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History of Christian theology (X)

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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

...T, LONDON MDCCCXXVII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM Coming of Messiah Vol. 1 -ii- CONTENTS DEDICATION. ............ ............................................................................129 A CRITIQUE OF THE WORK .................................................... ............................................................................143 THE COMING OF MESSIAH...................................................... ............325 THE FUTURE ESTATE OF THE JEWS, AS IT IS ORDINARILY FOUND SET FORTH IN THE CHRISTIAN DOCTORS............................................... ...rine of the second advent. It was this day twelve-months, a day to be remembered in the history of my ministry; for which, not I only, but many soul... ...ness and peace harmonized, and goodness reigning universally. Fye, oh, fye upon it! ye Christians have fathered upon the scriptures the optimism of ... ... bring in all nations to the Church, and bind the whole world in one great community of Christians, acknowledging the Son of God, as the Lord of all... ...e former advent of Christ and so avoid the second advent altogether, as an event in the history of the earth’s amelioration. But this is sufficiently... ...of the four horns. It is a thing quite usual in the discursive prophecies to derive the history of the sufferings of the church from so high a source...

The coming of the Messiah.

...ALL that I have to say to thee, my venerable friend Christophilus, reduces itself to the serious and formal examination of one single point; which, in the present constitution or system of the church and the world, appears to me of the highest importance; viz. Whether the ideas which we entertain concerning the coming of Messiah, that essentia...


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Sacred Books

By: M. Winternitz

...r, 15. THE UPANI~ADS, in 2 vols. : F. Max Miiller. 2, 14. THE SACRED LAWS OF THE ARYAS, in 2 vols.: Georg Biihler. 3, 16, 27, 2S, 39, 40. THE SACRED... ...RYAS, in 2 vols.: Georg Biihler. 3, 16, 27, 2S, 39, 40. THE SACRED BOO;KS OF CHINA, in 6 vols. : J ames Legge. 4, 23,3 1 . THE ZEND-AVESTA, in 3 vo... ... W. West. 6, g. THE QUR'AN, in 2 vols. : E. H. Palmer. 7. THE INSTITUTES OF VI~~U : Julius J olly. S. THE BHAGAVADGiTA with the Sanatsujatiya and t... ...d Books of the East include all the most important works of the seven non-Christian religions that have 'exercised a profound influence on the civil... ...Sacred Books of tile East, and of the greatest value for the study of the history of reli­ gions. The matter was frequently discussed between us, and... ...could not be made like any other Index, but must resemble a Manual of the History of Eastern Religions. For it would have been of little use to coll... ...n I venture to claim for this volume the title of a sort of Manual of the History of Eastern Religions, I hope I may not be misunderstood. Many book... ... RELIGION. (a) Prayers and Hymns, vols. 32,42, 46. (h) Magic, Rites, and Theology, vols. 12, 26, 29, 30, 41, 42, 43, 44. (c) Philosophy, vols. 1, 8... ...oses and A. who fulfilled his word, 9, 253; the sayings of the A. of the Christians, 18, 107, 107 n.; the people of A. called him liar, 9, 61 ; an...

...THE period covered by the inception, the publication, and the completion of the Sacred Books of the East exactly coincides with the thirty-four years that I have spent in Oxford. When I matriculated, Professor Max Muller, the editor of the series, was about to begin work on the first volume, whic...

...Habeltt sua lata libelli-not only after they have been published, but sometimes even before they are printed. It was in the spring of 1894 that the late Professor Max Muller first suggested to me that I should compile a General Index of the names and subject-matter for the complete series of the Sacred Books of the East. Such an Index, he thought, would...

