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There is no Country Called Kenya : If you Must Steal, Just Steal a Little Please

By Cheruo, Levi, Cheptora

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Book Id: WPLBN0004450842
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.34 MB
Reproduction Date: 3/9/2016

Title: There is no Country Called Kenya : If you Must Steal, Just Steal a Little Please  
Author: Cheruo, Levi, Cheptora
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature, Political Satire
Collections: Authors Community, Plays
Publication Date:
Publisher: CreateSpace Publishers, Seattle, Washington DC, USA
Member Page: Levi Cheruo


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Cheptora Cheruo, B. L. (2016). There is no Country Called Kenya : If you Must Steal, Just Steal a Little Please. Retrieved from

The year is 2030. A mysterious, rogue, and notorious Committee X has hijacked Kenya, defiled The Kenya Constitution 2010, grabbed forests, parks, whole counties, legalize prostitution, is openly cultivating coca, poppies, and cannabis sativa, and has stolen every coin from Central Bankā€¦inflation rates are skyrocketing, unemployment rates are off the roof, the Shilling value is nose-diving, teachers, nurses, doctors, security personnel among others are either on strike or on a go-slow. An Enemy of the State (a Computer Wizard called JOHN with the help of agitated pro-status quo elements, diehard patriots, and JEFFRY, The American Ambassador to Kenya) is poisoning the masses via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. The masses are fast becoming informed, and are thus poised to unseat the puppet regime answerable to this mysterious Committee X, and inherently directly responsible for their woes. Committee X holds a Crisis Meeting to deliberate on the way forward: they must eliminate their major threat or risk losing all they have worked for so hard. However, not every member of Committee X is keen on rooting out the main threat facing themā€¦

The majority, hapless proletariats, are united in suffering, and empowered by information. The minority, all-powerful bourgeoisies, are too drunk with their loot yet armed with invincible financial muscles. A war, not ever witnessed before in this part of the world, has just begun! Who will win? Will JOHN survive the ugly wrath unleashed by this well-organized army of children of the evil? Will Kenya be liberated? Will Kenyans sing a new song of freedom after 66 years of enslavement by fellow Africans?

ACT III Scene 1 SETTING: Abunker at the US Embassy, Gigiri. Twotables with chairs on either side. Itis 9:00 AM, 4TH, Tuesday, June, 2030. AT RISE: JOHNis going through his typed speech. SARAH is all over him, her arms around hiswaist. JEZEBEL, PROFESSOR MAMBO and RETIRED GENERAL are busy with theirsmartphones, stiffly seated around the two tables. JEFFRY (Entering the bunker) Hi guys, sorry for keeping you waiting... JEFFRY(Cont.) (Seats down opposite where SARAHand JOHN are standing) Everything is now ready... We are good to go! RETIREDGENERAL (Standing up; winks at JOHN andsmiles at SARAH) In that case, I must leave you guys... we have a meeting at theCommittee X boardroom and my absence will only rise eyebrows! JEFFRY (Looking athis wristwatch) You better hurry up is 9:00 AM already! RETIREDGENERAL (Exiting;with a deep sigh) Take care, JOHN... And look out for those two 'self-seekingsaboteurs'... do not accept any gift, drinks, food, and suspicious handshakes...even the lion, the king of theforest, protects himself against flies! This is war; it has neither eyes norears! JOHN (Mumbles; turns to face RETIREDGENERAL) Sure, I will.... And thanks for everything, R.G! PROFESSORMAMBO (Somewhatformal; reserved) Sir, I hope your boys won't forget the power grid and jamming upcommunication in targeted areas... JEFFRY (Looks up at him; steadily; slowly) That includes all the four suspected rebel military barracks...Each one of them is surrounded, outgunned, outnumbered and bound to becontained...should they misbehave, that is, Mmh! As for those still loyal to R.G,we have already disbursed their due salaries.... My secretary is currentlyworking on the payments of teachers, lecturers, doctors, nurses and otherstriking civil servants! PROFESSORMAMBO (With apleasing chuckle) Bravo! Veery good... I have to join the rest, too. PROFESSORMAMBO (Cont.) (Judging the situation;remorseless; addressing JOHN) Son, roast and desecrate those fleas... An army of sheep led by alion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.... Rest assured the crocodilewon't devour you for you are crossing a river in a crowd that cares! You havemy blessings! I have temporally lifted the blanket ban on Private TV Stations....Speak out your heart and set the record straight once and for all! JOHN (With atiny laugh) Sure, I will...I won't spare them, PROF. You have my word! PROFESSORMAMBO (Exiting) Catch up with you guys later!


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