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In the Senate of the United States

By Department of Defense

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Book Id: WPLBN0000136761
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: In the Senate of the United States  
Author: Department of Defense
Language: English
Subject: Military, Armed Forces., National defense.
Collections: Military and Armed Forces Library Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Department of Defense


APA MLA Chicago

Defense, D. O. (n.d.). In the Senate of the United States. Retrieved from

Government Reference Publication

Excerpt: enabling the Federal Government to provide 12 health care assistance to States and localities in the 13 event of a biological threat or attack; 14 “(2) improving public health, hospital, labora15 tory, communications, and emergency response per16 sonnel preparedness and responsiveness at the State 17 and local levels; 18 “(3) rapidly developing and manufacturing 19 needed therapies, vaccines, and medical supplies; and 20 “(4) enhancing the protection of the nation’s food 21 supply and protecting agriculture against biological 22 threats or attacks.”.

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents of the 2 Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. TITLE I—NATIONAL GOALS FOR BIOTERRORISM PREPAREDNESS Sec. 101. Amendment to the Public Health Service Act. TITLE II—IMPROVING THE FEDERAL RESPONSE TO BIOTERRORISM Subtitle A—Additional Authorities Sec. 201. Additional authorities of the Secretary; Strategic National Pharmaceutical Stockpile. Sec. 202. Improving the ability of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to respond effectively to bioterrorism. Subtitle B—Coordination of Efforts and Responses Sec. 211. Assistant Secretary of Emergency Preparedness; National Disaster Medical System. Sec. 212. Expanded authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to respond to public health emergencies. Sec. 213. Public health preparedness and response to a bioterrorist attack. Sec. 214. The official Federal Internet site on bioterrorism. Sec. 215. Technical amendments. Sec. 216. Regulation of biological agents and toxins. TITLE III—IMPROVING STATE AND LOCAL PREPAREDNESS Subtitle A—Emergency Measures To Improve State and Local Preparedness Sec. 301. State bioterrorism preparedness and response block grant. Subtitle B—Improving Local Preparedness and Response Capabilities Sec. 311. Designated bioterrorism response medical centers. Sec. 312. Designated State public emergency announcement plan. Sec. 313. Training for pediatric issues surrounding biological agents used in warfare and terrorism. Sec. 314. General Accounting Office report. Sec. 315. Additional research. Sec. 316. Sense of the Senate. TITLE IV—DEVELOPING NEW COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST BIOTERRORISM Sec. 401. Limited antitrust exemption. Sec. 402. Developing new countermeasures against bioterrorism. Sec. 403. Sequencing of priority pathogens. Sec. 404. Accelerated countermeasure research and development. Sec. 405. Accelerated approval of priority countermeasures. Sec. 406. Use of animal trials in the approval of priority countermeasures. Sec. 407. Miscellaneous provisions.


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