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The Ulysseans

By: Antonio Mercurio

...traveling from one universe to another Sophia University of Rome 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIV... 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME. (S.U.R.) Creative Commons Licence - Attribution-NonCommercia... ...icensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial pu... ...ipline whose goal is to unite the four fundamental forces that make up the history of humanity, Religion, Philosophy, Science and Art, in a single f... ...recent and far back in time (the I and its roots). 21 4) – The I and history, both modern and ancient. The I and science, the I and philosophy... ... to. It is not the first time that courageous people who actually changed history were initially judged and rejected as being visionaries and madme... ...ty has paradoxically been both encouraged and very much compromised by the Christian religion. 26 If humanity is partially (as the Catholics s... ...n as being toxic, and that as a strategy it must be abandoned. Can the Christian religion transcend itself and give people back their truth and ... ...ception of the World * THE RELIGIOUS CONCEPTION OF THE WORLD The pre-Christian religions generally follow this basic scheme: In the beginnin...

...This book is perhaps the one that is most difficult to understand with just one reading, because it contains a concentration of all of A. Mercurio’s innovative thought. It is difficult to make a short synthesis of this book, so here we will simply mention some of the papers presented by the Author that the book contains. The book opens with an “Inv...

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Buddhist – Christian Dialogue - Four Papers from The Parliament of the World’s Religions, December 2-9, Melbourne, Australia

By: Lindsay Falvey, John May, Vincent Pizzuto & Padmasiri de Silva

...Buddhist - Christian Dialogue The Parliament of the World’s Religions, December 2-9, Melbourne, Australia Sunday, December 6, 2009, 11:30am–1:00pm The program of the Parliament paraphrased this workshop in such words as those b...

...Contents Dharma as Man: The Gospel Story in Buddhist Terms Lindsay Falvey 1 Towards ‘Collaborative Theology’ – Buddhist and Christian John D’Arcy May 18 Dying Buddha, Dying Christ: An Inter-Spiritual Response to the Amelioration of Suffering through Contemplative Silence Vincent Pizzuto 31 Trans...

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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford Information Technology Tales By expanding the sharing of knowledge, time after time InfoTech upset the balance of power within m... ...L For becoming my smart, beautiful bride in 1949 and then giving fully of herself to me and our wonderful family incomparable love, care, feeding... ...ove, care, feeding, fun, and friendship. Also for her perceptive editing of my copy over many decades, especially during the writing of this book.... ...take less than a century to create the largest contiguous empire in world history. 10. Mongols Open the Way They open the gate blocking direct h... ...lly until Mergenthaler built his Linotype. But Ottmar’s name fell through history’s cracks. 18. ―The Eighth Wonder of the World‖ Although as lat... ...p to the start of the Epilogue. This is because my own perspective on the history of the written word is tied so powerfully to the history of eBooks... ...g so modest as paper despite its strength and durability. Similarly, some Christians called it an infidel technology and slowed the flow of paper in... ...arriers between Europe and Asia that the religious feud between Islam and Christianity had erected. ―The effect in diffusing and broadening men‘s i... ... system encountered considerable skepticism in Europe. It mattered not to Christians that their Bible told of creation from the void. Many still loo...

...This book also begins with that wondrous first Information Technology and then moves on to tales about the wonders of the written word—great stories, many of them likely new to most readers. In them, you‘ll find all the backgrounds, foregrounds, premises, conclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books. This boo...

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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

... HEROES OF UNKNOWN SEAS AND SAVAGE LANDS By J. W. BUEL, Author of "The Beautiful Story," "The Story of Man," "The Living World," "Russ... ..." "The Story of Man," "The Living World," "Russia and Siberia," etc. A RECORD OF THE FINDING OF ALL LANDS And Descriptions of the First Visits Made ... ...NDS And Descriptions of the First Visits Made by Europeans to the Wild Races of the World; FOLLOWING THE FOOTSTEPS OF ADVANCING CIVILIZATION FROM T... ...ANCING CIVILIZATION FROM THE CAVES OF BARBARISM AND THE CRUDE CORACLE TO THE CHRISTIANIZING OF THE GLOBE. DESCRIBING SUPERSTITIONS APPERTAINING TO ... ...H STRANGE BELIEFS OPPOSED TO EXTENDED VOYAGES. COMPRISING ALSO AN AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA By the Viking Sea-Rovers, and Its ... ...E HEROIC CHARACTERS, BOLD EXPLORERS AND DAUNTLESS SPIRITS WHO HAVE MADE OCEAN HISTORY AND ESTABLISHED CHRISTIAN SUPREMACY OVER THE MOST SAVAGE LANDS... ...D EXPLORERS AND DAUNTLESS SPIRITS WHO HAVE MADE OCEAN HISTORY AND ESTABLISHED CHRISTIAN SUPREMACY OVER THE MOST SAVAGE LANDS OF THE EARTH. RECITING... ...PA. ST. LOUIS, MO. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. The Rolling Stone of History. -- Surprising revelations -- Ancient Cities that are now no mo... ...under which the elder Polos went to Cathay -- They are sent back to Venice for Christian instructors -- The little boy Marco returns to Cathay with hi...

