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Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ, 1 : The Language of Heaven, Volume One

By Wantang, Felix

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Book Id: WPLBN0003466769
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Reproduction Date: 7/21/2014

Title: Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ, 1 : The Language of Heaven, Volume One  
Author: Wantang, Felix
Volume: Volume One
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Biblical Studies
Collections: Authors Community, Christianity
Publication Date:
Publisher: Felix Wantang
Member Page: Felix Wantang


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Wantang, B. F. (2014). Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ, 1 : The Language of Heaven, Volume One. Retrieved from

We all have questions regarding God’s paradise in heaven; as Christians, there is nothing more disappointing as spending all your life on earth convinced that you will go to Paradise when you die only to arrive there and hear Jesus say to you, “You are not saved; you are going to hell.” There are more than 6,000 spoken languages in the world but one thing that sets heaven apart from the earth is the fact that there is only one language in Heaven. A good knowledge of the Language of Heaven will prepare you to better understand the Holy Bible, the teachings of Jesus Christ, his parables, and the miracles he performed. This book will introduce you to the Language of Heaven, answer your questions about heaven, prepare you for the struggles of this world, and ultimately help to prepare you for Jesus Christ. When you read this book, you will know without any doubts if indeed you are truly saved and ready to enter God’s paradise in Heaven. This book is Volume One of “Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ” trilogy and a must-read for every soul. Felix Wantang has been meeting face-to-face with Jesus Christ since October 1991. Contact him at:

In an attempt to run from Jesus Christ, after going through three continents in 2006, Felix Wantang finally realized that he can run but he cannot hide. During a series of face-to-face meetings, Jesus took him on a supernatural spiritual journey to learn the Language of Heaven and the mysteries of the Holy Bible because the Church for the most part has lost its way. Felix Wantang lives in Toronto Canada with his wife and children. To this day, he still doesn’t understand why he was chosen by Jesus Christ to deliver this revelation to the world.

If God lives in heaven and the Bible is His holy word, then the Bible must be from heaven. If the Bible is from heaven where God lives, then the Bible is definitely written in the Language of Heaven. If the Bible is the Language of Heaven, then the Bible must be interpreted using the Language of Heaven. As far as Biblical interpretations and mysteries are concerned, strictly using the Language of the World to interpret the Holy Bible explains why the Church for the most part, has completely lost its way. No human is equipped with the supernatural power to successfully interpret the Holy Bible; only the Holy Spirit can effectively do that job because the Holy Bible is nothing but the Spirit of God exposed to humanity in the Language of Heaven. If the Bible is the supernatural word of God, then the Bible is also written in the Language of a nation where everything including life is supernatural. That nation is called Heaven.

Table of Contents
CONTENTS My Prayer viii Prayer Request ix Acknowledgement x Introduction xii The First Visitation from Jesus Christ xv Chapter 1: The Language of Heaven 1 Heaven 1 Divine Numbers of Heaven 16 Above and Below 19 God is Holy 27 Divine number 9 41 Key Divine Numbers 43 The Mission of Jesus Christ 57 The Flood 62 Jesus clears the Temple 64 The Law of Bricks without Straw 67 Decapolis and Bethsaida 71 Twelve Unique Miracles 76 Aaron 86 Moses 86 God 88 Naming the Ten Plagues 91 The Plague of Blood 91 The Plague of Frogs 92 The Plague of Gnats 93 The Plague of Flies 93 The Plague of Boils 93 The Plague of Hail 93 The Plague of Locust and Livestock 95 The Plague of Darkness 95 The Plague on the Firstborn 96 The Passover 97 The Lord’s Supper 102 Why Judas did not drink from the Cup 104 The Clothes of Jesus Christ 106 God’s Choice of Names 108 The Number 666 110 Chapter 2: The Fall of Man 118 In the Beginning 118 The First Assignment 120 The Supernatural Spiritual Fruit 120 The Choice Wine 122 Why Satan Tempted Eve 125 God’s Creative Nature 127 Noah, the Ark, and Joseph 128 Prime Minister Joseph 129 The Holy Trinity and Man 132 Egypt 136 Chapter 3: The Journey to the Promised Land 138 Moses and Jesus Christ 138 The Mission 139 The Woman Accused of Adultery 141 The Samaritan Woman 142 The Foreskin of Moses’ Son 143 Crossing the Red Sea 144 Marah and Elim 146 Manna and Quail 147 The Golden Calf 147 The First Water from the Rock 148 The Second Water from the Rock 148 The Healing of a Man Born Blind 152 The Power of Prophecy 155 Defeating the Amalekites 157 The Death of Moses 158 The Temple and the Fig Tree 159 Fear and Faith 161 Chapter 4: Entering the Promised Land 163 Joshua and Jesus Christ 163 Jesus and Jericho 164 The Holy Spirit 172 The Two Spirits of Jesus Christ 174 The Fall of Jericho 175 Chapter 5: The Kingdom of God 179 The Church 179 The Law of Zacchaeus 189 Divine Number 17 194 The Passover in a Stranger’s Home 203 The Promised Land 204 Why Joshua was not given a Staff 213 Why Jesus Died at 33 215 The Role of Women 218 Congratulations! 218 My Dream 219 About the Author 220 Other Books by Felix Wantang 221 Value Index 222


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