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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

...re onerous and more tedious process commences: Due Diligence. "Due Diligence" is a legal term (borrowed from the securities industry). It means, es... ...n the preparation of a Business Plan. It is confined both in time and in subjects: Legal, Financial, Technical, Marketing, Controls. The Marketing... ...ess (to show its track performance and growth). • Points regarding the political, legal (licences) and competitive environment. • A vision of th... ... financial crisis management led Albania to the verge of disintegration and a civil war. Rioters invaded police stations and army barracks and expro... ... gripped the nation just prior to the Great Depression. As Europe wallowed in post-war malaise, America seemed to have discovered a new economy, th... ... The state has acquired monstrous proportions in the decades since the Second world War. It is about to grow further and to digest the few sectors h... ...g economies sovereign debt market. Even obligations of countries such as Serbia and Iraq are traded, though sporadically. Recently, according to Dow... ...tal Finance created a special fund to provide interested investors with exposure to Iraqi paper. Nor is the enthusiasm confined to this former memb... ...ses, 44 percent owned by Credit Lyonnais and the rest by Arab banks, including the Iraqi Rafidain, is an aggressive buyer of Iraqi and other Middle...

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