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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...wns entirely suo- oessful, and despite its humorous side, tied a new itnot in tlie bond of ail Williams men. The parade, the fireworks, the transparen... ...parts of a cus- tom tliftt is no empty formalitj. The Parade 1910 gathered in front of the opera house shortly after 7 o'clock, clad in night-shirts, ... ...low- ing the drag was the North Adams " band," and then came the fresh men in a blaze of fireworks. The parade marched up Main street to the Greylock ... ...ig Brerything up to d«te Sfiring Street, WlllUmatown CONSTITUTIONS SIMILAR Germany and the United States Compared by Dr. Hoetzsch IVofesHur Oltci Iloi... ...re are siniilaritips and dis- similarities between the constitu- tioiis of Germany and of the L'liited States. It must be re raeinl)i!red, however, th... ...sefttntives before the state senate taxation committee at Boston Thursday, protests against the bill recently reported for non-ex- emption of professo... ...ss. This condition oc- curs periodically every spring.and the accompanying protests make iheir api)earance almost as regu- larly. The appearance of th... ...gy 4 yesterday on the influ- ence of geology on the fiooplo and country of Germany. TI16 lectun? \Yill be continued on Friday. P. J. Dempsey DEALER IN...

...ongest running independent newspaper at Williams is the Williams Record, a weekly broadsheet paper published on Wednesdays. The newspaper was founded in 1885, and now has a weekly circulation of 3,000 copies distributed in Williamstown, in addition to more than 600 subscribers across the country. The newspaper does not receive financial support from the college or from the...

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