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Aging in Place : Liberty through Technology: Liberty through Technology

By Wright, Katie

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Book Id: WPLBN0100003099
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.06 MB
Reproduction Date: 6/4/2018

Title: Aging in Place : Liberty through Technology: Liberty through Technology  
Author: Wright, Katie
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, General Works (Periodicals, Series, idexes, Almanacs, etc.), Aging in Place and the Internet of Things
Collections: Authors Community, Technology
Publication Date:
Publisher: My Fast PC, LLC.
Member Page: Erik Fullmer


APA MLA Chicago

Wright, B. K. (2018). Aging in Place : Liberty through Technology. Retrieved from

We are in a time that allows us to benefit greatly from technology. These benefits can be for all ages and types of people. This technology can also be a double-edged sword as there are ways to expose your private and financial information to those that with to exploit, steal, or scam. The best way to benefit from technology is to understand the basics. Senior citizens can specifically take advantage of modern technology by using it to enrich their lives and, in keeping with a growing trend, utilizing it to help them with Aging in Place. But what is this Internet of Things that enables all these so-called smart devices? What is a smart home or even a smart device? How do you protect your personal information and smart devices connected to your home internet? How do you behave while on the internet? How do you keep learning how to use technology while aging in place? How do you deal with all these questions and keep your head on straight? All these questions and more are answered below in our Aging in Place eBook.

Aging in Place is becoming an ever increasingly popular topic among those preparing for or just entering retirement. Why not live in a comfortable home and be independent at this age? The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention defines aging in place as "the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level". Aging in place includes being able to plan for your home, health care, finances, travel, and entertainment. While making a plan for aging in place one has to consider how technology can assist with this process. How can a smart home be beneficial for those that want to age in place? What is the role of smart home security and all devices connected to your internet? How is a personal tech support team and its services part of this process?

Security is perhaps the biggest issue when it comes to the IoT. A world where cars, city infrastructure, healthcare, companies and homes are all connected creates a perfect storm for cyber vulnerability. As billions of devices become connected, the devastation hackers and cyber-attacks can create increases. In the home, Americans are worried about the possibility of someone stealing their personal information. Researchers have been able to hack IoT devices, which means hackers can likely do the same. Security within large companies and city infrastructure creates an even bigger platform for concern, especially since it will be difficult to be aware of all of the necessary safeguards during early adoption. Another issue is that of privacy and data sharing. The IoT has the potential to create a staggering amount of data, but what the world will do with this data is a whole other issue. Vast amounts of data introduce more entry points for hackers, and it needs to be sorted, stored and analyzed. Maintaining privacy with this data is a main concern and likely will become increasingly important as more IoT technology is adopted. Luckily, companies, like My Fast PC, can help. Along with computer support, the protection plans offered by My Fast PC can minimize a hacker’s chances at accessing your personal information. In the future, companies will become increasingly involved in offering personal protection while they answer consumers’ security questions and privacy concerns.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................ 7 Aging in Place ............................................................ 9 The Internet of Things (IoT) ...................................... 11 Basic Explanation of the IoT....................................................... 13 History of the IoT ....................................................................... 15 Impacts on Consumers and Society........................................... 17 Consumers................................................................................................................ 17 Society ...................................................................................................................... 18 Challenges with the IoT ............................................................. 20 Future of the IoT ........................................................................ 23 Smart Homes ........................................................... 24 What You Can Do Now ............................................................. 26 Change Your Router’s Password .............................................................................. 26 Keep Programs Current ............................................................................................ 27 Invest in Computer Protection Software .................................................................... 28 Understand the Information Your Devices Collect ..................................................... 29 Monitor Connected Devices ...................................................................................... 30 Disable Plug and Play................................................................................................ 30 Unplug Your Devices ................................................................................................ 31 Protection Matters..................................................................................................... 31 4 Measures Are Underway ........................................................................................... 32 It’s Not All Bad .......................................................................... 34 Staying Safe .............................................................................. 37 Smart Home Security ............................................... 39 Improve Your Home Security System ......................................... 42 Finger Scanning Devices .......................................................................................... 43 Lights ........................................................................................................................ 44 Video Doorbells ......................................................................................................... 45 Motion Detectors ...................................................................................................... 46 Security Cameras ..................................................................................................... 47 Smoke and CO Monitors ........................................................................................... 48 Door and Window Sensors ........................................................................................ 49 Locking and Unlocking Capabilities .......................................................................... 49 Voice Control Platforms ............................................................................................ 51 Do Your Homework and Understand the Device ...................................................... 52 Devices, Software, and Websites to Amplify Aging in Place ........................................................................ 55 Is Your Internet Running Slowly? Here’s How to Quickly Fix Your Wi-Fi Connection ....................................................................... 58 How to Enjoy Facebook While Also Protecting Your Personal Information ................................................................................ 60 5 5 Tips to Ensure You Have a Positive Experience with Your New Facebook Account .................................................................... 62 Six Helpful Websites to Help Seniors Navigate Computers ......... 64 15 Best Smartphone Apps for Seniors ....................................... 66 Video Chat Troubleshooting Expert............................................ 67 Overview ................................................................................................................... 68 How to Digitize Your Photos ...................................................... 70 The Benefits .............................................................................................................. 70 What Is ‘Digitizing,’ Exactly? ...................................................................................... 72 How to Connect Your Computer’s Mouse, Keyboard, and Printer 73 Smart TV – 6 Tips for Better Understanding and Using Your Flatscreen ................................................................................. 75 How to Buy the Perfect Desktop Computer ................................ 77 Three Essential Questions Every Tablet Shopper Should Ask ..... 79 Tech Support for Aging in Place ............................... 81 Technical Support for Your Computer and Devices Saves You Time and Money ....................................................................... 82 Diagnosing a Computer Problem .............................................................................. 84 Keeping Up With Technical Developments ............................................................... 86 Computer Support Packages .................................................................................... 88 The Cost of Professional Technical Support.............................................................. 90 Technical Support Packages ........................................................... 91


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