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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...iiXfl* 56fforoj VOL. XXI WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1907 NO. 1 THE HATCHET BURIED Conclusion of Hostilities Be- tween the Classes of 1909 ... ...AMSTOWN, MASS., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1907 NO. 1 THE HATCHET BURIED Conclusion of Hostilities Be- tween the Classes of 1909 and 1910 End of the March J7th... ...arch J7th Celebration —The Shirt-Tail Parade- Speeches of the Four Orators on the Old Campus When the four olnsseB joined hands and oiroled around the... ...he auxiliary com- mittee, composed of M. Brown, Bradley, Ford, Soutbworth, War- ren and Wight, and the sophomore and freshmen speakers. Follow- ing th... ...d that professor Mil ham is not present. He is in the laboratory trying to register an earthquake shock, caused by Clough walking across the camp- us.... ...t Present Evils Mr. Iloiiior Fulks of New York oity, viooohairinuii of thn National Child Labor o(jMiinitleo, addreBHed tlio Good Governmen t club in ... ...gs I have a Shorthand System, easily as good as the best now taught in any American Business College, that 1 can teach In twelve (12) evenings. Tui- t... ... school at Farmer, N. Y'. and then studied law in Auburn, N. Y. During tho Civil War he was clerk in the otiico of the Provost Marsiial of Ilia distri... ...e conclusions Dr. Pratt has reached from his admir- able psychological and historical study of religions belief, no really intelligent critic will say...

...The longest running independent newspaper at Williams is the Williams Record, a weekly broadsheet paper published on Wednesdays. The newspaper was founded in 1885, and now has a weekly circulation of 3,000 copies distributed ...

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