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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...her to foster curiosity about past Information Technology. Paraphrased from Henry Hobhouse’s introduction to Seeds of Change. Table of Contents... ... Francis Bacon. . CHAPTERS 1. Did Water Monkeys Swim before We Spoke? From whence cometh language, the InfoTech that lets us dominate our planet?... ...allucinate word boundaries. Spaces, such as you see in writing, are absent from speech. Yet somehow we find it easy to make sense of speech. 2. T... ...ticularly the printed word have been used. They can let you move from the peoples of ancient eras, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Rom... ...o garnered, preserved, and stored the fruits of education. Troubadours—people able to repeat a thousand words after hearing them just once—delive... ...the lake‘s sandy shores. Hundreds of miles from the nearest seashore, its people probably had no idea that melting of the last ice age had been lift... ...—more than thirteen times that of Paris—Cordoba was on its way to succeed Constantinople as the largest and most prosperous city in Europe. Islam‘... ...million—more than thirteen times that of Paris—and the city would succeed Constantinople as the largest and most prosperous city in Europe. Islam’s...

...1. Did Water Monkeys Swim before We Spoke?-From whence cometh language, the InfoTech that lets us dominate our planet? We listen. We easily hallucinate word boundaries. Spaces, such as you see in writing, are absent from speech. Yet somehow we find it easy to make sen...

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