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"The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli : The Behind the Book Lecture Series

By: Behind the Book

Behind the Book Presents: The Lecture Series Discover the stories behind history's greatest books. A World eBook Library Production

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铁血除弊追踪(中)卷 : 夜伤鹰

By: 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰; 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰

(一) 汗水在梁复生的脸上,如珠如豆,渐渐侵着结痂的伤口而下流。麻药过后产生的剧痛撕裂了他的心肺,梁复生的眼睑皮颤抖着,眼皮随着神经一跳一跳的抖动着,牙齿疼的咯咯作响,复生的潜意识里似乎感知到自己还活着,一只还没残废的手揪住床单猛的一拉,硬是让自己在昏迷中挺了过来,他缓缓地睁开双眸,余光打量了下周遭的环境,看到周围四处寂静,只剩下自己孤零零地躺在病床上,内心不免泛起一阵涟漪,心中默念:真乃英雄落寞! 很快一阵剧烈的疼痛从神经末梢传递至心头,他甩头望了一眼身体的右侧,发现一只手被炸没了,见到此景,梁复生的眼神中顿生绝望之情。 他饥肠辘辘浑身无力,后背的汗滴黏着湿漉的木板床,在冰冷的湿气作用下直往骨髓里透,钻心一般的疼痛使得他的眼角里闪现出泪花来,梁复生仰天长啸大喝了一声:起来! 这个时候外面的门“吱呀”一声被一股莫名的外力弹开,只闻见”嗖“地一声,走廊上搐起一股阴森之风,那阴风夹着几片树叶直径卷入屋内。 粱复生下意识地瞭起眼皮,露出一条细缝来,隐隐约约地见到黄蒲诚穿着一件素不考究的深蓝粗布衣裳,从门外缓缓步入屋内,朝着他的方向走来。 黄蒲诚走近看来,见到血色的,近血色的床单布满了一道道刻骨铭心的抓痕,就知道梁复生经历了多少磨难,蒲城瞅了瞅梁复生残臂上扎着的绷带,然后又仔细瞧了瞧他脸上的气色,只见梁复生的脸色真像一张秋天晒成的干菜,纠皱,脸色丝毫没有任何血气,头发蓬乱着,也不知道几天没洗澡了。 梁复生用一只手撑住了床板,硬是依靠身体的支点站了起来,黄蒲诚见到眼前这一幕反倒从心中油然升起一股敬畏之情,心中暗想:没想到他深受重伤居然还能靠自己站起来,不愧是建丰先生的得意门生。 梁复生定定的看了一眼蒲城,忍俊住剧痛,硬是松了死死咬牙的口,然后询问道:你怎么会在这里,不是在基隆监狱管事吗? 黄蒲诚迟疑了一会,回答道:建丰先生派遣我早来香港一步,其目的是希望我暗中保护你的安危,没想到铁血救国会出师不利,穆澜姑娘竟然再次遭遇劫难,这是鄙人的失职,回去我定要当面向建丰先生负荆请罪。 梁复生冷笑了一声说道:建丰先生只是命你保护我,却没有说要你保护谢穆澜! 黄蒲诚抽缩着肩头,两手摆出无奈的姿势,安抚道:你这是话里有话,我知道你是埋怨我没有及时出手相救谢穆澜,可是我不敢轻举妄动,建丰同志说了,不到万不得已不能暴露身份。 梁复生听了此番话之后,愈发的气愤,语气带着不满的情绪急转而下,怨忿道:既然建丰先生让你暗中保护我,为什么你不出手相救穆澜,穆澜是为党国献出的生命,你懂吗? 梁复生忍着剧痛朝着黄蒲诚一阵咆哮,紧接着用力一脚踢中黄埔城的腹部,黄埔城”啊“的一声应声倒地,蒲城也不起身,只是坐在地上两眼愣愣地望着梁复生,让他发泄心中的愠怒,这是黄埔诚第一次近距离地感...

