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A Decade of Women Economic Empowerment in the Philippines

By Cola, Coca

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Book Id: WPLBN0100304170
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 7/1/2022

Title: A Decade of Women Economic Empowerment in the Philippines  
Author: Cola, Coca
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, General Works (Periodicals, Series, idexes, Almanacs, etc.), Sustainability Program
Collections: Authors Community, Reference
Publication Date:
Publisher: Coca Cola Philippines
Member Page: Coca Cola


APA MLA Chicago

Cola, B. C. (2022). A Decade of Women Economic Empowerment in the Philippines. Retrieved from

Recognizing the power of women that comes from their continuous reinvention of themselves and their roles as givers and providers, the Coca-Cola Company has committed to promoting women's strengths and creating economic opportunities for them through the 5by20 initiative. This book follows how Coca-Cola Philippines, together with its partners, began, expanded, and sustained the 5by20 program, which touched the lives of over 250,000 Filipino women. Written are their stories of overcoming difficult realities – typhoon, war, domestication, expatriation, repatriation, inflation, and the pandemic – and becoming financially capable and better entrepreneurs. This book hopes to inspire others in the public and private sectors to do more and continue to do more for women in the country and all over the world.

Coca-Cola knows the significance of women as a vital part of their value chain- from fruit farmers and artisans to recyclers and retailers.


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