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Gestures of Respect (X) Literary fiction (X)

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...e put strength in his shoulders and knees, and set in his heart the daring of a mosquito, which, though constantly brushed away from a man's skin, sti... ...ushed away from a man's skin, still insists on biting him for the pleasure of human blood." --The Iliad Homer Book I: P... ...ey, with their driver, went down Ramkhamhaeng Road singularly in the scope of their thoughts but conditioned into repudiating their aloneness. It was ... ...ogramming of right and wrong no matter what he claimed to Noppawan. Being respectful to one's elders and giving the prayerful gesture of the "wei" (p... ...resheners or chewing gum for everyone. No Thai would refuse such friendly gestures and the two of them took from his hand greedily like tamed birds. ... ...d out that she was a dancer. There was no surprise there. Her flirtatious gestures and the presence of her frail mommy looking over at them and hopin... ...One worker who rested on a red stool enthralled him. Without any specific gestures or words sent to him, he nonetheless felt her listlessness and kne... me." "No, I mean it literally, Ajarn," said Jatupon. Ajarn meant "respected teacher." "I went to the area outside of the Grand Palace in San... ...elings of sympathy for their plight or the senator's loneliness? --In some respects he did. He reminisced about his mother whom this high governing un...

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The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...The Unfettered Life of Kenyon of New Orleans By Steven David Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writ... ...Justin Sills "My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public, but was done to last forever" --Thucydides Part I K... ...nduced sleep where dreams were as uneventful as the idealized restfulness of death; but though privileged enough to be impaired with such a substance... ...f their reign, were temporary occupants of the world no different, in that respect from human creatures) walked on her feet and legs freely. She pick... ... with death. So was this a consensual act? She certainly had followed his gestures and summons. Her weakness for intimacy had ravaged her as much as ... ...a hurricane; a man. once a plumber, but now a police officer; a woman, her gestures implied, who was captive; a woman with a type of scoliosis; an ug... ...of human flesh. But then, if she had done so how would the admonishment to respect her elders, a rule reiterated to her time and time again in her gi... ... they were family, and being in their company, she had been needed in one respect or another. Thus, back then, she had been of consequence, loved r... ...h their zippers undone were the wholy albeit oblong wafers the shapes and gestures of a standing sausages ready to take a bow. And what fetid aroma ...

...This experimental literary novel seeks to probe the mind of Kenyon, an isolated invalid in her home, as she goes through morphine induced sleep and lucid wakefulness, and in both seeking meaning for her life and to be reconciled to her estranged marriage...

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...ter and imitate any object, and should propose to make a public display of his talents and his productions, we shall pay him reverence as a ... ... with woolen fillets; but for ourselves, we shall employ, for the sake of our real good, that more austere and less fascinating poet and le... ...s fascinating poet and legend-writer, who will imitate for us the style of the virtuous man." Plato (Republic) Chapter One At Toksugum Pala... ... three had been functioning with such dead but hopeful words and perfunctory gestures which were then ripped out of them as the program, memory, and e... ...sexuality was so taboo there that nobody believed in its existence. In that respect, free of discrimination, one was free to be gay in Korea. Then th... ...sions--these judgments-- could not be real. They were based on brief outward gestures and the judges had nothing but their own usual experiences of th... ... Back then while students paraded themselves in the insouciance of sociable gestures reflecting their sexual rhythms he had dangled alone like a skel... ...e of happiness could not occur without them. He was a lot different in that respect: influences by hormones to sociability were thwarted by his warin... there was only one claim to be made and that was upon himself. In this respect he was quite American. Chapter Three Traditional homes often had ...

...rean culture and that his own life is an outlier to this conservative society. As he lives there, making his living as an English teacher, he writes of Gabriele, a single parent in Ithaca New York who manifests a more open and less asphyxiating rebellion against society...

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