Search Results (13 titles)

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The Effective Medication

By: Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

Dosage of pure Castor oil - Enema of water 'suspended starch'

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Cupping (Al-hijama) : A Prophetical (Divine) Medicine Appears in its New Scientific Perspective

By: Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

You will find in this book: Definition of the true cupping, the starting point , the history of cupping, the precise scientific medical rules, elucidated by the savant M. Amin Sheikho, which the medical team has used in its scientific research, these rules can be summarized as follows: - The place of body for applying the cupping operation. - The suitable age for cupping operation. - Time of the cupping operation . - The physiological situation of the body. - The relationship between the Moon' effect and Cupping. - The simple cupping instruments. - The mechanism of the cup of cupping (Known as air-cups). - How to apply the right method of the cupping treatment. - The general lab report of the systematic scientific study about the cupping operation...

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A Guide to Organic Foods & Raw Foods: You Are What You Eat

By: Easy Green Living, Compiler;

Eating organic foods & raw foods is a great way to improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of the benefits of eating organic foods & raw foods include getting rid of the toxins that cause a lot of the chronic health problems that we are faced with nowadays such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and excess weight. Eating organic & raw foods also helps the body to be more resistant to disease, helps the body fight off infections, boosts energy levels, helps the body maintain a healthy weight, improves mental functionality, regulates blood sugar and blood pressure levels. ...

Table of Content 1. What Are Organic Foods? 2. What Are the Advantages of Eating Organic Foods? 3. Why Choose Organic Foods? 4. What is a Raw Food Diet? 5. A Raw Food Diet isn’t really a DIET it’s a Lifestyle 6. Why You Should Give the Raw Food Lifestyle a Try 7. Introducing Raw Foods to the Kids 8. Why Go “Raw”? 9. Transforming Your Diet 10. Raw Food Recipes 11. Natural Alternatives for Flavor 12. Eating Organic and Going Raw Can Get Expensive 13. Final Note: This Is Not a Fad Diet it’s a Lifestyle Change 14. Organic & Raw Food Resources ...

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By: Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

(Author to reader)--Reader, loe here a well-meaning Booke. It doth at the first entrance forewarne thee, that in contriving the same I have proposed unto my selfe no other than a familiar and private end: I have no respect or consideration at all, either to thy service, or to my glory: my forces are not capable of any such desseigne. I have vowed the same to the particular commodity of my kinsfolk and friends: to the end, that losing me (which they are likely to do ere long), they may therein find some lineaments of my conditions and humours, and by that meanes reserve more whole, and more lively foster the knowledge and acquaintance they have had of me. Had my intention beene to forestal and purchase the world's opinion and favour, I would surely have adorned myselfe more quaintly, or kept a more grave and solemne march. I desire thereun to be delineated in mine own genuine, simple and ordinarie fashion, without contention, art or study; for it is myselfe I pourtray. My imperfections shall thus be read to the life, and my naturall forme discerned, so farre-forth as publike reverence hath permitted me. For if my fortune had be...

They have a secret, unperceived and delicate beauty; he had neede of a cleere, farreseeing and true-discerning sight that should rightly discover this secret light. Is not ingenuity (according to us) cosin germaine unto sottishnesse, and a quality of reproach? Socrates maketh his soule to moove, with a naturall and common motion. Thus saith a plaine Country-man, and thus a seely Woman: Hee never hath other people in his mouth than Coach-makers, Joyners, Coblers, and Masons....

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Breathe Smart : The Secret to Happiness, Health and Long Life-2Nd Edition

By: Aaron Hoopes

Learning to breathe properly is the first step for everyone. Breathing is the basic fundamental aspect of our physical being. It is something we do all day everyday. It is vital that we have the skills to breathe effectively. Then we give the body the energy it needs to do what it is able to do. The 2nd Edition has over 20 new pages and two new chapters including one on Stress, Weight Loss and Breathing. (

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10 Best Self-Care Techniques

By: Aaron Alexander

Aaron Alexander is a world class movement coach and manual therapist. He regularly works with Olympic and professional athletes to achieve optimal performance and resolve pain problems. You can receive amazing FREE info on

“A reasonable man adapts himself to the world. An unreasonable man persists on trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” -George Bernard Shaw, Maxims For Revolution...