(一) 汗水在梁复生的脸上,如珠如豆,渐渐侵着结痂的伤口而下流。麻药过后产生的剧痛撕裂了他的心肺,梁复生的眼睑皮颤抖着,眼皮随着神经一跳一跳的抖动着,牙齿疼的咯咯作响,复生的潜意识里似乎感知到自己还活着,一只还没残废的手揪住床单猛的一拉,硬是让自己在昏迷中挺了过来,他缓缓地睁开双眸,余光打量了下周遭的环境,看到周围四处寂静,只剩下自己孤零零地躺在病床上,内心不免泛起一阵涟漪,心中默念:真乃英雄落寞! 很快一阵剧烈的疼痛从神经末梢传递至心头,他甩头望了一眼身体的右侧,发现一只手被炸没了,见到此景,梁复生的眼神中顿生绝望之情。 他饥肠辘辘浑身无力,后背的汗滴黏着湿漉的木板床,在冰冷的湿气作用下直往骨髓里透,钻心一般的疼痛使得他的眼角里闪现出泪花来,梁复生仰天长啸大喝了一声:起来! 这个时候外面的门“吱呀”一声被一股莫名的外力弹开,只闻见”嗖“地一声,走廊上搐起一股阴森之风,那阴风夹着几片树叶直径卷入屋内。 粱复生下意识地瞭起眼皮,露出一条细缝来,隐隐约约地见到黄蒲诚穿着一件素不考究的深蓝粗布衣裳,从门外缓缓步入屋内,朝着他的方向走来。 黄蒲诚走近看来,见到血色的,近血色的床单布满了一道道刻骨铭心的抓痕,就知道梁复生经历了多少磨难,蒲城瞅了瞅梁复生残臂上扎着的绷带,然后又仔细瞧了瞧他脸上的气色,只见梁复生的脸色真像一张秋天晒成的干菜,纠皱,脸色丝毫没有任何血气,头发蓬乱着,也不知道几天没洗澡了。 梁复生用一只手撑住了床板,硬是依靠身体的支点站了起来,黄蒲诚见到眼前这一幕反倒从心中油然升起一股敬畏之情,心中暗想:没想到他深受重伤居然还能靠自己站起来,不愧是建丰先生的得意门生。 梁复生定定的看了一眼蒲城,忍俊住剧痛,硬是松了死死咬牙的口,然后询问道:你怎么会在这里,不是在基隆监狱管事吗? 黄蒲诚迟疑了一会,回答道:建丰先生派遣我早来香港一步,其目的是希望我暗中保护你的安危,没想到铁血救国会出师不利,穆澜姑娘竟然再次遭遇劫难,这是鄙人的失职,回去我定要当面向建丰先生负荆请罪。 梁复生冷笑了一声说道:建丰先生只是命你保护我,却没有说要你保护谢穆澜! 黄蒲诚抽缩着肩头,两手摆出无奈的姿势,安抚道:你这是话里有话,我知道你是埋怨我没有及时出手相救谢穆澜,可是我不敢轻举妄动,建丰同志说了,不到万不得已不能暴露身份。 梁复生听了此番话之后,愈发的气愤,语气带着不满的情绪急转而下,怨忿道:既然建丰先生让你暗中保护我,为什么你不出手相救穆澜,穆澜是为党国献出的生命,你懂吗? 梁复生忍着剧痛朝着黄蒲诚一阵咆哮,紧接着用力一脚踢中黄埔城的腹部,黄埔城”啊“的一声应声倒地,蒲城也不起身,只是坐在地上两眼愣愣地望着梁复生,让他发泄心中的愠怒,这是黄埔诚第一次近距离地感...

