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Shadows Between Worlds : Roads Between Worlds Book 2, Volume 2: Roads Between Worlds Book 2

By Johnson, Kevin, Wade

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303204
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File Size: 1.27 MB
Reproduction Date: 03/27/2016

Title: Shadows Between Worlds : Roads Between Worlds Book 2, Volume 2: Roads Between Worlds Book 2  
Author: Johnson, Kevin, Wade
Volume: Volume 2
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature
Collections: Science Fiction, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-Published
Member Page: Kevin Johnson


APA MLA Chicago

Wade Johnson, B. K. (2016). Shadows Between Worlds : Roads Between Worlds Book 2, Volume 2. Retrieved from

John Stephen Gray suffers sleepless nights from the memories of mistakes he's made, mistakes he can't forgive himself for. Or, at least, that he's never learned to forgive himself for. But neither he nor his daughter Janna have time to brood when invaders attack his home. In a world of visionaries who have invented such wonders as regeneration tanks, cloned hardwoods and advanced weaponry, they have to find a way to deal with their attackers, and more importantly the nature of their attackers; but they also need to discover their own abilities, the nature of those abilities, their world, so like and yet unlike our own, and its nature as well. Not to mention other worlds parallel to theirs. For all the visionary inventions of their worlds, their attackers use equipment strange to them. Where have the attackers come from? Where did they get, or make, their equipment? And why are they attacking in the first place? The Roads Between Worlds series, of which this is the second, deals with perception and understanding, along with parallel worlds, and parallel versions of humanity. Which is to say, along with the adventure, it considers what is human, as opposed to inhuman. Humane as opposed to inhumane. Perhaps even the unforgivable.

A damaged man, suddenly attacked. With his adult daughter's help, he survives - and they realize their attackers are not from this world. With a captured, shadowy vehicle, they travel between worlds to discover what is going on, and stop it - if they can.

She ran out of the smoke straight to me. Gunshots and explosions boomed somewhere behind her. Fires flared. Dark-haired, dirty, and dressed drab, same as everyone else here in Bethlehem. Three years old? Four? I wasn't that good with kids then. I was slow. She'd grabbed onto my one leg, choking back sobs, before I could shoot her. Look, sorry, but too many kids were being used in this filthy little "uprising." Some had frag's or incendiaries taped onto them, under their clothes. I kept one hand on my M-7's trigger while I reached down with the other. Put my hand on her head. Gently. I'd always been good at sizing people up, once I could spend a moment, anyway. Always had a weak spot for kids. Or I'm just plain stupid. My heart turned over as the little girl cried against my body armor. "Hey," I said. "Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll track down your Mom and Dad. Your family. We'll get you back to them." She just cried harder. Never did find any relatives of hers in that inhumane mess. Never even found anyone who knew her, or could say what her name was. Worst day of her life, I bet, although she denies it. It might have seemed like one of the worst of mine, too, except in the long run, where it was one of the best. Saved me, in the long run. And saved the world. Worlds.

Table of Contents
Eighteen chapters, an epilogue and appendix


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