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American Civil War on the National Register of Historic Places (X) Quincey, Thomas De (X)

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Memorials and Other Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

...LICATION Memorials and Other Papers by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...ATION Memorials and Other Papers by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ................................................... 4 FROM THE AUTHOR, TO THE AMERICAN EDITOR OF HIS WORKS. ................................................ ...he American edition, without solicitation or the shadow of any expectation on my part, without any legal claim that I could plead, or equitable warran... ...nd the expan- sion of horror attending them, had risen to the dignity of a national interest. I may add that this interest benefited also by the myste... agitations and the un- conquerable impatience of my nervous malady. 2. “War.”** —In this paper, from having faultily adjusted its proportions in th... ...en vindictive impulse, but in cold blood, to a simple case ap- parently of civil disobedience or revolt. Now, when we con- sider how intimate, and how... of scepticism: and, in consequence, the story was soon after adopted as historically established, and was reported at length by journals of the hig... ...British esquire), but also upon the fact, that, originally, in all English registers, as, for instance, in the Oxford matriculation registers, all the...

...Excerpt: These papers I am anxious to put into the hands of your house, and, so far as regards the U.S., of your house exclusively; not with any view to further emolument, but as an acknowledgment of the services which you have already rendered me; namely, first, in havin...

...s MEMORIALS, AND OTHER PAPERS, VOL. I. ....................................................................................................... 4 FROM THE AUTHOR, TO THE AMERICAN EDITOR OF HIS WORKS. .......................................................... 4 EXPLANATORY NOTICES...................................................................................................

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Biographical Essays

By: Thomas de Quincey

...IES PUBLICATION Biographical Essays by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ... PUBLICATION Biographical Essays by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ...AKSP SHAKSPEARE EARE EARE EARE EARE 1 W ILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, the protagonist on the great arena of modern poetry, and the glory of the human intellect, ... ... sought popularity himself, he durst not shock what perhaps he viewed as a national prejudice. Those who have happened, like ourselves, to see the eff... ...etters, like those of the celebrated Joseph Mede, which we find in Ellis’s Historical Collections, reporting to their fellow-collegians all the novelt... ...wenty-six years after Shakspeare’s death commenced the great parliamentary war. This it was, and the local feuds arising to divide family from family,... ...o house, gleaning those personal re- membrances which, even in the fury of civil strife, might long have lingered by the chimney corner. But the fierc... ...hat is, in 1582. Now the baptism of Shakspeare’s eldest child, Susanna, is registered on the 26th of May in the year following. Suppose, therefore, th... ...he whole weight of his name and personal responsibility, (M Simond, now an American citizen,) records the following abominable scene as one of no unco...

...Excerpt: William Shakespeare, the protagonist on the great arena of modern poetry, and the glory of the human intellect, was born at Stratford-upon- Avon, in the county of Warwick, in the year 1564, and upon some day, not precisely ascertained, in the mon...

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Theological Essays and Other Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

...THEOLOGICAL ESSAYS AND OTHER PAPERS BY THOMAS DE QUINCEY A A A A AUTHOR OF UTHOR OF UTHOR OF UTHOR OF UTHOR OF C C C C CONFESSIONS OF AN ENGLISH OP... ...says and Other Papers: Volume One by Thomas de Quincey is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State University. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...qual opportunity university. Contents Contents Contents Contents Contents ON CHRISTIANIT ON CHRISTIANIT ON CHRISTIANIT ON CHRISTIANIT ON CHRISTIANITY... ...rate fluxions of its advance? Judging by the past, and the change which is registered between that and the present, we know that it must be awake; jud... ...m, or its present value, but as regards its original gen- esis, or what in civil law is called the deductio. Under what 7 Thomas de Quincey angle, un... ...ts to con- nect his own human institutes with the venerable sanctions of a national religion, or the case where a learned antiquary unfolds historical... ...ions of a national religion, or the case where a learned antiquary unfolds historically the record of a vast mythology. Heaps of such cases, (both law... His literary fate was what might have been expected. After the Persian war, the reputation of his verses rapidly decayed. Wits arose in Athens, wh... ...that the burning of a wood, or even of a forest, which happens in our vast American *‘Integrity of the metaphor.’—One of the best notes ever writ- ten...

Excerpt: Theological Essays and Other Papers: Volume One by Thomas de Quincey.

...Contents ON CHRISTIANITY, AS AN ORGAN OF POLITICAL MOVEMENT..................................4 PROTESTANTISM............................................................................................................... 39 ON THE SUPP...

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