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By Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI)

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Book Id: WPLBN0002827823
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 30.68 MB
Reproduction Date: 4/18/2013

Title: Sporgeskema  
Author: Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI)
Language: Danish
Subject: Non Fiction, World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc., UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects)
Collections: Authors Community, History
Publication Date:
Publisher: Scandinavian UFO Information
Member Page: UnIdentified Flying Objects Awareness


APA MLA Chicago

Scandinavian Ufo Information, B. (. (n.d.). Sporgeskema. Retrieved from

Over the years, some Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been observed over Denmark. Reports on these observations are now available on this page, so interested parties can get a glimpse of the observations made ​​through time. The answer to the natural question of what it is that has been observed is for the most part never been solved. By observations that have been precise and detailed enough to be investigated and resolved, the "UFO" typical proved to be either a military or civilian aircraft, a weather phenomenon, "China Lamps," a bright planet or something else relatively naturally occurring. few reports however, indicate more remarkable phenomena such. "The flying jellyfish" that only after thorough investigation by the civil organizations station Scandinavian UFO Information, most likely turned out to be the result of a steam boiler that was blown through in a heating plant. Historical UFO sightings that can now be downloaded from ago, is reported to Tactical Air Command, and also contains the very thorough investigation reports from Scandinavian UFO Information and some newspaper articles - including the story about the time frozen toilet waste fell from the sky and gave rise to justifiable wonder. Individual Information may not be published Tactical Air Command is subject to Privacy Act, and therefore information of the people who have approached with a UFO sighting, stressed out. Nowadays, Scandinavian UFO Information completely taken over the task of collecting and investigating UFO sightings, so the Air Force will deliver pieces to the investigations carried out in the form of information about where and when, there have been military aircraft in Danish airspace. magazine Air Force, which was released 2 February 2009 has more about the UFO archive. Future UFO sightings should be reported to the Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI).


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