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Roman Achaea (X) Classic Literature Collection (X)

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Plutarchs Lives Volume One

By: Hugh Clough

...r, according to others again, to Ascanius, Aeneas’s son. Some tell us that Romanus, the son of Ulysses and Circe, built it; some, Romus the son of Ema... ...emember what a poet fortune sometimes shows herself, and consider that the Roman power would hardly have reached so high a pitch without a divinely or... came to him, that then he did, indeed, see twelve. Hence it is that the Romans, in their divinations from birds, chiefly regard the 42 V olume One... ... up Romulus. Celer upon this fled instantly into Tuscany, and from him the Romans call all men that are swift of foot Celeres; and because Quintus Met... ...niversally agreed to have been the twenty-first of April, and that day the Romans annually keep holy, calling it their country’s birthday. At first, t... ...heir course through Euboea to the Oetaeans and the Malian Gulf, and to the Achaeans of Phthiotis and the Thessalians; all of them to treat with the pe... ...nd having seized many of the Thessalian cities, and put garrisons upon the Achaeans of Phthiotis, and the Magnesians, the cities, hearing that Pelopid... ...the cities he had taken, to withdraw his garrisons from the Magnesians and Achaeans of Phthiotis, and swear to assist the Thebans against whatsoever e... ...t. His interest being entreated by Scipio, on account of Polybius, for the Achaean exiles, and there happening to be a great discussion in the senate ...

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The Argonautica

By: Apollonius Rhodius

...n with Theocritus, who was a little his senior, but he was much admired by Roman writers who derived inspiration from the great classical writers of G... right of superior genius. * The subject of love had been treated in the romantic spirit before the time of Apollonius in writings that have perishe... ...ians. (ll. 1 76 1 78) Asterius and Amphion, sons of Hyperasius, came from Achaean Pellene, which once Pelles their grandsire founded on the brows of ... ... rewards for thy nurture have I long enjoyed. Now I, once so admired among Achaean women, shall be left behind like a bondwoman in my empty halls, pin... ...h unresting hands. And he hath gathered in her the mightiest heroes of all Achaea, and hath come to thy city from wandering far through cities and gul... ... crafty mis chief. Wherefore he was sending them, as they desired, to the Achaean land at the bidding of their father—a long journey. Nor had he ever... ... some great evil. My heart is trembling for the stranger. Let him woo some Achaean girl far away among his own folk; let maidenhood be mine and the ho...

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Plutarchs Lives Volume Two

By: Hugh Clough

...tellus, the boldness of Pompey, the success of Sylla, and the power of the Roman people, all to be encountered by one who was a banished man and a str... ...served under Caepio, when the Cimbri and T eutones invaded Gaul; where the Romans fight- ing unsuccessfully , and being put to flight, he was wounded ... ... death and destruction to all, when it was no small piece of service for a Roman soldier to keep his ranks and obey his commander, Sertorius undertook... sent into Spain, having the command of a thousand men under Didius, the Roman gen- eral, and wintered in the country of the Celtiberians, in the ci... ... aid by night to the Gyrisoenians, their near neighbors, who fell upon the Romans in their lodg- ings and slew a great number of them. Sertorius, with... ...pportunity of insulting over their loss. After this, at the request of the Achaeans, he marched with them into Acarnania, and there collected great sp... ... there collected great spoils, and defeated the Acarnanians in battle. The Achaeans would have persuaded him to keep his winter quarters there, to hin... ...e event justified his opin- 72 V olume Two ion; for next summer, when the Achaeans began their expe- dition again, the Acarnanians immediately made p... ... he now restored. But the largest number were settled in Dyme, the town of Achaea, at that time extremely depopulated, and possessing an abundance of ...

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Hesiod the Homeric Hymns and Homerica

By: Hugh G. Evelyn White

...essors of Homer. If they continued to sing like their great predecessor of romantic themes, they were drawn as by a kind of magnetic attraction into t... ...eeking new subjects, and such free- dom was really only illusionary, since romantic subjects alone are suitable for epic treatment. In its third perio... ...nd the islands the epic poets fol- lowed the Homeric tradition, singing of romantic subjects in the now stereotyped heroic style, and showing original... ...nd, but especially in Boeotia, a new form of epic sprang up, which for the romance and pathos of the Ionian School substituted the practical and matte... ...hat from the first the Boeotian school is forced to season its matter with romantic episodes, and that later it tends more and more to revert (as in t... ... the episodes of the wooden horse, of Laocoon, of Sinon, the return of the Achaeans from Tenedos, the ac- tual Sack of Troy, the division of spoils an... ... of Helen. Then follow the incidents connected with the gath- ering of the Achaeans and their ultimate landing in Troy; and the story of the war is de... ... sailed by ship over the wide sea, but only to Euboea from Aulis where the Achaeans once stayed through much storm when they had gathered a great host... ...the son of Amarynces and that her father Hipponous sent her from Olenus in Achaea to Oeneus be- cause he was far away from Hellas, bidding him kill he...

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