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World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Africa Region, 30561: Accelerer l’Instauration de la Sante pour Tous

By G. L. Monekosso, Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000040959
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 5.7 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Africa Region, 30561: Accelerer l’Instauration de la Sante pour Tous  
Author: G. L. Monekosso, Dr.
Language: English
Subject: Health., Public health, Wellness programs
Collections: Medical Library Collection, World Health Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Health Organization


APA MLA Chicago

Monekosso, Dr, G. L. (n.d.). World Health Organization : Regioinal Office for Africa ; Year 1993 ; Africa Region, 30561. Retrieved from

Medical Reference Publication

Introduction Early diagnosis and prompt trsatment of malaria are essential to avert severe morbidity and mortal~t!i~n non-immune individuals (I). Togcther $\'it11 the implementation of sustainable preventive measures and the strengthening of local resea~ch capaaties. the early detection and conta~nment of epidemics constitute the basic technical eler~ientso f the Global Strategy for Malaria Control (2). Timely professional treatment of malaria episodes is; honever, hard to organize In regons with scattered populations who have to travel long distances to the nearest health care facility. It has been sugzested that community health workers (CHJ4's) could provide correct case mana~ement at the communirg level and thereby lncrease the access to good qual~ty care (3, I ) . This study in the Katana health zone, Zaire. aimed to evaluate further the potential of CHWs to reduce malaria morbidity and mortality

Table of Contents


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