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The Phases of Parmanus (English Dadavani April-2014)

By Bhagwan, Dada

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Book Id: WPLBN0100000634
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.4 MB
Reproduction Date: 15/04/2014

Title: The Phases of Parmanus (English Dadavani April-2014)  
Author: Bhagwan, Dada
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion
Collections: Authors Community, Religion
Publication Date:
Publisher: Mahavideh Foundation
Member Page: Dada Bhagwan


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Bhagwan, B. D. (2014). The Phases of Parmanus (English Dadavani April-2014). Retrieved from

The Self (Atma) is the Knowing-Seeing element, and matter is in the form of parmanus. These parmanus have three phases: prayogsa (charging phase), mishrasa (mixed phase), and vishrasa (pure phase). Pure (shuddha) parmanu are vishrasa. Prayogsa are the causal subatomic particles and when they enter the womb in the next life, they take on the form of mishrasa. As soon as they become mishrasa, the effective body arises, and upon giving effect in the gross form they become vishrasa (pure subatomic particles). First, the effect arises on a subtle (sukshma) level, on the basis of which particles are pulled at the gross level, where the gross effect happens and is evident externally. Due to the attachment abhorrence the parmanus get charged & cycle continues. To get free from this cycle the application of the five Agnas, pratikraman and samayik. Through these tools to attain the absolute Self, the purification of impure parmanus happens by remaining as the Knower and Seer as they unfold.


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