(一) 汗水在梁复生的脸上,如珠如豆,渐渐侵着结痂的伤口而下流。麻药过后产生的剧痛撕裂了他的心肺,梁复生的眼睑皮颤抖着,眼皮随着神经一跳一跳的抖动着,牙齿疼的咯咯作响,复生的潜意识里似乎感知到自己还活着,一只还没残废的手揪住床单猛的一拉,硬是让自己在昏迷中挺了过来,他缓缓地睁开双眸,余光打量了下周遭的环境,看到周围四处寂静,只剩下自己孤零零地躺在病床上,内心不免泛起一阵涟漪,心中默念:真乃英雄落寞! 很快一阵剧烈的疼痛从神经末梢传递至心头,他甩头望了一眼身体的右侧,发现一只手被炸没了,见到此景,梁复生的眼神中顿生绝望之情。 他饥肠辘辘浑身无力,后背的汗滴黏着湿漉的木板床,在冰冷的湿气作用下直往骨髓里透,钻心一般的疼痛使得他的眼角里闪现出泪花来,梁复生仰天长啸大喝了一声:起来! 这个时候外面的门“吱呀”一声被一股莫名的外力弹开,只闻见”嗖“地一声,走廊上搐起一股阴森之风,那阴风夹着几片树叶直径卷入屋内。 粱复生下意识地瞭起眼皮,露出一条细缝来,隐隐约约地见到黄蒲诚穿着一件素不考究的深蓝粗布衣裳,从门外缓缓步入屋内,朝着他的方向走来。 黄蒲诚走近看来,见到血色的,近血色的床单布满了一道道刻骨铭心的抓痕,就知道梁复生经历了多少磨难,蒲城瞅了瞅梁复生残臂上扎着的绷带,然后又仔细瞧了瞧他脸上的气色,只见梁复生的脸色真像一张秋天晒成的干菜,纠皱,脸色丝毫没有任何血气,头发蓬乱着,也不知道几天没洗澡了。 梁复生用一只手撑住了床板,硬是依靠身体的支点站了起来,黄蒲诚见到眼前这一幕反倒从心中油然升起一股敬畏之情,心中暗想:没想到他深受重伤居然还能靠自己站起来,不愧是建丰先生的得意门生。 梁复生定定的看了一眼蒲城,忍俊住剧痛,硬是松了死死咬牙的口,然后询问道:你怎么会在这里,不是在基隆监狱管事吗? 黄蒲诚迟疑了一会,回答道:建丰先生派遣我早来香港一步,其目的是希望我暗中保护你的安危,没想到铁血救国会出师不利,穆澜姑娘竟然再次遭遇劫难,这是鄙人的失职,回去我定要当面向建丰先生负荆请罪。 梁复生冷笑了一声说道:建丰先生只是命你保护我,却没有说要你保护谢穆澜! 黄蒲诚抽缩着肩头,两手摆出无奈的姿势,安抚道:你这是话里有话,我知道你是埋怨我没有及时出手相救谢穆澜,可是我不敢轻举妄动,建丰同志说了,不到万不得已不能暴露身份。 梁复生听了此番话之后,愈发的气愤,语气带着不满的情绪急转而下,怨忿道:既然建丰先生让你暗中保护我,为什么你不出手相救穆澜,穆澜是为党国献出的生命,你懂吗? 梁复生忍着剧痛朝着黄蒲诚一阵咆哮,紧接着用力一脚踢中黄埔城的腹部,黄埔城”啊“的一声应声倒地,蒲城也不起身,只是坐在地上两眼愣愣地望着梁复生,让他发泄心中的愠怒,这是黄埔诚第一次近距离地感...

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Me and My Friend President Obama : Concise Memos of my Cooperation with The White House and CIA all around the Hell

By: Peiman Ghasemi (Author); Barack Obama (Foreword)

Today I decided to write a book, a concise part about my cooperation with The White House and The Central Intelligence Agency and many years of cooperation with Human Rights Watch (HRW) and IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies); a few political leaders of England, France, agents of NSA (The National Security Agency of the United States, who didn’t let me to submit any top secret information, before.) and CIA agents and Mossad and Shin Bet (Shabak) and USSS (The United States Secret Service) and Microsoft communicated with me about what am I started to write now? My life is full of espionage and political memories. When I started my political activities and when I started to fight for freedom of people, I was only 14, one of the teenager Iranian boys. I got tortured extremely hard. All around the hell, staying in Russia where your bones would sense it’s very cold weather, inside of it’s deep underground city where you ask your self “How is it possible for some satellites with their warheads to track me here?”. During travel to Philippines with it’s girls inside of the bars and clubs. In middle east, ...