...Thrilling narratives of voyages, discoveries, adventures, battles, darings and sufferings of the heroic characters, bold explorers and dauntless spirits who have made ocean history and established christian supremacy over the most savage lands of...

...The Rolling Stone of History. -- Surprising revelations -- Ancient Cities that are now no more -- Effects of Cataclysms upon the human race -- The rise and fall of nations -- Cave dwellers who became masters of the world -- The first boats -- ...

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The Religious Dimension

By: Donald Broadribb

...on Published by the Author York, Western Australia 2006 The first edition of this book was published under the title The Mystical Chorus by Millenniu... ...lished under the title The Mystical Chorus by Millennium Books [an imprint of E.J. Dwyer (Australia) Pty. Ltd.] in 1995. This second edition, with tex... ...ations, and new index, is published by the Author, Donald Broadribb, owner of the publication rights. Copyright © 1995 and 2006 by Donald Broadribb. T... ... Of Buddhism The Concept Of The Buddha Buddhist Yoga Zen Buddhism And Jung Christianity 59 Origins How Much Does Historical Truth Matter? Centrality O... ...59 Origins How Much Does Historical Truth Matter? Centrality Of Beliefs In Christianity Christian Belief Before The Nicaean Council The Centrality Of ... ...ture we live in, none of us grow up in a religious vacuum. Through most of history the majority of people appear to have been reasonably satisfied wit... ... majority of Westerners continue to list themselves on the census forms as Christian or Jewish, but for many people these terms have come to lose near... ...iblical studies and languages (which I had studied at UTS) to teaching the history of pre-Christian civilizations and religions. It was not long befor... ...of Christianity. Even now books concerned with Comparative Religion or the History of Religions tend to devote the giant’s share of their content to t...

...Most readers of this book will have had some type of religious instruction. Whether as children we were taught at a church Sunday school or some other religious institution, or weabsorbed simple social assumptions from the culture we live...

...What Is Religion? 1Buddhism 16Christianity 59Mysticism 118A Chorus Of Powers: American Indian Belief 176The Sacred Land: Australian Aboriginal Religion 238Conclusion 277References 293The Collected Works Of Carl Jung 299...

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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...Information Technology Tales By expanding the sharing of knowledge, time after time InfoTech upset the balance of power within m... ...L For becoming my smart, beautiful bride in 1949 and then giving fully of herself to me and our wonderful family incomparable love, care, feeding... ...ove, care, feeding, fun, and friendship. Also for her perceptive editing of my copy over many decades, especially during the writing of this book.... ...take less than a century to create the largest contiguous empire in world history. 10. Mongols Open the Way They open the gate blocking direct h... ...lly until Mergenthaler built his Linotype. But Ottmar’s name fell through history’s cracks. 18. ―The Eighth Wonder of the World‖ Although as lat... the start of the Epilogue. This is because my own perspective on the history of the written word is tied so powerfully to the history of eBooks... ...g so modest as paper despite its strength and durability. Similarly, some Christians called it an infidel technology and slowed the flow of paper in... ...arriers between Europe and Asia that the religious feud between Islam and Christianity had erected. ―The effect in diffusing and broadening men‘s... ... system encountered considerable skepticism in Europe. It mattered not to Christians that their Bible told of creation from the void. Many still loo...

...This book also begins with that wondrous first Information Technology and then moves on to tales about the wonders of the written word—great stories, many of them likely new to most readers. In them, you‘ll find all the backgrounds, foregrounds, premises, conclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books....

