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English Translation of Gyeogmongyogyeol

By Yi, Yi

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Book Id: WPLBN0003466791
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 9/11/2014

Title: English Translation of Gyeogmongyogyeol  
Author: Yi, Yi
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Korea
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-published
Member Page: Kwang Ho Lee


APA MLA Chicago

Yi, B. Y. (2014). English Translation of Gyeogmongyogyeol. Retrieved from

The text translated is in the courtesy of Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics and their Korean translation version of the original Chinese text written by Yi I. The translation may differ from the original Chinese text as the English translation referred to the institute’s Korean translation.

“On the Secret of Expelling Ignorance: Gyeogmongyogyeol”is a systematic guide to learning that was given to the students of Confucianism at the national academy of Sungkyunkwan. The book consists of ten chapters, each presenting ten virtues that a student must follow throughout his course of learning.

Men born into this world cannot become truly humane without learning. So called learning is not something estranged or distinct. Only, it is just for a father to be benevolent, a son faithful, the ruled loyal, with propriety between spouses, love between brothers, trust between friends and respect for the elders. In daily lives, all work should be treated with its own worth and a man must not mind with the mysterious to obtain the eccentric. However, a man who is not learnt has a heart that is stagnant because his perspective is limited. He must read, and then after considering the truth in those lines and enlightening the path of learning, it is possible to realise that taking the path is virtuous and accomplishing it brings justice to actions. Men nowadays do not know that learning exists in their daily lives and believe that it is intangibly high and far, difficult to grasp. Likewise, learning is left to the great men and is given up by the common people. How pitiful this is! When I was at the south of Haesan 해산 海山, one or two students came and asked of learning. Although I was embarrassed to be worthy of a teacher, I was worried about these men who did not know the direction of their doings in the path of learning. If men undertake learning despite their lack of adamant will, such learning, helpful to none, will only be scorned by others. Thus, I write a book briefly on ways to establish the spirit, admonish the body, revere parents and serve others, and in doing so I name the book “On the Secret of Expelling Ignorance, Gyeogmongyogyeol격몽요결擊蒙要訣”. I endeavour to make students read these lines and cleanse their hearts to immediately settle upon their studies. I, who also have agonized over the old habits that I have become accustomed to, will also place myself in the vigilance of introspection through these lines. Written by Yi I

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement Preface Introduction·서·序 Chapter 1 On establishing the spirit of learning·입지·立志 Chapter 2 On changing old habits·혁구습·革舊習 Chapter 3 On conducting oneself·지신·持身 Chapter 4 On reading·독서·讀書 Chapter 5 On how to treat parents·사친·事親 Chapter 6 On the rites of funerals·상제·喪祭 Chapter 7 On the rites of ancestral rituals·제례·祭禮 Chapter 8 On how to reside in one’ s own house·거가·居家 Chapter 9 On how to treat others·접인·接人 Chapter 10 On the conduct of life·처세·處世


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