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2016 (X)

Records: 81 - 93 of 93 - Pages: 
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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Complex Atomic Bond Formations, Book 6 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

Bonds formed by similar atoms tend to follow structural patterns where the atomic interface windows align with the atomic exit windows of each atom. This bonding will form a regular continuous pattern as the structure of the crystal is built up. By studying these crystalline patterns we can determine some of the positions of the atoms atomic windows. We will not be able to tell the size of these windows but give us a chance to work out the atomic interface angle....

COMPLEX ATOMIC BOND FORMATIONS In this book - 1 Crystalline Formations - 2 Dissimilar Atomic Bonding - 3 Harmonics Bonding Range - 4 Split Harmonics - Split Ranges - 5 Special Bonding - Capture Bonding - Catalytic Bonding - 6 Bonding Decay - 7 Proximity...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Sub Molecular Interface Bonding, Book 5 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

We have looked at the basic Sub Atomic Energy Rings and at how this particle combines to from the simple then complex Atoms but to be of any use these Atoms have to build, combine and react with each other to form molecules. For atoms to do this we must have a mechanism that will allow them to react with each other without destroying their internal structure. This process is at the heart of Sub Atomic Interface Bonding and to understand it we must begin by looking at the first part of the process, the initial Sub Atomic Interfacing....

SUB MOLECULAR INTERFACE BONDING In this book - 1 Sub Atomic Interface Bonding - 2 Sub Atomic Interface - 3 Atom to Atom Bonding - 4 Forces Between Core Bonding ...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Properties of Sub Atomic Rings, Book 4 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

The newly formed atomic elements however need some mechanism to enable them to bond into molecules and make the next jump on to the evolutionary ladder. Something to allow atoms to essentially talk to each other. The thing that can do this is in fact the two dimensional sub atomic ring, the very thing that the atoms are made of. It is the dynamics of these sub atomic rings that make them the most interesting and most important part of the entire subatomic world. To understand this we must probe deeper into its various guises....

PROPERTIES OF SUB ATOMIC RINGS In this book - 1 Properties of Sub Atomic Rings - 2 Dynamics of Rings - 3 Energy paths of Ring Movement - 4 Energy Ring Movement track - 5 Energy Decay in Rings...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Formation Of Complex Atoms, Book 3 of 7: Formation Of Complex Atoms

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

The new single is atom made up of two sub atomic particle rings, each ring comprising a number of energy nodes. If we look at the atom in detail we see it has a vortex pressure map giving the atom a small graviton pull. These forces are built up from the two vortex forces of the two particles rings which are locked together, the lowest pressure point being where the two faces of the gravitational vortex face each other. The small gate ring acts as a pressure valve against increasing and decreasing energy in the large or 'super' ring and becomes a one way gate preventing energy expanding down into the stretched negative end of the large ring. These forces within the locked atom try to rotate into the low pressure zone, this causes the whole structure into an offset rotation. This rotation causes a centrifugal force stretching the tail end of the large ring....

FORMATION OF COMPLEX ATOMS In this book- 1 Formation of Complex Atoms - 2 Elemental Bonding - 3 Core to Core Bonding - 4 Structure of Complex Atoms - 5 Building the Atomic Core Stack...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Dark Matter Dark Energy Strings Rings & Atoms, Book 2 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

Energy is strange stuff, it both exists and does not exist, it is both positive and negative at the same time, it can repel and attract simultaneously. Most importantly it expands under pressure and contracts with decompression. We use energy as a catchall term to describe anything that produces work changes state or transfers heat. This is energy at work, the result of atomic interactions. Basic energy however in its prime form is this mysterious substance Dark Matter. This is basically a cloud of energy nodes, each node too small to detect, also being there and not being there at the same time does not help. Collectively however these nodes have the ability to form into all the matter of the universe and to govern all the motions of gravity and physics there in. So now we have described energy let us look at the properties of an energy node for its properties govern everything else....

