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The Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing

By Williams, Kristian

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002627
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 12/01/2003

Title: The Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing  
Author: Williams, Kristian
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Political Science, Political Economy
Collections: Politics, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Monthly Review Foundation
Member Page: History Is A Weapon .org


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Williams, B. K. (2003). The Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing. Retrieved from

Article from the Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine, Vol. 55, Issue 07, December 2003.

Why were the modern police created?…It is generally assumed, among people who think about it at all, that the police were created to deal with rising levels of crime caused by urbanization and increasing numbers of immigrants.…Despite its initial plausibility, the idea that the police were invented in response to an epidemic of crime is, to be blunt, exactly wrong. Furthermore, it is not much of an explanation. It assumes that “when crime reaches a certain level, the ‘natural’ social response is to create a uniformed police force. This, of course, is not an explanation but an assertion of a natural law for which there is little evidence.”


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