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The Snakelex Report

By: Christine Jones

...hing upstairs, God’s handy work, by attempting to put a hole in a certain ark. At the time, Snakelex was young and naïve. For all his efforts, he on... ...s due to the immature demon swearing he had deliberately latched onto the ark to spy on the Noah family. The gatekeeper, the position the angel held,... ...companion. “Isn’t that…” “Yes. He’s the one.” In unison they laughed. “The ark assignment!” The ark assignment was not the first for these mature ange... ...concept of harbour cruises. Real Estate was at an all time high around the ark and primitive apartments and condominiums sprang up everywhere. There ... ...d merchants got their noses out of joint. They threatened to demolish the ark, complaining that the timber industry had suffered due to lack of supp...

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