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Unten bleiben : Zwischenbericht der Piratenfraktion zum Untersuchungsausschuss BER

By: Dr. Martin Delius; Benedict Ugarte-Chacon

Das Werk ist ein Bericht, dass die Erkenntnisse um den so genannten BER-Skandal zusammenfasst wie sie aus Sicht der Piratenfraktion im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus und der Arbeit im damit beschäftigten Untersuchungsausschuss erwachsen. Die gravierenden Mängel in der Standortwahl, die verwirrenden und zum Teil unlauteren Verstrickungen von Firmen und Einzelpersonen in die geplante Privatisierung des zukünftigen Flughafens und die unzulässige Einwirkung von öffentlichen Einrichtungen auf unabhängige Beteiligungsverfahren sind die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit. Die Autoren betrachten über den Zeitraum zwischen 1994 und 2004 die Vorgänge um das Projekt im Land Berlin, Brandenburg und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und schlagen Bögen zur skandalösen Situation des Flughafenneubaus im Jahr 2013....

Vorwort Der lange Weg zum Untersuchungsausschuss Der BBI – aus Hauptstadteuphorie geboren Eine Frage des Standorts Der ewige Skandal Der Prozess der Planfeststellung Das Verschweigen der tatsächlichen Flugrouten Anträge der Piratenfraktion zur Aufklärung des BER-Debakels Über 80 parlamentarische Anfragen an den Senat Hoffnungsträger Hartmut Mehdorn? Schlussbemerkung Verwendete Materialien...

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British Sailors in Indian Stinking Jails!

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

can mention something from my own experiences. I started by schooling in a Cambridge-University certification school (I think), wherein initially the teachers and priests were more or less Anglo-Indians of the English variety. (There is the Indian variety of Anglo-Indians also. The first version has vanished from India now). However, after around after around one and half years of such schooling, the Anglo-Indian group vanished and a native converted-to-Christian priests took over the management....

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Επιλογή πολιτικών άρθρων που ο Αντόνιο Γκράμσι δημοσίευσε μεταξύ 1916 και 1925 σε διάφορα έντυπα. Μετάφραση από τα ιταλικά Χρίστος Αλεξανδρίδης. Selected political articles published by Antonio Gramsci in various newspapers and journals between 1916 and 1925. Translation fron italian by Christos Alexandridis....

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 6

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The following chapters are independent essays that were written between July 2015 and February 2016. They appear in random order, and therefore they do not have to be read in the order they appear. The issue in all the essays is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that break out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related. I describe many economic interests and many alliances in my essays. But alliances change and so do economic interest. Therefore what is more important for the reader is to have an idea of the global resources i.e. oil and natural gas in my essays, because global resources change at a much lower pace than economic interests and economic alliances. The alliances and conflicts I describe in my essays might not exist in the near future, but if you have an idea of the global resources you will be able to see the alliances and the economic interests that will exist in the future....

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Un Mendigo Sentado en un Banco de Oro : Reflexiones Sobre Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente en el Peru

By: Dr. Gonzalo Castro de la Mata

The book deals with Peru's dilema: A country rich in natural resources and yet with alarming levels of poverty.

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Ataturkist Manifesto: End Capitalism for Freedom and Peace : The Way Forward in 6 Steps

By: Mehmet Hamit Kurtkaya

What is capitalism, really? Almost all definitions out there is based on hearsay or wishful thinking. Correct diagnosis of any problem is the first and the most important task in solving it. Any solution must address the root cause(s) of a problem. Unfortunately, people are distracted away from the real issues by the Banker/Corporate owned media and the political parties/leaders. The way forward out of this economic depression (terminal failure of capitalism) and the political mess in the West is only possible with a correct diagnosis of the underlying problems as well as applying correct solutions that address these problems. Equally important for the people with a clear conscience is to take charge and inform people. Socialists, conservatives, libertarians and progressives should take note....

Capitalism is as dead as Adam Smith, famed author of economy novels.