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Easy Weight Loss Secrets Guide : Volume 1

By: Harry Kainth

Best easy safe rapid quick fast ways to weight loss supplement exercise products plan

weight loss, weight loss programs, weight loss diet, weight loss pill, best easy safe rapid quick fast ways to weight loss supplement exercise products plan, weight loss success stories, free fitness weight loss solution system products, healthy weight loss, effective weight loss, fastest weight loss, weight loss secret, how to loss eight lose weight losing weight, fat burning hoodia loose, teen weight loss, pregnancy weight loss, how to information help...

weight loss, weight loss programs, weight loss diet, weight loss pill, best easy safe rapid quick fast ways to weight loss supplement exercise products plan, weight loss success stories, free fitness weight loss solution system products, healthy weight loss, effective weight loss, fastest weight loss, weight loss secret, how to loss eight lose weight losing weight, fat burning hoodia loose, teen weight loss, pregnancy weight loss, how to information help...

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Easy Weight Loss Secrets Guide : Volume 2

By: Harry Kainth

weight loss, weight loss programs, weight loss diet, weight loss pill, best easy safe rapid quick fast ways to weight loss supplement exercise products plan, weight loss success stories, free fitness weight loss solution system products, healthy weight loss, effective weight loss, fastest weight loss, weight loss secret, how to loss eight lose weight losing weight, fat burning hoodia loose, teen weight loss, pregnancy weight loss, how to information help...

weight loss, weight loss programs, weight loss diet, weight loss pill, best easy safe rapid quick fast ways to weight loss supplement exercise products plan, weight loss success stories, free fitness weight loss solution system products, healthy weight loss, effective weight loss, fastest weight loss, weight loss secret, how to loss eight lose weight losing weight, fat burning hoodia loose, teen weight loss, pregnancy weight loss, how to information help...

weight loss, weight loss programs, weight loss diet, weight loss pill, best easy safe rapid quick fast ways to weight loss supplement exercise products plan, weight loss success stories, free fitness weight loss solution system products, healthy weight loss, effective weight loss, fastest weight loss, weight loss secret, how to loss eight lose weight losing weight, fat burning hoodia loose, teen weight loss, pregnancy weight loss, how to information help...

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A New Therapy for Health & Energy, Version 3

By: Richard Clark

Updated September 2015. A simple, easy to use therapy for self use at home. Nothing is taken. It's effective and safe having been developed over 20 years and it works on many conditions. The materials used are inexpensive, household items easily obtained. This book contains a free step-by-step guide showing how to use The Therapy. Many have tried it over the years and it's hoped you will as well....

Key Features: * Effective. * Nothing taken. * Safe. * For any condition. *Developed over 20 years. *No special skill needed. *No side effects. *Simple step-by-step guide. * Inexpensive, easily obtained items used. * Not for use by people under 18 years old or pregnant women. * Only plastic bags come into skin contact. * Everything's reusable except the batteries - unless rechargeable are used. * Use in your own time. * It works! The Therapy is energy based in 3 easy to use parts: 1) Removing energy harmful to health from a person. 2) Transferring energy beneficial to health into a person. 3) Personal Development - new in Version 3. It's new and different, but hopefully you will give it a try and receive substantial benefit. Nothing can be promised but relief should start a few days after using The Therapy Part 1... Good luck, Richard Clark, January 2015, Bedford, UK. ...

