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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...ugust 1998 115 4.3 Diplomacy 121 4.4 Covert Action 126 4.5 Searching for Fresh Options 134 5. AL QAEDA AIMS AT THE AMERICAN HOMELAND 145 5.1... ...AT 174 6.1 The Millennium Crisis 174 6.2 Post-Crisis Reflection:Agenda for 2000 182 6.3 The Attack on the USS Cole 190 6.4 Change and Continuity... ...radio repeater system p. 288 The World Trade Center North T ower stairwell with deviations p. 312 The Twin Towers following the impact of American Air... ...reported to NORAD headquarters, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Interagency Collaboration. The FAA and NORAD had developed proto- cols for working toge... ...ucted it to poll all its centers about suspect aircraft.The Command Center executed the request and, a minute later, Cleveland Center reported that “U... ...e wanted to make sure the Presi- dent was told that the Vice President had executed the order. He said he had not heard any prior discussion on the su... ...lims.Thus Americans are blamed when Israelis fight with Palestinians, when Russians fight with Chechens, when Indians fight with Kashmiri Muslims, and... ...ill be amazed.The so-called United States will suffer the same fate as the Russians.Their state will collapse, too.” 80 Debate in the State Department... ...e capabilities can be overwhelmed if an attack is large enough.Team- work, collaboration, and cooperation at an incident site are critical to a suc- c...

...e of this report and the recommendations that flow from it to the President of the United States, the United States Congress, and the American people for their consideration. Ten Commissioners--five Republicans and five Democrats chosen by elected leaders from our nation?s capital at a time of great partisan division--have come together to present this report without disse...

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