INTRODUCTION 5 21st CENTURY WEST, A QUICK SUMMARY 7 WHAT IS CAPITALISM (BANKERISM)? 11 Historical facts: Capitalism is Based on Private Bank Bailouts 15 Reactions To Neverending Bank Bailouts (2008-2016) By Capitalism Apologists 17 What Capitalism Is Not 18 What Capitalism Is: The Most Elaborate Form of Master-Slave Relationship 20 Why People Are Not Interested In Finance or Economics 22 Historical Shift of Power: From Kings and Priests to The Bankers 23 Money (Fiat) 24 Bankers As Accountants of Both The Society and The Individuals 26 Peace Would End Capitalism. What Would Be Next? 27 WHAT DOES CAPITALISM TERMINALLY FAILED MEAN? 29 WESTERN POLITICS 33 Shamlections 34 Western Demockracy - Politicks 35 Western Political Scene 37 Western Democratic Fascism 38 Westerners Left Without Ideas or Alternatives 39 WESTERN MEDIA 40 Major News On Western Media 40 Why Should The Corporate/Banker Media Tell The Truth? 41 Lying By Omission 42 Don't Let The Truth Deceive You! 43 Knowledge Vs. Opinion 44 Western Truth Is Negotiable 44 Conspiracy Theory: Capitalism Itself is a Conspiracy Against The People 46 Learning About...

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The Geopolitics of Energy and Terrorism, Part 10

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The following chapters are independent essays written in May, June and July 2016, and they can be read in any order. The wars for the global resources of oil and natural gas are the topic of most essays. To a large extent, the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries were the result of energy rich countries competing to secure their exports, or the result of energy poor countries competing to secure their access to energy resources. Many episodes of the energy wars of the 20th and 21st centuries are described in the following essays. I.A....

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The Discreet Charm of the Islamic Caliphate

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The modern father of the idea of an Islamic Caliphate was the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). And even though ISIS is retreating in Iraq and Syria, due to the NATO bombings, the idea of an Islamic State is becoming more and more popular in the Muslim world. More and more terrorist groups pledge their allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syira. This essay examines the paradox of a shrinking Islamic State in Iraq and Syria with a rising popularity....

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How Putin and Assad Created the Islamic State

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad needed a monster in order to keep Syria under their control, when in 2011 Turkey and Qatar used the Muslim Brotherhood to cause a regime change. It turns out that this monster was the Islamic State, which was the successor of Al-Qaeda of Iraq, which was established by the Arabs and the Iranians in 2003 in order to attack the Americans who had overturned Saddam Hussein. ...

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The Al-Qaeda War Against France

By: Iakovos Alhadef

France is fighting Al-Qaeda in Africa and ISIS in France. Al-Qaeda was supported by Iran and Sudan while ISIS was supported by Turkey. This essay explains the economic underpinnings of these wars. ...

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 9

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

Τhe connection between the energy policies of various countries with the wars that break out at various parts of the world, i.e. at the Middle East and North Africa etc...

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Al-Qaeda as a Business

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

Terrorist organizations are always created to promote the interests of various countries, most of the time their interests in the oil and natural gas industries. This essay explains why Al-Qaeda is a business, which is actually true for all terrorist groups. I.A. July 2016 ...

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大陆社情观察录(第一期) : 大陆社情观察录(第一期): 大陆社情观察录(第一期)

By: 俞小明 俞小明 俞小明; 俞小明 俞小明 俞



诺贝尔和平奖无冕得主邓丽君为何比戴安娜更伟大----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1   大陆『工二代』不及二代农民工 工二代被指出生就有『独生残疾证』------------------------------------------------------------------ 2   企业家为何屡屡招不到像关公一样忠诚的员工?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3   为信仰禁欲的男人为何总是能够得到熟女的青睐----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4   奥斯卡纪录片杀戮演绎为何让华人世界毛骨悚然?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5   双独夫妻成丁克族主体的历史根源------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6   临时夫妻不仅仅存在外来务工人员 城镇居民也存在------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7   大陆封建社会以贪治贪的官场生态圈--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8   大陆官场职场文化:拍上司马屁 扇下属耳光 淫知识女性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9   谁是转基因食安问题的牺牲品?-----------------------------------...

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Chistes de Cuba : Sobre la revolucion

By: Modesto Arocha

Esta selección y compilación de chistes del humor político popular cubano contiene cerca de 800 chistes de los que circulan en Cuba. Los sociólogos que se han dedicado a la recopilación y estudio del humor político en el socialismo, conocen que es difícil rastrear el origen de cada uno de los chistes, ya que al tener todos esos países condiciones de escasés, represión, ineficacia y autoritarismo similares, los chistes creados en un país pasan a otros de manera clandestina y viral, mutando para adaptarse a la idiosincrasia de cada localidad en particular. Son portátiles....