Book 2 DARK MATTER DARK ENERGY STRINGS RINGS & ATOMS In this Book - 1 The Energy Node -2 The Aura Boundary - 3 Disproportionate Fields - 4 The Maths Bit - 5 The Edge Of Time - 6 Chaos And Strings - 7 High Energy - 8 Strings - 9 Rings - 10 The Third Dimension...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Introduction And Full Project Index, Book 1 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

INTRODUCTION AND FULL PROJECT INDEX By way of an introduction to these papers I want to begin by trying to give the reader some basic idea of energy because basically that what these papers are all about. We are all familiar with energy after all it comes out of the electricity socket in the wall, it runs the television, powers the computer and lights, as liquid petrol it runs the car, even as heat from the sun it warms the beach in summer. But this is energy at work, to begin at the beginning we must first have a picture in our minds eye as energy as an entity on its own, something outside our normal perception of stuff. Following this are six pages forming an index to the whole set of six Books....

In this Book - 1 Introduction - 2 Introduction to energy. - 3. Complete index all to Books in this series - 4 About Author and Contact details.

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Dashboard Quickstart Guide : How to Deploy Your Library Portal in 3 Minutes

By: School eBook Library

How to deploy your school's library portal in just 3 minutes.

Hi, I’m Chris, I’m a teacher, and this is the Dashboard Quickstart Guide. Today we are going to talk about how to deploy Your Library portal. As the Dashboard Administrator, Your Library Portal’s My Dashboard and My Library Dashboard tabs have the most comprehensive and fully automated set of tools and resources for deployment, maintenance, and promotion, that are available to school administrators today....

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Message Ceenom

By: Message Ceenom

A Wisdom of supreme significance relating science and humanity gets revealed exposing mysteries behind everything from a tiny particle to a mighty galaxy. It is a most serious, profound phase that discloses with logical evidence the causal basis of why humans stand distinct with intellect from the rest of the species, why the Earth exists with its innumerable species including us in its nature and ecology and is kept in the solar system with its lively habitat at the position, orbit and distance from the Sun, and why humankind is included in this earthly environment. It defines every branch of science at its foundation, provides clear proofs, prescribes guidance and establishes a comprehensive educational system founded on fundamental principles. Preserved for humanity by nature, to be bequeathed to generations, this phase elucidates logically why things exist the way they do. Its realm includes the basis of mathematics and colour, particles and cells, species and planets, stars and galaxies, water and air—in short, everything. The strong but obscure interrelations in history, atoms, cells, species and planets will appear distinctly...

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Rohingyas : Insecurity and Citizenship in Myanmar

By: Dr. Trevor Gibson, Editor; Helen & Lindsay James & Falvey, Editor

Includes a case study of new information

Table of Contents What this Book is About v Chapter I Setting the Scene 1 What is Examined? / Why this Subject? / Scope / Structure Chapter 2 State of Knowledge 9 Social Identity / Exclusion, Citizenship & Security / Exclusion / Citizenship / Human Security Chapter 3 Applying the Approach 27 Approaches / Locations / Sampling / Data Collection / Fieldwork / Analysis / Constraints Chapter 4 Who are the Rohingya? 39 An Ethnic Group? / Defining ‘Rohingya’ / Identity Construction / Other Rakhine Muslims Chapter 5 Social Exclusion 57 Horizontal: British Administration / Mass Immigration / Riots Vertical: Politics 1942-1948 / Mujahid Insurgence / U Nu and U Ne Win Regimes / Citizenship Scrutinizing / Temporary Registration Chapter 6 How to Gain and Lose Citizenship 79 Laws / Registration & Documentation / Household List / Birth Registration / Identity Cards / Temporary Cards / Registration of Foreigners / Denial of Citizenship Chapter 7 Findings from the Field 97 Socio-Demographics / Freedom from Fear / Freedom from Want / Land Ownership Chapter 8 Towards Future Policy 129 Perceptions of Citizenship / Ethnic Discrimination...

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Understanding Southeast Asia : Syncretism in Commonalities


Includes an opening summary page in all major regional languages (English, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Burmese, Filipino, Khmer, Lao, Thai Vietnamese and Chinese. Beginning with the common origins of Southeast Asia’s peoples and languages, their shared heritage is emphasized through agricultural, archeological, cultural, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious and technological fields. Perennially defined by rice, stability and commerce, Southeast Asia has evolved a common trading ethic and morality influenced by China and India long before a short European colonial interlude. Historically known as a Golden Land, the region exudes a resilience founded in millennium-long traditions that are today expressed through local adaptations of world religions. ...

