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Deductive Reasoning (X) English (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Astronomy (X) Authors Community (X) Science (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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And Gulliver Returns Book I : Touchdown

By: Bob Oconnor

...ur seas of fish? Or has God made us in His image and expects us to use our reasoning to do something about the mess that we have created for oursel... ...Wreck, you’re right about that. I’m going to have to watch my inductive and deductive reasoning and not let them get in the way of my passion. So wha... ...’re right about that. I’m going to have to watch my inductive and deductive reasoning and not let them get in the way of my passion. So what if a per...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

......................................................... 207 THE PROCESS OF REASONING .................................................................... ... ―But for those of us who have overcome our traditions through our reasoning and therefore had to eliminate our hopes for celestial longevity... ...ven‘t cited the sources or the methodology of their research, much of the reasoning seems to revolve around the former required atheism of the USSR, ... ... certain loss of personal freedom. So far our citizens have accepted that reasoning and accept a large degree of totalitarian control. You cringe, C... ...ttered ability to question everything. When your society prevents you from reasoning it is the Grim Reaper burying progress. When you stop questionin... ...cessary, definitions. That is inductive logic. Then we argue according to deductive logic. There are a number of rules for this. What if we wa... ... a more critical view of the evidence and the proper use of inductive and deductive logic we might come a bit closer together. And probably the basic...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...verse 5 Everyone knows this is not true. By using logical deduction and reasoning, the infinite variations and permutations of differences and... ...g instead of everything. Because of this, its entire accumulation of logical deductive reasoning is suspect. The very fact that the abstract logic ... ...of everything. Because of this, its entire accumulation of logical deductive reasoning is suspect. The very fact that the abstract logic of mathem... ...abysmal lack of writing, and evidence from which modern historians base their reasoning upon. Always seeking the easiest, most convenient explanatio... ...tify your enemy: you can’t fight it. This is the complete hoax of western reasoning and research. If after spending over 1 trillion dollars sea... ...igion, and also the Son of God?… What wonder is it; that this kind of corrupt reasoning is so addictive? Only… you have to very stupid, or very bra...

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