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American Pacifists (X) Astronomy (X) Most Popular Books in China (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...s losing one‘s job. Sex makes us happier, as does enjoying one‘s job. The Americans, who spend much more time working are much higher on the happine... ...ed at home, in your neighborhood or in school is the truth, divine truth. Americans eat with their forks in their right hands, Europeans with the for... ...ies ate their meals together. She was appalled by the poor manners of the American students. Her mother had taught her good table manners at home, r... ... with your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right). But the Americans had very poor manners. They cut all their food first then put the... ...the right hand. The Norwegian assumed that after a few weeks the ignorant Americans would follow her lead of good manners. After two weeks she was ca... ...original King James version, proscribed killing, the Jews would have been pacifists and would be against capital punishment. So was the original Kin... ...of Jesus‘s pacifism?‖ —―Hindus and Buddhists are more likely to be pacifists because all life is sacred and part of the totality of god. Just...

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And Gulliver Returns Book III : A Visit to Kino

By: Bob Oconnor

...or strawberries. 9 ―World cotton prices have never been lower but American cotton farmers earn nearly twice as much for their crops because... ...fe by the Chinese or the realities of the ill-conceived war in Iraq for the Americans and British—it doesn‟t take long for the truth to be known. The... ... price of their exports up. The Chinese yuppies are following the American way of pursuing money and the things it can bring—less free time... ...ble to love. We continue children‘s nurturing in schools by following your American pattern of teaching children to take turns. They must realize tha... ...ctual statutes rather than on the Common Law that has given Englishmen and Americans so many ways to get around the statutes enacted by their legisl... ...l blessings and support of God. You Americans have been the most militant pacifists in the history of the world. ―It is our belief that democ...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...ew lions? When there were millions of grazing animals? Why didn’t the North American natives colonize the land where millions of bison lived? It ... ...hapter Three: Summary of Hominid-Human development 205 The earliest North American cultures invented bone-tools and flint tools by themselves. B... ...plitting with crude stones as the first form of stone technology. After North American humans began splitting Mammoth-bones: did they start evolving... ...Neanderthals In Europe, and the Clovis Culture exterminating the earlier North American humans, and taking over the continent. The same basic histor... ... underdog at the beginning; was romantic to say the least. What if the North American Indians tried to do it? Or the Irish…? Oops, I forgot…that ... ...x did not like its skirts being besmirched with accusations by rich, affluent pacifists screaming at them to stop selling weapons to corrupt dictator...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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