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On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

By: Martin Luther

...ocletian (303–305); martyred under Julian the Apostate, August 7, 362. In a collection of legendary lives of the saints, compiled by Jacobus de Vorag... ...me together for mass, to bring with them food and drink. These they called “collections,” and they distributed them among all who were in want, after... ...or offering have come down to us, although the custom of bringing along and collecting that which was offered or lifted up has long since fallen int... ...ring” must be taken to refer not to the sacrament and testament, but to the collections themselves. From this source also the word “collect” has com... ...sacrament the words of the greater and lesser canon, 104 together with the collects, because they smack too strongly of sacrifice. They should refe... ...t the priest bear in mind that the gospel is to be set above all canons and collects devised by men, and that the gospel does not sanction the idea ... ...ls prior to the Council of Trent, canon minor was the term used to designate collectively those offertory prayers within the canon itself which immed... ...n itself which immediately preceded the consecration of the elements. These collects were of comparatively late origin, coming only gradually into us...

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