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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By Bob Oconnor

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Book Id: WPLBN0001235216
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 2.49 MB
Reproduction Date: 2008

Title: And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values  
Author: Bob Oconnor
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Science, Future
Collections: Authors Community, Adventure
Publication Date:
Member Page: Bob Oconnor


APA MLA Chicago

Gulliver Xvi, B. L. (n.d.). And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values. Retrieved from

Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them.

After visiting Kino Cmdr. Gulliver and his friends meet with Prof. Wang and discuss how our values are formed. They discuss the basic assumptions of values--God based, self centered, and society based. Then they discuss the types of evidence we use to backup our assumptions. They then discuss a number of ethical questions such as: abortion, capital punishment, torture, homosexuality and contraception and show how one can arrive at both pro and con positions from each of the basic assumptions, depending on the evidence used. This is a nonfiction book in the. Out of ethics.


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