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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

...urs fail - in knowing when to let go. Return The Myth of the Earnings Yield In American novels, well into the 1950's, one finds protagonists us... ...all but impossible. There is no telling what were the contributions of drug barons, American off-shore corporations, or European and Japanese tax-ev... ...ten end up fostering a bubble. South Korean chaebols, Japanese keiretsu, as well as American conglomerates frequently used these cheap funds to prop... ...f "laissez faire, laissez passer" - the hands-off battle cry. Theirs was a natural religion. The market, as an agglomeration of individuals, they ... ...e year than Albert Einstein did in his entire life. This strikes many - especially academics - as unfair. Surely Einstein's contributions to human ... ...ock Market", the authors - Marcus Miller, Paul Weller, and Lei Zhang, all respected academics - accuse the Fed of creating a "Greenspan Put". In a s...

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