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Hindu Theocratic State – Canard of the Libtards

By Murthy, BS

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303701
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 7/23/2021

Title: Hindu Theocratic State – Canard of the Libtards  
Author: Murthy, BS
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Spirituality, Sociology, Social sciences, Majoritarianism, Political bias, Indian politics, Secularism, , Political Science, Hinduism, Hinduism today, Hindutva, Indology, Indian Muslims, Hinduphobia, Hindu bias, Indian history, , On the misconception of Hindutva
Collections: Hinduism Today, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self Imprint
Member Page: BS Murthy


APA MLA Chicago

Murthy, B. B. (2021). Hindu Theocratic State – Canard of the Libtards. Retrieved from

The Encyclopedia Britannica describes “Hindutva ('Hindu-ness'), as an ideology that sought to define Indian culture in terms of Hindu values" and India’s Apex Court had ruled that “Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism ...”. However, it can be said that their lordships erred in assuming that there is something called Hindu fundamentalism, religious or cultural, for the Oxford Dictionary states that “fundamentalism is strict maintenance of ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion, esp. Islam.”

The Hindu fundamentalism is a misnomer, coined by the cunning and subscribed by the naïve, which had come in handy to the Semitic proselytizers to undermine the Indian nationalism. Why, it should be apparent to the discerning that while the Brahmanism is orthodox, the sanatana dharma, exemplified by swadharma, is amorphous, and in them lay the social diversity of the Hindu spiritual ethos.”

Leaving the West to its self-destructive Islamapologian ways, a closer look at India would reveal how the fear of the Hindu Theocratic State is unfounded to say the least. True, the Islamic fundamentalism could usher in theocratic states in many Muslim countries owing to the religious fervour of the believers for the adoption of the oppressive sharia and other depressive Islamic laws that Islam enjoins them to abide by. But when it comes to Hinduism, there are no such religious ways that the Hindu masses crave to be the laws of the State to its detriment. In fact, it is the other way round as there have been umpteen reformative movements to eradicate the social ills that crept into the day to day Hindu life, such as the scourge of untouchability. Whatever positivity the Islamic and Christian presence in India there might have had was offset by the male chauvinism occasioned by the former and sexual prudery induced by the latter in the open Hindu ethos.


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