Este libro, publicado en los Estados Unidos por el autor en el exilio, y naturalmente prohibido en Cuba, constituye un monumento al espíritu indomable de algunos hombres heroicos y divertidos, que no dejarían morir la risa en Cuba, aún en medio de un adoctrinamiento interminable....

De chinos De locos De borrachos Ciencia Del partido y sus militantes Ideología Internacionales Del Comediante en Jefe De otros digerientes En la Plaza de la Robolución Poesías y parodias Pepito Religión Economía (es decir, hambre) Te estoy vigilando Elián Miami y el exilio Huyendo del paraíso Gusanerías finales ...

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Iran's Role in the Arab Spring of Libya

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The present booklet examines two incidents of the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring of Oman and the Arab Spring of Libya. However the emphasis is on the Libyan Arab Spring, and the toppling of the Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi in 2011. Qaddafi was a very strongheaded dictator, and somehow he managed to bring everyone against him during the Arab Spring of Libya. The emphasis of the booklet is on why Iran, a traditional ally of Qaddafi, attacked Qaddafi during the Libyan Arab Spring. ...

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Kings’ Dirty Operation : Concise Memos of My Cooperation with the CIA and Illuminati's Hell

By: Peiman Ghasemi; Barack Obama, Co-Author

Today I decided to write a book, there shall be included a concise part of my cooperation with the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency and Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the IFRC (the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies). A few political leaders of England and France, agents of NSA (The National Security Agency of the United States, which has forbidden me from submitting any secret information) and CIA and Mossad and Shin Bet (Shabak) and USSS (The United States Secret Service) and Microsoft personals have communicated with me, inquiring about what I have now started to write. My life is full of espionage and political memories. When I started my political activities and when I started to fight for freedom of people, I was only 14. I was a teenage boy. An investigative student. It caused that I got tortured (by exposure) extremely hard. I have been all around hell, all around the Globe. I have stayed in Russia; places so cold that your very bones inside of you shriek. Deep down inside the underground city, where you ask yourself “How is it possible for satellites with their warheads to track me...

It’s about the beginning of the latest century. Inside a calm city, near a warm bed there’s a personal computer near the backdoor on the first floor of a creaky house, a teenage boy is inside. He has heard much gossip about the daily challenges and the everyday complaints which people are confronted by and dealing with. Those people who are the heart, the soul, and the backbone of our society, auctioning their own homes; and their suspicious activities are under supervision in their everyday lives! Just imagine a group of rebels have dropped a woman inside a big hole and they are throwing stones at her head, stones tear the skin of her head and blood covers her face. Before one of the great disasters happens in another country, a group of people who have authority to observe, those whose work we call ‘social engineering’, inside the bubble1, inside top-secret facilities are looking into some jets; the jet pilots keep flying and they crash the jets into a great building! Have you ever thought about why these impressive disasters affect our everyday life, and it may cause so many negative effects, deep in our souls! If someone told yo...

Acknowledgment White House Foreword Key# President Barack Obama Foreword The Forewords of Two U.S. Army Members Who Are Imprisoned in Iran IFRC Foreword Introduction Dedication by Bill Gates A Few Words from Stephen Hawking Chapter 1 The September 11 Attacks The 99% Secret Surveillance Devices and Big-Brother Times of Being Under Torture for Me and Effects of Social Media for Public Awareness Derangement of Ideologies Threats the U.S. Intelligence Intelligence Cycle Intelligence Cycle (Target-Centric Approach) End of the Second World War, Space Age, the Cold War, and Apollo People in a Stadium Computers & OS My Math Affairs A Bit Is Neither a 0 nor 1 Chapter 2 Obama’s Story (A Short Biography) The Beginning of My Cooperation with the CIA Muslims, Courant, and Rushdie BBC and Propaganda The United Nations Convention Against Torture Muslims, Hussein, Satanists Iranian Understanding of the Western Societies The Passion of Cooperation with the Interpol CPR and Its Three Basic Steps HIV/AIDS Chapter 3 The Attack on the British Embassy in Iran Terror of an Iranian Nuclear Scientist In Remembrance of Mich...

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The Geopolitics of the Civil War of Shia Islam

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

How oil and natural gas are causing cracks in the Shia world

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