... listen. We easily hallucinate word boundaries. Spaces, such as you see in writing, are absent from speech. Yet somehow we find it easy to make sense of speech. -- 2. The Gift of Memory-For millennia, mnemonics reigned over commerce, news, entertainment, and the perpetuation and refinement of crafts. -- 3. From Whence Cometh Indo-European Tongues?-Did a freshwater lake com...

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Terrorists and Freedom Fighters

By: Sam Vaknin

... write to: or to Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-revi... ...tml Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. Terrorists and Freed... ...donians III. The Black Hand IV. The Insurgents and the Swastika V. KLA – The Army of Liberation VI. Appendix: Pathological Narcissism, Group Behav... ...cause (in most cases, the freedom of a group of people). They base their claims on history - real or hastily concocted, on a common heritage, on a ... ...balanced personalities and project them to great effect. They are the footnotes of history that assume the role of text. And they rarely enjoy the ... ... Turkey obligingly accepted a "one country, two systems" approach by agreeing to a Christian administration of the region and by permitting educati... ...ree nations: the Greeks, the Bulgarians, and the Serbs. Each invoked ethnicity and history and all conjured up the apparition of the defunct Treaty... ...ective had all these reforms been by the turn of the century? How bad was life for Christian peasants in the Balkans? In a 1904 book called 'Macedo... ...sident brigands. ... They are known as rural guards. They are necessary because the Christian population is absolutely unarmed and defenceless. To a...

...The history of four terrorist organizations in the Balkans and a general introduction to terrorism and freedom fighting. Also includes essays about religious co-existence in the Balkans and about pathological narcissism as a prec...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

... 0 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Uto... ...l Motivations 1 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Uto... ................................................................................................................................. 17 Combinations of Nee... ... learn and how we perceive things that I don‘t want to confuse you. I could probably start at a hundred different points, but let‘s go back in histor... ...ed on modern neuroscience. But there is no question that his insights were critical to Western thinking. He was one of the great minds of our histor... ...rtainly there are things that need to be learned by rote—spelling, writing, the multiplication tables, and so forth. But video games can teach histor... highly likely that you would be a Muslim.‖ —―I‘d have to agree with you. But you know there are many Muslims who have converted to Christ... ...eir values. And yet we call ourselves homo sapiens! ―As I‘m sure Wanda mentioned, we can tell what we value by how we act. The strongly Christ... ...alues and righteousness then is caught hustling young boys who work for him, or one who is caught in corrupt dealings, is not living the ideal Christ...


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Voices from the Past

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

...COVER OF VOICES FROM THE PAST: In Voices from the Past, a daring group of five independent novels, acclaimed author Paul Alexander Bartlett acco... ...s, acclaimed author Paul Alexander Bartlett accomplishes a tour de force of historical fiction, allowing the reader to enter for the first time int... ... allowing the reader to enter for the first time into the private worlds of five remarkable people: Sappho of Lesbos, the famous Greek poet; Jesus;... ... VOICES FROM THE PAST 66 me the poet’s advice to his brother. How history repeats itself! Family problems haven’t changed: this is an earlier... ...sical A VOICES FROM THE PAST 182 Hebrew until it came easily. The history of man became an important part of my meditations. Silence and the... ...shepherd, I still follow hills, hills of resurrection they may be. Perhaps history may call me a man of righteousness. Perhaps history may not stop. ... ...boomed and Pliny, the upright Roman, governor, senator, consul, killer of Christians, stood before me in his white toga: P - I respect your porti... ...e such a thing as common sense where the bulk of mankind is concerned? Is Christianity a bulwark to be counted on, or is it cleverly concocted prete... ...dely from each other in the sectarian denominations. They all claim to be Christians, and interpret their sev- eral creeds as infallible ones. I doub...

...In Voices from the Past, a daring group of five independent novels, acclaimed author Paul Alexander Bartlett accomplishes a tour de force of historical fiction, allowing the reader to enter for the first time into the private worlds of five remarkable people: ...

