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De Milán a Palermo: la aplicación de mecanismos internacionales para enfrentar a la delincuencia organizada transnacional : From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime, Volume 11: From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime

By Zúñiga, Rubén, Cardoza, Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828885
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File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 8/31/2013

Title: De Milán a Palermo: la aplicación de mecanismos internacionales para enfrentar a la delincuencia organizada transnacional : From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime, Volume 11: From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime  
Author: Zúñiga, Rubén, Cardoza, Dr.
Volume: Volume XI, August-December 2013
Language: Spanish
Subject: Non Fiction, Law, Criminology
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Archivos de Criminología, Criminalística y Seguridad Privada
Member Page: Wael Hikal


APA MLA Chicago

Cardoza Zúñiga, Dr, B. R. (2013). De Milán a Palermo: la aplicación de mecanismos internacionales para enfrentar a la delincuencia organizada transnacional : From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime, Volume 11. Retrieved from

Actualmente, la delincuencia organizada transnacional afecta a toda la comunidad internacional, por lo tanto estamos ante un problema que va más allá de las fronteras de cada Estado. En consecuencia, el modo idóneo para enfrentar esta situación es buscar soluciones de índole multilateral. Por esta razón, dicha comunidad ha adoptado una serie de mecanismos a nivel mundial, los cuales sirven de fundamento para crear estrategias, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para enfrentar la mencionada delincuencia.

Currently, transnational organized crime affects the international community, therefore we are faced with a problem that goes beyond the borders of each State. Mode suitable to deal with this situation is therefore seeking solutions of a multilateral nature. For this reason, the community has adopted a series of mechanisms at the global level, which serve as a basis to create strategies, both national and international, to face the mentioned delinquency.


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