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Evocatus Inception

By Daniels, Steven, J.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100304441
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/6/2019

Title: Evocatus Inception  
Author: Daniels, Steven, J.
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Fiction Political/Thriller
Collections: Authors Community, Mystery Fiction
Publication Date:
Publisher: The Unknown Publishing Company
Member Page: Steven J. Daniels


APA MLA Chicago

J. Daniel, B. S. (2019). Evocatus Inception. Retrieved from

Although a fictional novel, "Evocatus Inception" is inspired by actual events. This fast-paced political thriller blurs the line between duty and morals, good and evil, and state-sanctioned killing and cold-blooded murder. This shocking "how done it" pulls back the veil of secrecy surrounding intelligence agency operations and gives the reader insight into the murky world of espionage.

Former CIA assassins are hired as mercenaries to plan and execute the most lethal black operation in history on September 11, 2001.

After the waitress left, Kirk turned to Garcia. “Okay, Rick, why are we here?” “A friend at the CIA contacted me and advised some of their former employees have hooked up with terrorists,” Rick replied. “To do what?” Kirk asked. “The suspicion is a terrorist operation here in New York.” “You gotta be f**kin’ kidding,” Kirk said. “You believe this?” “Yup,” Rick replied. “My source is reliable.” “I take it your source in the Company* told you who they are,” Kirk said. (*slang term for the CIA) “Yup,” Rick said. He took a file folder from his briefcase and placed three photos on the table. “These are the most recent photos we have.” He tapped them one at a time. “This one is Sam Saunders, then Woody Travis, and last but not least—this is Lauren Hunter. They’re the ringleaders of the operation. Travis is running the show.” Kirk studied the photos like he was memorizing the faces. “Woody Travis—geeky lookin’ prick, and he’s in charge? And this—is Hunter? She’s f**kin’ gorgeous—you know, for a CIA type. You familiar with any of them, Jamie?” “No, not at all.” Rick pointed to the photo of Lauren Hunter. “She’s from Savannah, Georgia. Her father was a Marine Corps aviator killed in Nam. Rich family on her mother’s side. Hunter graduated summa cum laude from Spelman College. Retired early from the CIA. She’s working at the Port Authority for that a**hole, Gil Johnson.” Kirk taps Sam Saunders’ picture. “He looks familiar.” “Probably because he kinda looks like Clint Eastwood, doesn’t he?” Rick asked, “Yeah—he does,” Kirk replied. “Did you ever cross paths with any of them, Rick?” “No. They’re before my time. My source says they’re legends at the CIA.” “Did your source happen to mention who these f**king legends are working for?” Kirk asked. “No, and we’ve been unable to find out,” Rick replied. “That’s why my boss at the NSA wants the FBI involved.” “You have any idea what they’re targeting in New York?” Jamie asked. “Unknown,” Rick replied. “I was hoping you would have some thoughts on that, Kirk.” “Terrorism is psychological warfare. They already hit the Trade Center in ‘93 and failed. If I was a terrorist and wanted to really hurt America, I’d destroy something in New York that would demoralize us like the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty.” “True,” Rick said. “I wish we had a least some idea what they’re planning.” “We’ll find out one way or another,” Kirk said.

Table of Contents
Title Page Evocatus Inception Novels by Steven J. Daniels | Evocatus Series Standalone ONE | Woodrow TWO | Opal THREE | Connections FOUR | Dead Drop FIVE | Introductions SIX | Briefings SEVEN | Meetings EIGHT | Enemies and Allies NINE | Spies and Terrorists TEN | Cat and Mouse ELEVEN | ‘Tis the Season TWELVE | Targets THIRTEEN | Warning Signs FOURTEEN | Diversions FIFTEEN | Risky business SIXTEEN | Threats and Promises SEVENTEEN | Snags EIGHTEEN | Road Trips NINETEEN | Dead Reckoning TWENTY | Perceptions TWENTY-ONE | Millennium TWENTY-TWO | Weapons and Tactics TWENTY-THREE | Pilots and Angels TWENTY-FOUR | Change of Command TWENTY-FIVE | Trickery TWENTY-SIX | Revelations TWENTY-SEVEN | Misdirection TWENTY-EIGHT | Games TWENTY-NINE | Lone Wolves THIRTY | Actors THIRTY-ONE | Agendas THIRTY-TWO | Plots and Plans THIRTY-THREE | Disposal THIRTY-FOUR | Best Laid Plans THIRTY-FIVE | Knock Knock THIRTY-SIX | Chatter THIRTY-SEVEN | Countdown THIRTY-EIGHT | 9/11 THIRTY-NINE | Rendezvous CHARACTERS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FOOTNOTES ABOUT THE AUTHOR About the Publisher


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