Summary Overview: in English v in Bahasa Indonesia vi in Bahasa Malaysia vii in Burmese viii in Filipino x in Khmer xi in Lao xii in Thai xiv in Vietnamese xvi in Chinese xvii if you would know me … xviii Author’s Note xix Chapters 1. One Common Region 1 2. Defining Southeast Asia 7 3. From Trade to Civilization 17 4. Commercial and Technology 25 5. Adapting to New Overlords 33 6. Rice and Culture 39 7. United by Commerce 45 8. 18th Century Consolidation 53 9. British-led Resurgence 57 10. Transition to 20th Century 63 11. Pendulum of Commerce 67 12. Emerging 1930s States 73 13. War and Independence 79 14. Marching to Statehood 83 15. Emerging Leadership 91 16. States to Nations to Region 99 17. Remote Peoples 105 18. Beliefs Systems 113 19. Evolving Syncretism 121 20. Religious Rebellions 129 21. Religion within Politics 137 22. Trade and Worldviews 143 23. Conclusion: Uniting Commonalities 147 Bibliography & Endnotes 155 Index 162 ...

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Chocolade voor Anne Frank (Dutch)

By: Machiel van der Stelt; translated by Machiel van der Stelt

Anne en anderen die in het Achterhuis leven in Amsterdam, worden verraden en op vier augustus negentien vier en veertig gearresteerd. De familieleden worden naar verschillende concentratiekampen gestuurd. Anne en haar oudere zus Margot eindigen in het Bergen-Belsen kamp. Anne verwacht verschrikkelijke omstandigheden, maar wanneer ze betrokken raakt met de SS bewaker Adolfo, is er een kans dat haar situatie van een wanhopige naar een hoopvolle verandert. In dit tragisch verhaal ontdek je dat onmenselijk en moorddadig gedrag tijdens oorlog vaak extreme vormen kan aannemen. Door het alsmaar terugkeren van oorlogen moeten we ons dan ook afvragen of de mens ooit in staat zal zijn om een vredige en vrije gemeenschap te creëren? Waarschuwing: dit verhaal is niet aanbevolen voor kinderen jonger dan twaalf jaar oud, vanwege aanstootgevende of schokkende scenes en gebeurtenissen....

Chocolade voor Anne Frank Postface

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Chocolate for Anne Frank (English)

By: Machiel van der Stelt; translated by Machiel van der Stelt

Anne and the others living in the secret annex in Amsterdam, are betrayed and on the fourth of August nineteen forty four arrested. The members are sent to different concentration camps. Anne and her older sister Margot end up in the Bergen Belsen Camp. Anne is expecting terrible circumstances but when she gets involved with SS guard Adolfo, her situation might change from despair to hope. In this tragic and disturbing story you will discover that inhumane and murderous behaviour of people can reach extreme levels during war. Because of recurring wars we have to ask ourselves if humankind is ever capable of creating a peaceful and free society? Warning: this story is not recommended for children younger than twelve years old, because of confronting or graphic scenes and events....

Chocolate for Anne Frank Postface

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La Femme Eidôlon : A Tale

By: Sean Fraser

A Concrete Verse poem which may be considered an elegiac Idyll on Beauty as Idée was written over a Thirty-year Entr'acte. It was composed of and with occurrences that began in 1963 of which some lines may be found in poems from "Miss Crabtree's Daughters" and "On the Nature of Existence"....

Light as ponderous settling fog obscures | Reflections of flesh once was | Hundred-year mirror | Age has | photographs belied | They silently exist | by prusse Moon lit: | forgotten | were Reminiscences to be found; | Sorrows in Solitude solace consoled by one not seen; | embraces and caresses adumbrated | by Presence; | Existence frolicked imp-like: | Revelments paled | Resplendences paled | The currents set by Chronos slowed in the dark of Chaos; | And Beauty smiling | in | Mémoire | translucide...

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Records: 81 - 93 of 93 - Pages: 

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