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Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

By: Rav Michael Laitman

... Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life LAITMAN KABBALAH PUBLISHERS Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Kabbal... ...ALAH PUBLISHERS Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life Translation: Chaim Ratz Proofreading: Kate Weibel Editor: Cla... ...lah Publishers E-mail: KABBALAH, SCIENCE AND THE MEANING OF LIFE Copyright © 2006 by MICHAEL LAITMAN All rights reserved Publis... ...desire for pleasure has been the force behind human evolu- tion throughout our history. The desire for pleasure evolves through several stages. In th... ...ved over thousands of years and been disseminated among Kabbalists throughout history. I would like to briefly review the key points in this process... ...d motion were all formed, and how the will to receive will evolve. Our entire history is determined by the evolution of our will to receive; this ca... teachings, nor do I wish to discuss any religion, be it Hinduism, Judaism, Christian- ity, or Islam. After all, why deal with religion when we can... ...m K A B B A L A H , S C I E N C E , A N D T H E M E A N I N G O F L I F E 212 Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750–1816) A German botanist and teacher who... ...ming clear that its wisdom governs the rest of the sciences. Sciences such as theology, philosophy and mathematics re- ceive their principles and roo...

...Kabbalah, Science & the Meaning of Life traces the milestones of the evolution of science with which we are familiar, such as Newton’s and Einstein’s theories but goes further to present the science of Kabbalah as the basis for understanding the hidden part...

...Foreword: The essence of human nature is its perpetually evolving desire for pleasure. To realize this desire, we feel compelled to discover, invent, and improve our reality. The gradual intensification of the desire for pleasure has been the forc...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...0 ―. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia— Book 4 A Look at Human Values 1 ―. . . ... ...uman Values 1 ―. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia-- BOOK 4 A Look at Human Values by Lemuel Gulliver XVI ... ...r © 2008 ISBN 978-0-9823076-3-2 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS IN THE HOTEL .................................................... ............................................................ 60 IS AMERICA A CHRISTIAN NATION? ............................................................ ...uld it vary? 19 Should every rule be universal—never changing through history? The Ten Commandments are such a universal moral code. What if Hit... ...father, should he have been honored as the commandment requires? Are most Christians dishonoring the code by keeping Sunday rather than Saturday, th... ... through life accepting what the rest of our society believes. If it is a Christian society we believe in the New Testament. If it is a Muslim socie... ... devil? Global warming is an alarmist misreading of a natural blip in the history of climate. There is no overpopulation problem—there is plenty roo... ... not depend on an air of confidence or a posture of certainty. Throughout history progress has been stymied because ignorant people have been in lead...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

...ty of Chicago Manual Style by University of Chicago Classic Literature Collection World Public ...World Public Title: Chicago Style Manal Author: University of Chicago Language: English Subject: NonFiction, Reference Publisher: W... is an effort to preserve and disseminate classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and... ...n continental Europe, it is organized as a distinct parliamentary faction); Christian, Protestantism, Evangelical Lutheran, Catholic (Papist, Ultram... ...Seventh- Day Adventists, the Establishment, High Church (High €!hurchman), Christian Science, Theosophist, Jew (but: gen- tile), Pharisee (but: scr... ...stitutions : Union League Club, Knights Templar; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, Associated Charities; Smith- sonian Institution, Sta... .... 12. Commonly accepted appellations for historical epochs, periods in the history of a language or literature, and geological ages and strata: St... 14. Political alliances, and such terms from secular or ecclesiastical history as have, through their associa- tions, acquired special signific... ...e, Dreibund; the Roses, the Roundheads, Independents, Independency (English history). 15. Conventions, congresses, expositions, etc. : Council of N...

...In the 1890s, a proofreader at the University of Chicago Press prepared a single sheet of typographic fundamentals intended as a guide for the University community. That sheet grew into a pamphlet, and the pamphlet grew into a book--the first edition of the Manual of Sty...

...Facsimile of the 1st Edition: Manual of Style The history of The Chicago Manual of Style spans more than one hundred years, beginning in 1891 when the University of Chicago Press first opened its doors. At that time, the Press had i...

