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Vedic Mathematics : 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics' : A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic Analysis

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828495
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Reproduction Date: 8/21/2013

Title: Vedic Mathematics : 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics' : A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic Analysis  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Vedic Mathematics
Collections: Authors Community, Mathematics
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F., & Vasantha Kandasamy, W. B. (2013). Vedic Mathematics : 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics' : A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic Analysis. Retrieved from

This book has five chapters. In Chapter I, we give a brief description of the sixteen sutras invented by the Swamiji. Chapter II gives the text of select articles about Vedic Mathematics that appeared in the media. Chapter III recalls some basic notions of some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic models used in this book. This chapter also introduces a fuzzy model to study the problem when we have to handle the opinion of multiexperts. Chapter IV analyses the problem using these models. The final chapter gives the observations made from our study.

In this book the authors probe into Vedic Mathematics (a concept that gained renown in the period of the religious fanatic and revivalist Hindutva rule in India): and explore whether it is really ‘Vedic’ in origin or ‘Mathematics’ in content. The entire field of Vedic Mathematics is supposedly based on 16 one-to three-word sutras (aphorisms) in Sanskrit, which they claim can solve all modern mathematical problems.

We then remove the common factor if any from each and we find x + 1 staring us in the face i.e. x + 1 is the HCF. Two things are to be noted importantly. (1) We see that often the subsutras are not used under the main sutra for which it is the subsutra or the corollary. This is the main deviation from the usual mathematical principles of theorem (sutra) and corollaries (subsutra). (2) It cannot be easily compromised that a single sutra (a Sanskrit word) can be mathematically interpreted in this manner even by a stalwart in Sanskrit except the Jagadguru Puri Sankaracharya. We wind up the material from the book of Vedic Mathematics and proceed on to give the opinion/views of great personalities on Vedic Mathematics given by Jagadguru. Since the notion of integral and differential calculus was not in vogue in Vedic times, here we do not discuss about the authenticated inventor, further we have not given the adaptation of certain sutras in these fields. Further as most of the educated experts felt that since the Jagadguru had obtained his degree with mathematics as one of the subjects, most of the results given in book on Vedic Mathematics were manipulated by His Holiness.

Table of Contents
Preface 5 Chapter One INTRODUCTION TO VEDIC MATHEMATICS 9 Chapter Two ANALYSIS OF VEDIC MATHEMATICS BY MATHEMATICIANS AND OTHERS 31 2.1 Views of Prof. S.G.Dani about Vedic Mathematics from Frontline 33 2.2 Neither Vedic Nor Mathematics 50 2.3 Views about the Book in Favour and Against 55 2.4 Vedas: Repositories of Ancient Indian Lore 58 2.5 A Rational Approach to Study Ancient Literature 59 2.6 Shanghai Rankings and Indian Universities 60 2.7 Conclusions derived on Vedic Mathematics and the Calculations of Guru Tirthaji - Secrets of Ancient Maths 61 Chapter Three INTRODUCTION TO BASIC CONCEPTS AND A NEW FUZZY MODEL 65 3.1 Introduction to FCM and the Working of this Model 65 3.2 Definition and Illustration of Fuzzy Relational Maps (FRMS) 72 3.3 Definition of the New Fuzzy Dynamical System 77 3.4 Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps with Examples 78 3.5 Description of Neutrosophic Relational Maps 87 3.6 Description of the new Fuzzy Neutrosophic model 92 Chapter Four MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE VIEWS ABOUT VEDIC MATHEMATICS USING FUZZY MODELS 95 4.1 Views of students about the use of Vedic Mathematics in their curriculum 97 4.2 Teachers views on Vedic Mathematics and its overall influence on the Students Community 101 4.3 Views of Parents about Vedic Mathematics 109 4.4 Views of Educationalists about Vedic Mathematics 114 4.5 Views of the Public about Vedic Mathematics 122 Chapter Five OBSERVATIONS 165 5.1 Students’ Views 165 5.2 Views of Teachers 169 5.3 Views of Parents 180 5.4 Views of the Educated 182 5.5 Observations from the Views of the Public 193 REFERENCE 197 INDEX 215 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 220


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