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Japanese Tea Ceremony (X) Government (X)

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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...rch 20, Lewis Scjuires '01, brother of the bridegrootn was best man at the ceremony and among the ushers were two other brothers, Dr. Charles A. Squir... ... Great Barrington, were met by Manager Rogers who went with the clubs to a tea at the residence of Mrs. J. R. McComb, one of the patronesses, after wh... ...AMS AT BAT GARGOYLE ELECTIONS Seventeen Men Chosen—Unusual Crowd Witnesses Ceremony The annual elections to Gar- goyle ooourred after the Amherst game... ... the onlookers in the gallery were not so numerous as usual. An in- formal tea was given at 5.00 o'clock in the afternoon by the members of the floor ... ... in as good taste as the other decora- tions. High above the floor, from a Japanese umbrella suspended under the canopy, were hung three electric-ligh... ...nese umbrella suspended under the canopy, were hung three electric-lighted Japanese lanterns, and other large Japanese lanterns hung on six mountain l... ...on in room 13, Hopkins Hall. The exhibit includes a number of specimens of Japanese painting, lacquer, ivory and wood work. P. J. Dempsey DEALER IN Fi... ...gfield: treasurer, Frank J. Demond '82 of Springfield; executive cororait- tea, Solomon B. Griffin '72 of Springfield, Dr. J. Clarke Hub- bard "77 of ... ...ide, 10 Hoxsey street, on Mon- day, December 2^, 1907, at 7.:jO p. in. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. D. P. Hatch of Franklin, N. H., assisted b...

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The Soul Bearer

By: Jonathan Cross

...e liked it. The lobby, to his surprise, was nearly empty; only a small group of Japanese mingled near the entrance to the coffee shop .. He walked ... ...w?" "She will, my brother. Tonight, the moon will be full. A good omen for the ceremony." "I will ask Matloch." THE THICK FOREST shaded River Song... ...ns, Hawk spoke tenderly. "I'm going to ask Matloch to witness an ancient tribal ceremony this evening: the Cleansing Ritual of the Soul." "Why?" sh... ... "Why?" she asked softly, and nuzzled closer. "Matloch's soul is troubled. The ceremony will release his personal demons." "He'll never agree to p... ... this morning. What did you think, Richard?" River Song asked sipping on an ice tea. "I think this Hearing is going to be explosive. Hacker is like ... ...akfast. "We're all ears," Hawk said, sipping on a special blend oftrib­ al herb tea. "Taranto's on the loose. We believe he's preparing an assault ... ...o was still staring out at the garden. "There's a lot to do. Le­ gal things. The Japanese have offered to buy what's left of I.E." "You gonna sell?" ...

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To Build a Fire : And Other Stories

By: Jack London

...r them. And as to the foregathering, ask Father Roubeau here: he performed the ceremony.” The Jesuit took the pipe from his lips, but could only expre... ...ns, but was aroused by Ruth filling his cup. “Thank God, we ’ve got slathers of tea! I ’ve seen it growing, down in Tennessee. What would n’t I give fo... ...eir flapjacks and soaked their crusts in the rich, white syrup. Then coffee and tea, and especially the dried fruits, made disastrous inroads upon it. ... ...own story of the home cabin, the roaring Yukon stove, and the steaming pots of tea. But the home cabin had been invaded. Three score huskies chorused ... ...nds of the earth, and had neither gods nor homes, sailing under the flag of the Japanese. And with them I went to the rich beaches of Copper Island, wh...

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Memories and Portraits

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

...e threw himself between the angry, touching his hat the while with all the ceremony of an usher: he protected the birds from everybody but himself, se... ...gineers to the Indian, the 59 Memories and Portraits New Zealand, and the Japanese Lighthouse Boards, so that Edinburgh was a world centre for that b... ...ful nurse. The canine conscience did not solve the problem with a pound of tea at Christmas. No longer content to pay a flying visit, it was the whole...

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Familiar Studies of Men and Books

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

... what out of sight in the pressure of new information and the apologetical ceremony of biographers. Mr. Carlyle made an inimitable bust of the poet’s ... ...y, had inscribed texts as to the binding nature of an oath; and surely, if ceremony can do aught to fix the wandering affec- tions, here were two peop... period opens in the story of the poet’s random affections. He met at a tea party one Mrs. Agnes M’Lehose, a married woman of about his own age, wh... ...ncy for each other on the spot; Mrs. M’Lehose, in her turn, invited him to tea; but the poet, in his character of the Old Hawk, preferred a tete-a-tet... ...annot lay my hands on the passage in which he explains his abstinence from tea and coffee, but I am sure I have the meaning correctly. It is this; He ... ...his would be a loss not easy to exagger- ate. It is still wonderful to the Japanese how far he contrived to push these explorations; a cultured gentle... another, and the main work still halted; but so long as he had a single Japanese to enlighten and prepare for the better future, he could still fee... ...y European creature the same face of awe and terror as to these courageous Japanese. The descent of Ulysses into hell is a parallel more near the case... ...irable match. The bride brought five hundred thousand francs of dowry. The ceremony was of the utmost magnifi- cence, Louis of Orleans figuring in cri...

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