...Preface Table of Contents Rules for Composition Capitalization The Use of Italics Quotations Spelling Punctuation Divisions Footnotes Tabular Work Technical Terms Appendix Hints to Authors and Editors Hints to Proofr...

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The Snakelex Report

By: Christine Jones Copyright © 2007 by Christine Jones. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,... ...m, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product... ...f fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance ... ...past and present, took the time to familiarise themselves with Australian history they would know that the introduction of these cute little fur bal... ...n the demon’s horns and tarred him to the boat. The rest of the story is history. Ignoring the angel’s laughter, Snakelex went to kick the large sig... ...hose detestable holy rolling fanatical halo heads. In the spirit world, a Christian is spotted a mile away by their halo of happiness. Norma Mack is ... ...akelex cringe. The small icon of a halo at the bottom of the report meant Christian, yet this was only considered a minor hiccup. Snakelex had seen ... not highlighted or in plain red lettering, he concluded this so-called Christian must have steered off the road a little. The demon was quite cor... ...inted when their parcels did not arrive, where others saw the sermon as a history lesson and went back to sleep. Stella once mentioned the subject of...

...e take an interest in Snakelex and aid him to learn the truth about their enemy and Hell's best kept secrets that mislead and control the lower ranks of Satan's establishment....

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And Gulliver Returns Book VII : Book 7 Visit to Indus

By: Bob Oconnor

...0 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-- Book7 Our Visit to Indus ... ... - “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia — 1 BOOK 7 OUR VISIT TO INDUS by Lemuel Gulli... ...t work by Susie Kleiner © 2008 ISBN 978-0-9823076-6-3 Table of Contents Arriving in Indus ............................................... ...e look at a few aspects of our similarities and differences. India‘s long history, particularly with its caste system, has resulted in a number of hi..., but China now seems to be winning the diploma derby. But India‘s long history with English as a primary language has made its graduates in medic... ...surgent ‗A‘ when insurgent ‗B‘ may win the guerrilla war. Why support the Christian side when the Muslim fighters may have the more ethical position.... ...ater. ―The lord knows that we in this part of the world have a long history of recognizing the problems, we just have not followed our rhetori... ...ern culture since at least the days of the Greeks and Romans. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions may not have reduced the activity, but cert... ...that all divisions and diversions fit into the whole. It seems that your Christian and Islamic faiths have had a strong emphasis on increasing thei...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book I : Touchdown

By: Bob Oconnor

... “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-- Book One Touch Down Return to Earth “. . . And ... ...o Earth “. . . And Gulliver Returns” 2 --In Search of Utopia— “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-... Kleiner © 2008 ISBN 978-0-9823076-0-1 3 Table of Contents THE RETURN FROM SPACE ......................................... ...2-1-Touch down! . . . and Gulliver returns. The greatest adventure in human history! Commander Lemuel Gulliver the 16 th has completed the first jo... ...ere we have just witnessed the final leg of the greatest human adventure in history, even greater than that of his illustrious ancestor, Lemuel Gull... ... 180 who was born then killed? Children have been abused so much throughout history and throughout the present day world. I don’t think it’s right. ... ... way to the reality of Jews, Chinese and Japanese outperforming their Anglo-Christian counterparts particularly in the business and medical fields. ... Between 100,000 and a million American Indians were killed by the good Christian invaders. In Australia 300,000 Australian aborigines were elim... people to get to heaven? But I suppose that for the last 2000 years the Christians have had this goal. Of course the Jews had that vision 3,000 ...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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Modelling of Rationality...and Beyond the Physics

