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American Civil War on the National Register of Historic Places (X) Military Science (X)

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Empire and Wars

By: Sam Vaknin

...written permission from: Lidija Rangelovska – write to: Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": ... ...from: Lidija Rangelovska – write to: Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-revi... ... II. About "After the Rain" Containing the United States I. The Roots of Anti-Americanism II. Containing the United States III. Islam and Lib... ...I. Add Me to the List VII. The American Hostel VIII. The Semi-failed State The War in Afghanistan I. Afghan Myths II. Pakistan’s Nice Little... ...hanistan I. Afghan Myths II. Pakistan’s Nice Little War III. The Afghan Trip On the Road to Iraq – Central and East Europe I. EU and NATO –... ...spossessed and by their self-appointed delegates, the intelligentsia. Yet, even by historical standards, America seems to be provoking blanket repu... ... is a throwback to darker ages of religious zealotry, pernicious bigotry, virulent nationalism, and the capricious misrule of the mighty. According... ...the former. The Kosovo Liberation Army, an American anti- Milosevic pet, provoked a civil war in Macedonia tin 2001. Osama bin-Laden, another CIA go... ...raqi crude oil exports ... The cooperation of all concerned is essential”. The UN registers the outcomes: "As at 2 August, the revenue shortfall h...

The antecedents and aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the role of the United States in international affairs.

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Why We Are at War

By: Woodrow Wilson

... Wilson A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Why We Are at War by Woodrow Wilson is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University... ...s Series Publication Why We Are at War by Woodrow Wilson is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnis... ...eries Publication Why We Are at War by Woodrow Wilson is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnished... ...h the President’s proclamation of war April 6, 1917 and his message to the American people April 15, 1917. Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York and ... ...d also in connection with the President’s procla- mation of a state of war on April 6th and his message to the American people of April 15th. While th... ... rendering a service of permanent value by collecting and presenting these historic documents in the same form in which they have published President ... ...peace as is the just settlement of questions of territory or of racial and national allegiance. 8 Why We Are at War MUST EQUALIZE RIGHTS OF NATIONS T... ...on that the people and Government of the United States will join the other civilized nations of the world in guaranteeing the permanence of peace upon... ...prevent violation of the regulations, all alien enemies will be obliged to register. T welfth. An alien enemy whom there may be reasonable cause to be...

Excerpt: Why We Are at War by Woodrow Wilson.

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Actions and Reactions

By: Rudyard Kipling

...ies Publication Actions and Reactions by Rudyard Kipling is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furn... ... Publication Actions and Reactions by Rudyard Kipling is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furnish... ...he Combine that had shivered beneath his knife gave him all the honours of war: Gunsberg himself, full of condolences, came to the steamer and filled ... ...itz is right. I’m dead; only I don’t see why he left out the ‘In Memoriam’ on the ribbons!” “Nonsense!” his wife answered, and poured him his tinc- tu... a good time in her. You were—” “Well, I discovered I was too much of an American to be content to be a rich man’s son. You aren’t blaming me for th... ...-board in the Captains’ Room, the pulsing arrows of some twenty indicators register, degree by geo- graphical degree, the progress of as many homeward... ...w score of persons of both sexes, controls this planet. “Transportation is Civilisation,” our motto runs. Theoretically, we do what we please so long ... ...lis, there to commence his life’s work. M. Victor Lavalle tells us of that historic collision (en plane) on the flank of Hecla between Herrera, then a... .... It seemed to me a pretty sight, but Penfentenyou said it represented Our National Attitude. Lord Lundie’s summer resting-place we learned was a farm...

...Excerpt: It came without warning, at the very hour his hand was outstretched to crumple the Holz and Gunsberg Combine. The New York doctors called it overwork, and he lay in a darkened room, one ankle crossed above the other, tongue pressed into palate, wonderin...

...N ENFORCED ........................................................................................................................................ 4 THE RECALL ................................................................................................................................................................. 35 GARM?A HOSTAGE......................................

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Notes on Life and Letters

By: Joseph Conrad

... Joseph Conrad A PENN STATE ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION Notes on Life and Letters by Joseph Conrad is a publication of the Pennsylvania S... ...S PUBLICATION Notes on Life and Letters by Joseph Conrad is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furn... ...UBLICATION Notes on Life and Letters by Joseph Conrad is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. This Portable Document file is furnish... a certain South Ameri- can general who used to say that no emergency of war or peace had ever found him “with his boots off”; but I may say that wh... ...estricted. It is not difficult to perceive why. Maupassant is an intensely national writer. He is so intensely national in his logic, in his clearness... ...of the court the author passes by a characteristic and natural turn to the historical and moral significance of those two emblems of State and Religio... ...of Im- 43 Joseph Conrad perial Penguins. Tracing the development of their civilisation, the absurdity of their desires, the pathos of their folly and..., and he talked slowly with an into- nation which on some people, mainly Americans, had, I believe, a jarring effect. But not on me. What- ever he s... ...ion bulkhead. But the Arizona was not, if I re- member rightly, 5,000 tons register, let alone 45,000, and she was not going at twenty knots per hour....

Excerpt: Notes on Life and Letters by Joseph Conrad.

