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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

... By Indrek Pringi Library of Congress Txu 987-756 Copyright January 29th 2001 Canadian Copyri... ...ns: Connection, and Separation. This book explores the logical extrapolation of this, and other Dynamics. My challenge to the reader is simple. ... ...not? Preface The Basic Elements of Human Understanding are: ... ... improved for over 4 million years… the technique of separation, or to use the politically correct term; tool-use. THE PATH OF SPLITNESS Cha... ...e which will impregnate the female planetary-egg. The entire, international political race to get to the moon first: was merely a mechanical recrea... ... that word as an excuse for refusing to listen to any new idea; it is just the politically correct code-word for saying: ‘I am afraid of any kind of ... ... and Nobles had in those days were the semantic equivalent of brainwashing by terminology. Brainwashing by association. Call a dog a cat long enoug... ... forced to give you an answer: they spout Grey’s anatomy, or some holy medical terminology and mass-studies done on certain ‘identical conditions’, a... ...nd human emotions, and the human psyche-personality-soul. Again. The entire terminology of positive, and negative is a bunch of semantic bullshit....

...The Path of Splitness is a major non fiction work of 1,868 pages: This is the latest revised version. The book analyzes and explains: 1: The origins of our Universe: where it came from and how it was created. 2: Basic aspects a...

...Chapter 1: The Universe. Pgs 1-112 How the Universe came into being. Chapter 2: Life Pgs 113-131 Structural dynamics of the Universe and Life Chapter 3: Hominids Pgs 132-187 A: How we evolved into Humans Pgs 188-222 B: Summary of Hominid-Human Development Chapter 4: Modern Human Dynamics P...

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