By: Gh. C. Dinulescu

...GH. C. DINULESCU–CÂMPINA MODELLING OF RATIONALITY … … … … AND BEYOND THE PHYSICS sup(T)+sup(I)+sup... ... Press Rehoboth 2002 2 GH. C. DINULESCU–CÂMPINA MODELLING OF RATIONALITY … … … … AND BEYOND THE PHYSICS ... ... ordered in microfilm format from: Bell and Howell Co. (University of Microfilm International) 300 N. Zeeb Road P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arb... ...tional, assigned to Socrates, the philosopher Athanase Joja notes in the ″History of the ancient thought″: <The rational is moral, since by its esse... ...espect to such an approach, the theologian Marin Stefånescu stated in his ″Christian Philosophy″: < To be realistic does not mean to be materialistic... .... A SPECULATIVE EXISTENTIAL MODEL OF THE RATIONAL ENTITY (MESER)* The history of science and civilization notes the positive, sometimes overwhelm... ...e material life and hence a finality for this great divine work. In the ″History of Ancient Thought″, Athanase Joja states that <.… the theory of r... to confer a character of science even to religion, more precisely, to Christianity, the MESER concept brings forth logical arguments that foresha... ...which a character of divine revelation is attributed, and included by the Christianity in the system of the Ten Commandments, are most likely, the c...

...By virtue of the principle of the full liberty to set forth any philosophical thesis, no justification would probably be necessary, yet it should be mentioned that Descartes – the founder of modern rationalism – issued the thesis of ?t...

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Theory of the Person

By: Antonio Mercurio

...NTHROPOLOGY By Antonio Mercurio Editions Solaris Institute of SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME Creative Commons Licence - Attribution-... ...censor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial pur... ...ian by Martha S. Bache-Wiig, authorized by the author. 2 Table of Contents CHAPTER I: THE EMERGENCE OF THE PERSON ...... ...e of oneself was affirmed, and it offered a guide for how to love others. Christian civilization then emphasized the ability to love others even mor... ... points are clear, we can come to a first conclusion. Tracing the path of history, we can see how nature has evolved, and we can especially see how... ...that I have come to these conclusions by reflecting on what I have read of history, literature, etc. In addition, we must remember to look at everyt... is to it. Instead, if we make an analogy between this moment in human history and what happens to an adolescent, we can instead hope that somet... ...hout the millennia from all the various cultures, the Egyptians, Jews, the Christians, the Catholics – is really none other than, as Feuerbach says,... ...s: everything that within the concept of God that comes from the Hebrew or Christian mentality, or, as you expressed, opens me to life, illuminates ...

...Do we really know what meaning to give to the term PERSON? In this book, the author proposes, through an in depth dialog with the students of the S.U.R. (Sophia University of Rome), the following answer: a PERSON is a spiritual, unifying principle that is endowed with its own freedom and its own identity, it is an end unto itself and unto no other, and its const...

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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...AMSTOWN, MASS., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1907 NO. 1 THE HATCHET BURIED Conclusion of Hostilities Be- tween the Classes of 1909 and 1910 End of the March J7th... ...nd 1910 End of the March J7th Celebration —The Shirt-Tail Parade- Speeches of the Four Orators on the Old Campus When the four olnsseB joined hands an... ...suo- oessful, and despite its humorous side, tied a new itnot in tlie bond of ail Williams men. The parade, the fireworks, the transparencies, the sha... .... Guerard on "The Geography of France and Its Influence on the Cnlture and History of the People. ' ' Clark Hall. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 7.30p. m.—Y. M, C.... ...ance. then, is our second picture. The third and last picture shows us the Christian looking into his own heart. This is taken from the sixth verse of... ...l conference of eastern college men on the oppor- tunities and work of the Christian ministry will be held at tlie Union Theological seminary, 700 Par... ...nce, Latin, Tuesday, April 2. 1907, 9,00 a m., 4 H. H.-College, English 1, History 1 a; Entrance, History. Tuesday, April 2, 1907, 2.30 p, m., 4 H. H.... ...Art." 'I'ho lecture was jjiven under the auspices of the Lyceum of Natural History and was ar- ranged for by Dr. Howard. There were about fifty lanter... ...l, by his assistance ill a great drought, he won over the entire island to Christianity. Wars gave way to peace, resulting in increased prosperity, th...

...lliams is the Williams Record, a weekly broadsheet paper published on Wednesdays. The newspaper was founded in 1885, and now has a weekly circulation of 3,000 copies distributed in Williamstown, in addition to more than 600 subscribers across the country. The newspaper does not receive financial support from the college or from the student government and relies on revenue ...

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