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Twice Told Tales

By Hawthorne, Nathaniel

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Book Id: WPLBN0000662422
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 623.09 KB.
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Twice Told Tales  
Author: Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Literature, Literature & drama
Collections: Penn State University's Electronic Classics Series Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Penn State University's Electronic Classics


APA MLA Chicago

Hawthorne, N. (n.d.). Twice Told Tales. Retrieved from

Excerpt: There was once a time when New England groaned under the actual pressure of heavier wrongs than those threatened ones which brought on the Revolution. James II, the bigoted successor of Charles the Voluptuous, had annulled the charters of all the colonies, and sent a harsh and unprincipled soldier to take away our liberties and endanger our religion. The administration of Sir Edmund Andros lacked scarcely a single characteristic of tyranny: a Governor and Council, holding office from the King, and wholly independent of the country; laws made and taxes levied without concurrence of the people immediate or by their representatives; the rights of private citizens violated, and the titles of all landed property declared void; the voice of complaint stifled by restrictions on the press; and, finally, disaffection overawed by the first band of mercenary troops that ever marched on our free soil. For two years our ancestors were kept in sullen submission by that filial love which had invariably secured their allegiance to the mother country, whether its head chanced to be a Parliament, Protector, or Popish Monarch. Till these evil times, however, such allegiance had been merely nominal, and the colonists had ruled themselves, enjoying far more freedom than is even yet the privilege of the native subjects of Great Britain.

Table of Contents
Contents THE GRAY CHAMPION....................................................................................................... 4 THE WEDDING KNELL ..................................................................................................... 11 THE MINISTER?S BLACK VEIL A PARABLE1 ................................................................. 19 THE MAYPOLE OF MERRY MOUNT ................................................................................ 32 THE GENTLE BOY ............................................................................................................ 43 MR. HIGGINBOTHAM?S CATASTROPHE......................................................................... 72 WAKEFIELD ...................................................................................................................... 84 THE GREAT CARBUNCLE1 ............................................................................................. 92 DAVID SWAN................................................................................................................... 105 THE HOLLOW OF THE THREE HILLS............................................................................ 111 DR. HEIDEGGER?S EXPERIMENT ................................................................................. 116 LEGENDS OF THE PROVINCE HOUSE ......................................................................... 125 I: HOWE?S MASQUERADE................................................................................................................................... 125 II: EDWARD RANDOLPH?S PORTRAIT .............................................................................................................. 139 III: LADY ELEANORE?S MANTLE ....................................................................................................................... 150 IV: OLD ESTHER DUDLEY................................................................................................................................... 165 THE AMBITIOUS GUEST................................................................................................ 175 PETER GOLDTHWAITE?S TREASURE .......................................................................... 183 THE SHAKER BRIDAL.................................................................................................... 202 ENDICOTT AND THE RED CROSS ................................................................................ 208


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