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The Horse The Hare and The Cat

By Khambatta, Kersie

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002537
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/01/2017

Title: The Horse The Hare and The Cat  
Author: Khambatta, Kersie
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, General Works (Periodicals, Series, idexes, Almanacs, etc.)
Collections: Children's Literature, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China, Favorites in India
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-Published
Member Page: Kersie Khambatta


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Kersie Khambatta, B. M., & Illustrator, E. B. (2017). The Horse The Hare and The Cat. Retrieved from

"THE HORSE THE HARE AND THE CAT" is a simple story of Dottie racing a horse and a hare. Neither wanted to race, The hare bounded away in the opposite direction, and the horse snorted in protest and did not move. Dottie collapsed on the ground, crying loudly, tears streaming down her full cheeks. She closed her eyes. When she suddenly heard a meowing sound, she sprang up and was shocked to see a tiny, helpless kitten covering before a fat frog. The kitten was trembling. Dottie and her friend carried it gently to the house. When Dottie's mother saw it, she exclaimed:- "A kitten! You have a horse, a hare and now...a kitten." "The frog would have gobbled it, mum" sighed Dottie, "we saved it." "Frogs don't eat kittens. What now? Keep it?" Dottie said that she would race it with the horse and the hare after it became an adult. "Oh! so...a race between a horse, a hare, and a cat, eh?" laughed mum, loudly, "That should be interesting."


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