1) The Therapy Part 1: Removing Harmful Energy Part 2: Adding Health Supporting Energy Supplemental Materials: Silica Gel Serotonin Injury & Accident Part 3: Personal Development Introduction Sea Salt Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) Potato Starch Yeast Vinegar Wheat Bran Corn or Maize Rice Millet Oats Soya or Soybeans Sugar More on Personal Development Afterword 2) The Problem of Illness A) The Burning of Fossil Fuels B) Insect Life, Material, Energy & Bites - Clear Fluid - Insect Material and Energy - Insect Life - The Used Energy Residue of Artificial Heat and Cold - Conditions that Start in the Womb - Cell Division - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Energy Packets - Cancer C) Bacteria D) The Energy of Fungal Infections Conditions Involving Fossil Fuel Energy and Insect Bites General Conditions Clear Fluid Vital Energy Harmful Electrical Energy The Bodies Electrical Energy Water in the Body Skin Conditions Other Conditions Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections Life Supporting Energy 3) The Problem of Health 4) How The Therapy works The Therapy, It...

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Healthcare & Technology: How to Be a Doctor Without Borders

By: Ms. Avijit Bajpai, Editor; Vidhi Rathee

This e-book is an attempt to provide doctors with a systematic and structured approach towards making the best use of technology in healthcare delivery. The book talks about various technological platforms doctors can use to efficiently manage as well as grow their practice. It essays about different verticals of technology along with the benefits it could reap for doctors in a longer run. Here’s what this short e-book holds for doctors: Current Healthcare Technology Trends in India Technology for effective Clinic Management Affairs Technology to help doctors Grow their Practice Tips for Doctors on how to use Technology...

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Promote Healthy Hair: The Eco-Friendly Way : Learn How to Make Your Hair Healthy and Beautiful Naturally and Stop Hair Problems From Happening

By: Darlene Alexander, Mrs.

This eBook gives you basic hair care tips on how to promote healthy hair. It covers interviews with two hair care professionals who provide their tips for taking care of hair. They also address reasons for hair problems that occur with their clients, and women in general. This eBook gives you insight to those hair problems and how you can avoid them, plus gives you tips on finding the right hair products, how to find a hairstylist, how vitamins, nutrients, and proteins play a factor in promoting healthy hair, and more...

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How To Build A Perfect Butt

By: Aaron Alexander

How to strengthen and shape your most valuable "asset" with the "10 Best Exercises" for your butt! Whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle this instructional guide will get you results fast. ...

One of the most sought after human traits in our modern society is, of course, the booty. We can’t go a day without hearing some form of homage to the holy backside in mainstream media. Why do we have this instinctual attraction to the booty?...

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ASIA : Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants

By: Jeffrey J. Prager

Over 100 peer reviewed reports describing a medical disorder recognized in the 1980s and finally named in 2013. ASIA, according to the US American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association there are over 100 autoimmune disorders affecting as many as 50 million Americans. One of the functions of the immune system is to protect the body by responding to invading microorganisms, such as viruses or bacteria, by producing antibodies or sensitized lymphocytes (types of white blood cells). Under normal conditions, an immune response cannot be triggered against the cells of one's own body. In some cases, however, immune cells make a mistake and attack the very cells that they are meant to protect. This can lead to a variety of autoimmune diseases. They encompass a broad category of related diseases in which the person's immune system attacks his or her own tissue. Vaccination is one cause of ASIA, the primary cause....

There is a silent epidemic of enormous proportions composed of Autoimmune Diseases—nearly 100 different illnesses—that have already affected millions of Americans. Autoimmune Disease is now a major American health problem. The National Institutes of Health estimate that there are 23.5 million Americans suffering from Autoimmune Disease and the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association estimates that there are 50 million Americans suffering from one Autoimmune Disease or another. The NIH includes data from 24 diseases for which good epidemiology studies are available and AARDA uses a wider estimate. Researchers have actually identified 80-100 different Autoimmune Diseases and suspect that another 40 illnesses have an autoimmune basis. These diseases are generally chronic and often deadly. Autoimmune Disease is now one of the top ten leading causes of death in female children and women in all age groups up to 64 years of age and commonly used immunosuppressant treatments frequently lead to devastating long term side effects. An autoimmune disease diagnosis can be life-threatening. There are critical factors creating ob...


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