.......... 32 STEPHEN CRANE?A NOTE WITHOUT DATES?1919 ......................................................................................... 46 TALES OF THE SEA?1898 ....................................................................................................................................... 49 AN OBSERVER IN MALAYA?1898...............................................

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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT Final FM.1pp 7/17/04 5:25 PM Page i List of Illustrations and Tables ix Member List xi Staff List xiii–xiv Pr... ... Staff List xiii–xiv Preface xv 1. “WE HAVE SOME PLANES” 1 1.1 Inside the Four Flights 1 1.2 Improvising a Homeland Defense 14 1.3 National C... ....1 Inside the Four Flights 1 1.2 Improvising a Homeland Defense 14 1.3 National Crisis Management 35 2. THE FOUNDATION OF THE NEW TERRORISM 47... ...ment 35 2. THE FOUNDATION OF THE NEW TERRORISM 47 2.1 A Declaration of War 47 2.2 Bin Ladin’s Appeal in the Islamic World 48 2.3 The Rise of B... ... and al Qaeda (1988–1992) 55 2.4 Building an Organization, Declaring War on the United States (1992–1996) 59 2.5 Al Qaeda’s Renewal in Afghanistan... ...Action 126 4.5 Searching for Fresh Options 134 5. AL QAEDA AIMS AT THE AMERICAN HOMELAND 145 5.1 Terrorist Entrepreneurs 145 5.2 The “Planes O... ...and equal rights for women. It makes no dis- tinction between military and civilian targets. Collateral damage is not in its lexicon. We learned that ... ...and social turmoil. It is the story of an organization poised to seize its historical moment. How did Bin Ladin—with his call for the indiscrimi- nate..., Jr.), and had authorized unlawful wiretaps and surveillance.The shock registered in public opinion polls, where the percentage of Americans decla...

...Excerpt: We present the narrative of this report and the recommendations that flow from it to the President of the United States, the United States Congress, and the American people for their consideration. Ten Commissioners--five Republicans an...

...CONTENTS List of Illustrations and Tables ix Member List xi Staff List xiii?xiv Preface xv 1. ?WE HAVE SOME PLANES? 1 1.1 Inside the Four Flights 1 1.2 Improvising a Homeland Defense 14 1.3 National Crisis Management 35 2. THE FOUNDATION O...

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Memories and Portraits

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...Robert Louis Stevenson (1912 Chatto and Windus edition) is a publica- tion of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furni... ...ert Louis Stevenson (1912 Chatto and Windus edition) is a publica- tion of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnishe... ........................................... 53 CHAPTER IX: THOMAS STEVENSON – CIVIL ENGINEER ...................................................... 58 CH... ...OURED ........................................... 92 CHAPTER XIV: A GOSSIP ON A NOVEL OF DUMAS’S ........................................................ ...ll we eager him to eat of it himself. The same spirit inspired Miss Bird’s American missionaries, who had come thousands of miles to change the faith ... ... And that same night he was tossing in a brain fever. People are afraid of war and wounds and dentists, all with excellent reason; but these are not t... ...beyond all the impudencies of logic, considering a reference to the parish register worth all the reasons in the world, “I am old and well stricken in... ...; when once youth has flown, each new impression only deepens the sense of nationality and the desire of native places. So may some cadet of Royal Eco... ...strata. Masses of experience, anecdote, incident, cross-lights, quotation, historical instances, the whole flotsam and jetsam of two minds forced in a...

...Excerpt: Chapter 1. The Foreigner At Home. ?This is no my ain house; I ken by the biggin? o?t.? Two recent books* one by Mr. Grant White on England, one on France by the diabolically clever Mr. Hillebrand, may well have set people thinking on th...

...Contents CHAPTER I: THE FOREIGNER AT HOME ..................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II: SOME COLLEGE MEMORIES................................................................................ 1...

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Familiar Studies of Men and Books

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...NSON A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Familiar Studies of Men and Books by Robert Louis Stevenson is a publication of the Pennsylv... ...iar Studies of Men and Books by Robert Louis Stevenson is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable Document file is furnishe... ...t of these men re-created Scotland, and the second is its most essentially national production. T o treat fitly of Hugo and Villon would involve yet w... ... history, and religion, but of the growth and liberties of art. Of the two Americans, Whitman and Thoreau, each is the type of some- thing not so much... ...versal history and criticism. Now, it is one thing to write with enjoyment on a subject while the story is hot in your mind from recent reading, colou... ...oy and profit by, to the labour and sweat of those who support the litter, civilisation, in which we ourselves are so smoothly carried forward. People... as the plot is an abstract judicial difficulty, the hero is an abstract historical force. And this has been done, not, as it would have been before... ...arose in part from his lax views about religion; for at this time that old war of the creeds and confessors, which is always grumbling from end to end... ...ay, a shameful and useless ceremony; the very greffier, entering it in his register, wrote in the mar- gin, “Pax, pax, inquit propheta, et non ext pax...

...Excerpt: Preface By Way Of Criticism. These studies are collected from the monthly press. One appeared in the New Quarterly, one in MacMillan?s, and the rest in the Cornhill Magazine. To the Cornhill I owe a double debt of thanks; first, that I was ...

...Contents PREFACE BY WAY OF CRITICISM. ........................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER I ? VICTOR HUGO?S ROMANCES ........................................................................ 15 CHAPTE...

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