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Environmental Protection Agency

By Government Printing Office

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Book Id: WPLBN0000086598
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.2 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Environmental Protection Agency  
Author: Government Printing Office
Language: English
Subject: Government publications, Legislation., Economic & political studies
Collections: Government Library Collection, Government Printing Office
Publication Date:
Publisher: Government Printing Office


APA MLA Chicago

Printing Office, B. G. (n.d.). Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from

Government Reference Publication

Excerpt: For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General in carrying out the provisions of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, and for construction, alteration, repair, rehabilitation, and renovation of facilities, not to exceed $75, 000 per project, $36, 807, 700, to remain available until September 30, 2005. Note.-A regular 2003 appropriation for this account had not been enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, this account is operating under a continuing resolution (P.L. 107-229, as amended). The amounts included for 2003 in this budget reflect the Administration’s 2003 policy proposals. Program and Financing (in millions of dollars) Identification code 68-0112-0-1-304 2002 actual 2003 est. 2004 est. Obligations by program activity: 00.10 Effective Management ... 34 48 37 09.01 Reimbursements from Superfund Trust Fund ... 12 13 13 10.00 Total new obligations ... 46 61 50 Budgetary resources available for obligation: 21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 13 13 ... 22.00 New budget authority (gross) ... 46 48 50 23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 59 61 50 23.95 Total new obligations ... Y46 Y61 Y50 24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ... 13 ... New budget authority (gross), detail: Discretionary: 40.00 Appropriation ... 34 35 37 Spending authority from offsetting collections: 68.00 Offsetting collections (cash) ... 11 13 13 68.10 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) ... 1 ... 68.90 Spending authority from offsetting collections (total discretionary) ... 12 13 13 70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) ... 46 48 50 Change in obligated balances: 72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ... 1 13 73.10 Total new obligations ... 46 61 50 73.20 Total outlays (gross) ... Y46 Y49 Y49 74.00 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) ... Y1 ... 74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ... 1 13 14 Outlays (gross), detail: 86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ... 36 38 39 86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ... 10 11 10 87.00 Total outlays (gross) ... 46 49 49 Offsets: Against gross budget authority and outlays: 88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Federal sources Y11 Y13 Y13 Against gross budget authority only: 88.95 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources (unexpired) ... Y1 ... Net budget authority and outlays: 89.00 Budget authority ... 34 35 37 90.00 Outlays ... 33 36 36 Additional net budget authority and outlays to cover cost of fully accruing retirement: 99.00 Budget authority ... 3 3 3 99.01 Outlays ... 3 3 3 This appropriation supports EPA’s core programs, and the Agency’s effective management goal to establish a management infrastructure that will set and implement the highest quality standards for effective internal management and fiscal responsibility. To assist the Agency in accomplishing this goal, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) will provide audit, evaluation, and investigative products and advisory services to improve the performance and integrity of EPA programs and operations. These products and services will contribute substantially to improved environmental quality and human health. Specifically, the OIG performs contract audits and investigations which focus on costs claimed by contractors, and on the award and management of contracts. Assistance agreement audits and investigations evaluate the award, administration, and costs of assistance agreements. Program audits, evaluations and investigations determine the extent to which the desired results or benefits envisioned by the Administration and Congress are being achieved, and identify activities that contribute to or undermine the integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness of Agency programs. Financial statement audits review financial systems and statements to ensur

Table of Contents


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