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Smarandache Notions Volume 10

By C. Dumitresru

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Book Id: WPLBN0002097634
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 6.34 MB
Reproduction Date: 9/14/2011

Title: Smarandache Notions Volume 10  
Author: C. Dumitresru
Volume: 10
Language: English
Subject: Non-Fiction, Education, Smarandache Collections
Collections: Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, Algebra, Probability Theory, Arithmetic, Logic, Authors Community, Math, Statistics, Literature, Most Popular Books in China, Favorites in India, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: American Research Press
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Dumitresru, B. C. (1999). Smarandache Notions Volume 10. Retrieved from

A collection of papers concerning Smarandache type functions, numbers, sequences, integer algorithms, paradoxes, experimental geometries, algebraic structures, neutrosophic probability, set, and logic, etc. is published this year.

This document will describe the current status on the search for factors of Smaranda.che consecutive numbers and their reverse. A complete list up to index 200 will be given, with all known factors. Smarandache numbers are the concatenation of the natural numbers from one up to the given index, and reverse Smaranda.che numbers are the concatenation of the natural numbers from the given index dO\vIJ. to 1.


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