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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...RESS ...................................................................................................................................... 90 NORMAL... ...tress reactions like crying and screaming. These reactions were caused by students at America‘s most prestigious university by psychologically normal... ...ts of New York or Baghdad, in the wars of Europe, in the slums of Brazil, in the wars of religions, in the aggressive tribes of Africa, is the norm f... ..., a quality education might well be a requirement for those who are said to be loved. Possibly the exposure to a home life that is within the norm o... ...illed. There is frottage in which a person touches another to get a sexual thrill and the power gained from having done it. And of course the normal... ... Today, 1968, 2:24-29) 22. Abraham Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature, The Viking Press, N. Y., 1971, pp. 299-300.) 23. Holder MD, Colema...

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