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By Turgenev, Ivan

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Book Id: WPLBN0000631689
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 37.06 KB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Desperate  
Author: Turgenev, Ivan
Language: English
Subject: Literature, Literature & thought, Writing.
Collections: Blackmask Online Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Blackmask Online


APA MLA Chicago

Turgenev, I. (n.d.). Desperate. Retrieved from

Excerpt: THERE were eight men of us in the room, and we were discoursing of contemporary events and people. ?I do not understand these gentlemen,? remarked A. ?They are, as it were, desperate truly desperate. There was never yet anything like it!? ?No there was,? interposed P., an already old, gray?haired man; ?desperate people have been plentiful before; only they did not resemble the desperate people of to?day. Some one said of the poet Yasicoff that in him was ecstasy, not directed toward anything objectless ecstasy. So it was with those people their despair was objectless. Let me relate to you the history of my cousin?s son, Misha Polteff. It may serve as an example of the desperation of those days. He appeared in God?s world in the year 1828, on the ancestral estate of his father, in one of the most obscure corners of an obscure province of the steppes. Misha?s father, Andre‹ Nikolaevitch Polteff, I still remember well. He was a true landowner of the old school, a pious, serious man, sufficiently well educated for that time. To tell the truth, he was a little crazy and suffering from epilepsy. But these are old? school and aristocratic maladies. With andre‹ Nikolaevitch, the paroxysms were mild, and they generally resolved themselves into sleep and melancholy. He was good?hearted, affable, and not without a certain haughtiness.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents: Desperate, 1 -- Ivan Turgenev, 1 -- I, 1 -- II, 2 -- III, 4 -- IV, 5 -- V, 7 -- VI, 9 -- VII, 10 -- VIII, 12


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