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Source Journalism and News Values

By Landau, Joel

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Book Id: WPLBN0100000103
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.6 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/06/2016

Title: Source Journalism and News Values  
Author: Landau, Joel
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Journalism, Criticism
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self Published
Member Page: Joel Landau


APA MLA Chicago

Landau, B. J. (2016). Source Journalism and News Values. Retrieved from

Joel Landau, the famous journalist from New York Daily News and The Daily Targum, has been a journalist for over a decade now. His experience with this field is immense and is the main reason for writing this book on the future of the values of news and the credibility of their sources. He says that as the 21st century progresses, news will become more and more untrusted by the general public, as anybody can have a "professionally looking news source" and put an ad on Google/Facebook. The big companies cannot stop this "fake news fever", because this is simply how things operate now, unlike the news in the old days...

A short book that is both educational and innovative in its approach. It talks about everything wrong with newspapers these days and with media in general. How the mighty have corrupted this form of informing and where are we heading with this Facebook generation...

...And there he was standing amid the crowd, checking his phone for any status updates on Facebook. It was a small price to pay for the moment.

Table of Contents
PROLOGUE | 3 CHAPTER 1 | 4 CHAPTER 2 | 8 CHAPTER 3 | 11 CHAPTER 4 | 14 CHAPTER 5 | 15 CHAPTER 6 | 16 CHAPTER 7 | 19 CHAPTER 8 | 23 CHAPTER 9 | 24 CHAPTER 10 | 25 CHAPTER 11 | 27 CHAPTER 12 | 28 CHAPTER 13 | 30 CHAPTER 14 | 33 CHAPTER 15 | 35


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