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Жития Святых, т. 04 - декемврий (Zhitiia Sviatykh, v. 04 - December)

By Dimitriĭ, Saint Metropolitan of Rostov

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Book Id: WPLBN0002952301
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File Size: 711.13 MB
Reproduction Date: 2009

Title: Жития Святых, т. 04 - декемврий (Zhitiia Sviatykh, v. 04 - December)  
Author: Dimitriĭ, Saint Metropolitan of Rostov
Language: Church Slavonic
Subject: Non-fiction, Religion
Collections: Audio Books Collection, Жития Святых, т. 04 - декемврий (Zhitiia Sviatykh, v. 04 - December)
Publication Date:
Publisher: LibriVox Audio Books


APA MLA Chicago

Metropolitan Of Rostov Dimitriĭ, B. S., & Ростовскій, С. Д. (1897). Жития Святых, т. 04 - декемврий (Zhitiia Sviatykh, v. 04 - December). Retrieved from

Жития и похвалы святых подобятся светлостию звездам: якоже бо звезды положением на небеси утвержденны суть, всю же поднебесную просвещают, тыяжде и от Индиан зрятся, ни сокрываются от скифов, землю озаряют, и морю светят, и плавающих корабли управляют: ихже имен аще и не вемы множества ради, обаче светлей доброте их чудимся. Сице и светлость святых, аще и затворены суть мощи их во гробех, но силы их в поднебесней земными пределы не суть определенны: чудимся тех житию, и удивляемся славе, еюже Бог угодившыя Ему прославляет. [St. Symeon Metaphrastes on the Lives of the Saints, 10th century A. D. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: The lives and the eulogies of the Saints resemble, by their luminosity, the stars: for as the stars, firmly studded in the firmament as they are, illume the entire universe, and the same stars are beheld by the Indians, and are not hid from the Scythians, and shed their radiance over the earth and the seas, and show the way to the ships: and even if we know not their names for their multitude’s sake, we as yet admire their brilliant loveliness. So, too, doeth the brilliance of the Saints, even when their relics are shut under a tombstone, yet their miracles in the entire universe are not bound by earthly confines: we admire their lives and wonder at the glory wherewith God glorifieth those who have pleased Him. This succinct description is found as introduction to each of the 12 volumes of the Church Slavonic Lives.]

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