworks like DMAIC and ADKAR, detailed case studies, and tools for overcoming resistance and measuring success. Whether you’re a leader, practitioner, or lifelong learner, this book empowers you to navigate challenges and lead impa...

Most process improvement projects fail not because the solutions were flawed, but because the people involved weren’t ready to embrace them. This is where Change Management becomes the game-changer. It ensures your Lean Six Sigma efforts don’t just succeed—they thrive.

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In This World, the One Who Always Remains in the Present Is a Gnan...

By: Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai

After attaining the Knowledge of the Self, the Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has given the five Agnas to finish worldly interactions with complete purity. In this issue, in order to follow the Agna of Vyavasthit exactly, Dadashri gives the understanding of how to remain in the present through ordinary examples that happen in worldly interaction. Dadashri used to say, “‘I’ remain in the present and I am teaching you to remain in the present.” The ardent prayer is that after a...

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In This World, the One Who Always Remains in the Present Is a Gnan...

By: Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai

After attaining the Knowledge of the Self, the Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has given the five Agnas to finish worldly interactions with complete purity. In this issue, in order to follow the Agna of Vyavasthit exactly, Dadashri gives the understanding of how to remain in the present through ordinary examples that happen in worldly interaction. Dadashri used to say, “‘I’ remain in the present and I am teaching you to remain in the present.” The ardent prayer is that after a...

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In This World, the One Who Always Remains in the Present Is a Gnan...

By: Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai

After attaining the Knowledge of the Self, the Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has given the five Agnas to finish worldly interactions with complete purity. In this issue, in order to follow the Agna of Vyavasthit exactly, Dadashri gives the understanding of how to remain in the present through ordinary examples that happen in worldly interaction. Dadashri used to say, “‘I’ remain in the present and I am teaching you to remain in the present.” The ardent prayer is that after a...

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Mastering ChatGPT : Comprehensive Guide To ChatGPT: Comprehensive ...

By: Frank Andres

ChatGPT: The Ultimate Guide to Harnessing AI for Productivity and Creativity is a comprehensive, practical guide designed to help individuals and businesses leverage the power of AI through ChatGPT. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this eBook offers a step-by-step approach to understanding and effectively using ChatGPT for a wide range of applications. From content creation and customer service to personal productivity and business optimization, this gui...

Unlock the full potential of ChatGPT with this comprehensive guide. Learn how to boost productivity, creativity, and efficiency in both personal and professional settings using AI-powered conversations.

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El oficio de enseñar : Principios de didáctica y testimonios docen...

By: Dr. Pablo Cazau

Los diversos capítulos están dedicados a los principios generales de la didáctica, mientras que el último presenta algunos testimonios personales de experiencias docentes en el ámbito universitario.

La educación es un proceso por el cual un agente educador (familia, institución educativa, medio de comunicación, ‘la calle’, uno mismo) dirige u orienta la actualización de las potencialidades de un individuo llamado educando, con alguna finalidad como por ejemplo socializarlo, formarlo como ciudadano, formarlo como trabajador, formarlo como persona, etcétera. Para lograr este objetivo, el educador enseña, mientras que el educando aprende, con lo cual enseñanza y aprend...

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By: Mrs. Gülhan Gaye Pekin

Sevdiren Gaye Matematik

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100 Questions for an Orthopedic Surgeon

By: Myroslav Dosiak

Discover the keys to lifelong joint health with this comprehensive guide that combines science-backed knowledge, practical advice, and tips for daily care. From understanding the structure and function of joints to exploring common joint disorders, this book provides actionable insights to help you prevent, manage, and alleviate joint pain. Each chapter breaks down complex topics, including the role of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, to ensure your joints stay fle...

A practical guide to joint health, offering tips on prevention, pain management, and rehabilitation. Learn the latest insights on joint function, diet, exercise, and treatments to keep your joints healthy, flexible, and pain-free.

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The Yellow Diary : A Short Story : A Short Story

By: Vishesh Panthi; Vishesh Panthi

"The Yellow Diary" is a short story by Vishesh Panthi, first published in September 2024, This story is a fictional story about gratitude, written in the diary of a man named George Emerson, in which a child teaches Mr. Emerson the lesson of Gratitude.

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Arabicides : une chronique française (1970-1991)

By: Fausto Giudice

Une étude pionnière sur une face cachée de l ‘histoire française Ce livre rare d’un journaliste militant et d’investigation retrace 21 ans d’histoire française à travers 350 affaires d’arabicides, c’est-à-dire de meurtres d’Arabes. Une période balisée par deux événements historiques : la Guerre d’Algérie et la première Guerre du Golfe, aux cours desquelles l’arabicide de masse fut une activité de fait légitimée.

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El pueblo con el corazón de oro

By: Gianni 's Tales, Editor; G T

Un cuento infantil lleno de dulzura que destaca el valor del amor, la familia y la bondad. Ilustra cómo enfrentar los temores y reencontrar la luz después de cada tormenta.

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