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The Human Atmosphere : The Aura Made Visible By The Aid Of Chemical Screens: The Aura Made Visible By The Aid Of Chemical Screens

By Kilner, Walter, John

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303942
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Reproduction Date: 1911

Title: The Human Atmosphere : The Aura Made Visible By The Aid Of Chemical Screens: The Aura Made Visible By The Aid Of Chemical Screens  
Author: Kilner, Walter, John
Language: English
Subject: Aura Viewing, Parapsychology
Collections: Adventure, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Rebman Company
Member Page: Jes La Pointe


APA MLA Chicago

John Kilner, B. W., & Pointe, J. L. (1911). The Human Atmosphere : The Aura Made Visible By The Aid Of Chemical Screens. Retrieved from

This book teaches Kilner's techniques on how to learn to view the Human Aura (Atmosphere). Through homemade materials, anyone can learn how to view the Human Aura.

This was a study conducted by Walter J. Kilner at the turn of the twentieth century regarding the viewing (and necessary training to view unassisted) of the Human Aura. He documents what he has been able to view, as well as how he was able to achieve his goals.

(Preface) The perception of the Human Atmosphere or Aura, by the sole employment of material means, at once makes the phenomenon a physical question. From the first moment of seeing the human atmosphere, I determined to investigate the subject apart from all occultism; and, to remain unbiased, did not read any accounts of the Aura until a large number (over sixty) of patients had been inspected. As all the descriptions and references to the Aura that could be found were, without exception, in occult works, and afforded little assistance to physical investigation, I have decided to insert no quotations. This resolution places me in a peculiar position of having no authorities to fall back upon, which in some ways is an advantage, and a disadvantage in others. The title of Human Atmosphere - a happy inspiration of a friend - is especially appropriate to the subject, because it conveys a clear idea to the general public, while the tern "Aura" notwithstanding its definition - "any subtle, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as aroma of flowers, etc." (Webster's Dictionary) - is confined to people possessing some knowledge of occultism. The word Aura has, however, been retained for shortness and convenience, as "Atmosphere" would be misleading when used alone, and when combined with "Human" is, to say the least, cumbersome. After what has been said about the desire to be perfectly free from Occultism, it may seem strange that the expression Etheric Double has been employed. This name was borrowed from theosophic books, as no appropriate term has yet been devised. W.J.K. 218 Ladbroke Grove, London

Table of Contents
Table Of Contents: Preface Chapter 1 - The Aura of Healthy Persons Chapter 2 - The Etheric Double Chapter 3 - The Inner and Outer Auras Chapter 4 - Complementary Colours Chapter 5 - Auras In Disease Chapter 6 - Complementary Colours in Disease Chapter 7 - The Aura During Pregnancy Appendix Index List Of Illustrations: 1. Healthy Boy (Front View) 2. The same (Side View) 3. Healthy, very strong man (Front View) 4. The same (Side View) 5. Healthy young girl (Front View) 6. The same (Side View) 7. Healthy girl (Transitional Aura) (Front View) 8. The same (Side View) 9. Healthy woman (Average Aura) (Front View) 10. The same (Side View) 11. Healthy woman (Very Fine Aura) (Front View) 12. The same (Side View) 13. Healthy woman (Front View) 14. Hysterical Aura (Front View) 15. The same (Side View) 16. Epileptic Aura of a man 17. Epileptic Aura of a woman 18. Epileptic Aura of a boy (Front View) 19. The same (Side View) 20. Granular Aura of a woman (Front View) 21. The same (Side View) 22. Aura of a boy with a conical gap on right side 23. Abnormal shape of Aura with gradual recovery 24. Very abnormal shape of Aura 25. Hysterical Aura in a woman (Front View) 26. The same (Side View) 27. Two discolored patches on the back seen by the aid of the C.C. band 28. Aura (Irregular) of a man Tables And Cases Tables: I. Parents and children II. Brother and sisters Cases: 1. Healthy infant, fifteen hours old 2. Healthy male infant, four months old 3. Healthy boy, five years old 4. Youth, fourteen years old 5. Powerful man, thirty-three years old 6. Female child, a week old 7. Fragile, excitable child, four years old 8. Strong, healthy girl, seven years old 9. Healthy girl, thirteen years old 10. Married woman, twenty-six years old 11. Woman, thirty years old 12. Married woman, twenty-five years old 13. Young woman, twenty-two years old 14. Girl, eight years old 15. Man, twenty-three years old 16. Girl, eighteen years old 17. Boy, thirteen years old 18. Man, fifty-eight years old 19. Young woman - nervous breakdown 20. Spinster, thirty-seven years old 21. Woman, thirty-four years old 22. Healthy woman, twenty-nine years old 23. Young woman, twenty years old 24. Boy, ten years old 25. Herpes zoster 26. Girl, seven years old 27. Single woman, thirty years old 28. Man, twenty-two years old 29. Unmarried woman, forty-seven years old 30. Woman, fifty-eight years old 31. Married woman, twenty-eight years old 32. Pyrosis 33. Ulcer of the stomach 34. Pain in cervical region 35. Nervous breakdown 36. Paralysis 37. Chest complaint 38. Chest complaint 39. Pregnancy 40. Dead featus 41. Young woman (normal health) 42. Married woman (normal health)


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