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A Unifying Field in Logics : Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability

By: Florentin Smarandache

... in sets: 112 4. Neutrosophic Probability - a generalization of classical and imprecise probabilities - and Neutrosophic Statistics: 116 5. Addenda... ...: Definitions derived from Neutrosophics: 120 2 Preface to Neutrosophy and Neutrosophic Logic by Charles T. Le 1 Introduction. It was a surpris... ... 1995 I received a manuscript from the mathematician, experimental writer and innovative painter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treat... ... especially reveals the contradictions, the antinomies, anti-theses, anti- phrases, antagonism, non-conformism, the paradoxes in other words of anythi... ...-theses, anti- phrases, antagonism, non-conformism, the paradoxes in other words of anything (in literature, art, science), while futurism, cubism, s... ... style of the non-style; - poems without verse (because poems don't mean words)- dumb poems with loud voice; - poems without poems (because the not... ...tic verse (only!): graphics, lyrical portraits, drawings, drafts... - non-words and non-sentence poems; - very upset free verse and trivial hermetic... ...ndu text "Bhagavad-Gita", found in the "Mah ābhārata", one of the ancient Sanskrit epics, Lord Krishna lays the complete knowledge of life to his pup... ...arishi Mahesh Yogi, <Bhagavad-Gida: A New Translation and Commentary with Sanskrit Text>) Ultimate order means chaos. Maieutic Neutrosophy: t...

...It was known to me his setting up in 1980’s of a new literary and artistic avant-garde movement that he called “paradoxism”, because I received some books and papers dealing with it in order to review them for the German journal “Zentralblatt fár Mathematik”. It was an inspired connecti...

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