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World Public Library How-To Tutorials: Upload Your Own Publications

By World Public Library

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Book Id: WPLBN0002821947
Format Type: MP4 Video
File Size: 74.29 MB
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Title: World Public Library How-To Tutorials: Upload Your Own Publications  
Author: World Public Library
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Tutorials
Collections: Educational Videos, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: MyAccount, How-To Tutorials


APA MLA Chicago

Public Library, B. W. (12/4/2012). World Public Library How-To Tutorials. Retrieved from

World Public Library presents How-To Tutorials : Upload Your Own Publications as a way to show self publishing authors how to upload to our Author's Community. Using the Author's Community helps the self publishing author by providing a different way to find new readers, as well as receive feedback from readers.

Script Hello and welcome to World Public Library, a place where authors and readers can meet. Today we’re going to show you how to add your publications to the World Public Library’s Author’s Community; a powerful tool for both aspiring and established authors to promote their works, find readers, receive comments, and feedback from readers. World Public Library’s Author’s Community is a public service. There is never a cost for members to upload their books. Now lets discover how to become a published author at World Public Library. When you publish your book at the World Public Library, it is distributed throughout our Cloud Library network, where your book becomes instantly accessible to the World. With over 2 trillion web-enabled, mobile devices in the World today, distribution doesn’t get any better than that. World Public Library also simultaneously distributes your book to our consortium of Internet library branches. To begin you can access the website by typing into your browser window. After arriving at the website’s homepage you must first sign-in by selecting the “MyAccount” button at the top right corner of the page. Then enter your username and password and click “Sign In”. Before uploading your book you may want to familiarize yourself with the 3 helpful options in the “Get Published” drop down menu near the top of the page. The first option, the “Submissions Guidelines” details the specific guideline requirements for uploading eBooks to World Public Library. In addition this page provides several links to helpful style guide tutorials and even complimentary cover page templates if you have not designed your own book cover. Select the “need a cover template” link. Then be sure “Save File” is selected. Now you can click “OK”. Remember to save your template in a folder you can find easily. We’ve decided to save our template in a folder called “Book Covers”. Then click Save. Be sure to replace all default information on the template with the appropriate information from your book on both the front and back covers. The second option, the “Self-Publish Check List” is a fantastic tool. Simply make certain each task on the checklist has been completed before uploading your book. The final option, “Why Choose Self-Publishing” gives you more information about why publishing your book at the School eBook Library is so beneficial to you as an author. Once you’re ready to upload your book select the “Upload” tab near the top of the page. Enter Title, Volume, and Author. You can then select the language your book was written in as well as its category and the subject material. What type of file is your book? Is it a text file in a PDF, Portable Document Format? Is it a MP3 Audio book? Or a Video? If you have a publisher name enter that information here along with the date of publication. If this is the first time your book has been published simply enter today’s date. You can also add a summary of your book as well as a table of contents. You can upload a different, second, photo as your author’s photo by clicking here. And upload an image of your book’s cover art by clicking here. Finally, you can add your book. Before clicking “Submit” at the bottom of the screen please read the Upload Terms of Service and review the Creative Commons licensing information. Then check the “I Agree” box. Notice the Submit button is grayed out until all required fields have been completed. Then, the progress of your upload can be monitored here. Once your book has been approved it is listed in your user profile for everyone to see. The approval process takes up to 48 hours. Congratulations! You’re now a published author with millions of readers ready to begin reading your book. Thank you for joining us today, we hope you have enjoyed discovering how to use World Public Library to become part of the Authors Community, where authors and readers can meet.


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